There's many things I should update about but i haven't.
I love this photo a lot. I took this when I went pancake parlour with toto and faezah before returning to sg last year.
We look like dwarfs! but i think we looked really cute XD
During the post-exam period, i also went to Great Ocean Road with a bunch of guys. Great Ocean Road definitely looks nicer in summer when the sun is out. My prev experience of Great Ocean Road was in Autumn and it even rained while we were there. Unfortunately, those guys decided to leave really early because GOR didn't appeal to them as much and flies were pretty much annoying them. I was disappointed, frankly speaking, since I loved sceneries.
Here's my Taiwan trip photos! I shan't type too much about it. Too lazy to upload many photos since blogger isn't accommodating my photowhoring.
We went to Xin Chu first when we reached Taiwan. Our 2nd day (1st day was spent on the plane) was spent at the amusement park! We arrived there like super duper early and we were the first to enter the amusement park. Talk about kiasuism! We really thought it'll be crowded. Anyway, we finished whatever we wanted to take within a few hours since there weren't much queues around in the wee hours. The rides were not as exciting as those in Gold Coast but they had their own uniqueness. We took a few 360deg rides and the pirate ship was omgawd scary!
If I'm not wrong, this is our hotel in Taichung. We went to Taichung after we left the amusement park. This is the Kiwi hotel if i didn't remember wrongly. I love the room. I love the ambience. There's a tv which isn't in the photo la. I remembered screaming every night while scrolling through the TV channels cos we'd chance upon some porn channels. GEE!!! Then the bathtub in this hotel has jacuzzi! Playful me went to press the jacuzzi button when there was no water in the tub and omg, the whole toilet shook!! The bathtub was so cool the 3 of us (hy mx and i) sat by the bathtub to soak our aching feet.
While we were in Taichung we visited certain places. We visited a flower exhibition. It's something like Tulip fest but has more varieties of flowers. Then we went to Lavender garden! I love the garden! it's so sweet and it's sweeter when u go somewhere, write a wish on a card and tie it somewhere around a wishing tree. lol >.< I love doing this kind of things even though i noe my wish would not come true just like that.
We also visited some night markets there but i don't seem to recall the names XD
We visited a science centre (was it in Taichung?) Anyway, we just had some fun with the gadgets on display for people to try. The following photo is a photo taken of the security camera, which displays me trying to get pass some infra-red lasers in order to infringe upon some private area to steal something =D
This is Sun-Moon lake. We went there when we left Taichung for Minsu (staying @ a holiday chalet operated by a family or someone, usually located at the suburbs in a village) at somewhere. I'm seriously all over the place and there's no sequence XD pardon me. It's a big beautiful lake but too touristy. Full of ahtiongs fighting to take photos with a piece of rock that has characters (sun-moon lake) on it.
I caught some cool uncles posing with their bikes, so i just snapped a photo =D
A very random hotel found @ the same touristy area. It's seriously just one rectangular block standing all by itself. I bet it topples really easily >.<
This was Jiufen in Taipei area. Does it look like a scene in spirited away? I didn't think so >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
We went to participate in a recording when we were in Taipei. yes! it's bai-wan-da-ge-xing! haha! The photo's evidence of our presence in the studio.
We went there on our last night. Yes! it looks like the lounge of a hotel but NO! it's the lounge of partyworld (KTV). i was like OMGGGGGG!! the whole partyworld building looks like a hotel as well, full of karaoke rooms. Our room even has its own toilet!! coolness~
To summarise our time in taipei, we went to quite a few places to shop and we walked around for a bit. Oh yes! we definitely went to Shilin and we spent some time shopping for bags and shoes and clothes as well. haha! I had a great time in Taiwan. There's more pictures taken of course but i shall not post la.