I just finished one of my assignments and I'm left with one more!!
I've been pretty lazy lately. I just procrastinated so much and I didn't do much work either. I didn't even cook nice meals for myself!! Anyway, I finally gathered some energy to cook for the next few days. It was a pretty simple meal but guess wad? I'm addicted to it. Probably cos I've been gorging on unhealthy disgusting food the past few days.
I didn't take a picture... but that dish pretty much evolved quite a bit within 10mins of cooking. It was supposed to be just a simple stir-fry involving minced meat, onions and egg. Then it became sambal stir-fry in the end. lol! I got addicted to the nyonya sambal chilli from Glory. It's awesome! My tolerance for chilli went up so much i didn't think that the sambal chilli was spicy at all. Goodness! I need more potent chilli to satisfy my never-ending craving for spicy food. <3 chilli! To think I got diarrhoea a few times last year when I was still in Glenn just because I ate the chilli tuna/curry tuna from Ayam brand. I can't believe it!
Sorry hy!! =P
Oh yea... darling mx! Don't think u'll see this but thanks for listening to my unnecessary troubles. lol! at least I got over it somehow and started my craze and cravings for the chilli =D