Dear bloggie,
I haven't updated you for ages have I?
Haha, I've been busy!! Not super busy but pretty busy. After I came back from Korea, I had a concert with Chao Feng CO. OHhh... I love concerts =D Concerts are the time when you bond with other members in the CO and we have a lot of fun being crazy. And i do like being serious and performing my best for the audience. The auditorium was full! It was kind of unexpected being in Melb and getting a full auditorium.
Then I had my mental health placements at Austin Hospital. For confidentiality's sake, all I can say was I really enjoyed my placement and I had a wonderful preceptor who guided me really well. He was a nice guy and we even had a mini gossip session on my last day of placement =P The patients are well... patients. Got to witness how schizophrenia is truly like during this placement. The main downside to this placement was the nursing students in fact. Had one very irritating fellow nursing student on the same placement as I. I don't feel that she has the qualities and knowledge to become a nurse and I didn't feel justice when she passed (not due to her abilities). Oh well...
After my placements, I went straight to Gold Coast!! LOL!! Dream tourist place for most people. Went with Xin, Sue, Fang, Angela, xiaoyan and peisan. We stayed in an apartment and it was awesome >.< It is really near to Surfer's Paradise which is a really pretty surfing beach. To summarise the whole trip, we went to the three major theme parks, Movieworld, Dreamworld and Wet & Wild. The most insane rides are at Movie World and Dreamworld but I didn't take everything cos some of them are too scary. Wet & Wild's fairly alright. It's just the water rides and slides which are really fun =)) I didn't manage to catch any pictures as you don't really wanna carry your camera around during water rides. We also took Jetboating as well. It seems much more fun than the one I saw at NewZealand. He just kept spunning us around all the time and I got really wet. I loved it! Too bad I didn't get to do some sea sports like para-sailing. I guess I can do that in Thailand =P

The tower of terror @ dreamworld. It involves a carrier that will move -> at high speed and then upwards till it goes vertical to the highest point. It is extremely fast!! then it'll drop down backwards back to the original starting point. lol

This is surfer's paradise! We went there in the wee hours in the morning to watch the sunrise and take pictures. Beautiful place =D

This is the Superman ride/Metropolitan Rapid Transit/MRT at movieworld. It's insanely fast. It shoots up fast and goes down fast and it just goes up and down really fast. It took like...10 - 20 seconds to finish the whole course the moment it started speeding. When i got out from the roller coast, I was really tearing because I was sooo scared!! That arc is really really high up.

Yes we took pictures with Mr Spongebob @ Dreamworld!! and yea we aren't looking at my camera. We looked at another one.

A farm dog used to gather the sheeps. It's soooo friendly and I loved it so much i hugged it while taking the pictures. When i got close, I realised that it stinks a bit. LOL

Yesh yesh... we saw a cute koala at Dreamworld as well. I got to stroke it!! sooo nice.. like a soft toy.

This is the wild wild west log ride at Movie World. It's pretty high up. The amazing part was, the log actually went backwards for the first fall. For the 2nd fall (as seen in the picture), it's head first yea. This is the first time I've experienced falls that go backwards!! Tower of terror came later cos we went Movie World first.

And yea, this is jetboating. We just got spun 360deg all the time and we just kept getting wet. You don't get the adrenalin rush like roller coaster rides but all the spinning and water splashing just makes u get excited. We just kept waving to other people on the boat as well. haha.
The following are pictures that are taken during the rides. My friends went to buy the pictures so I just got the scanned ones from them.

The motor ride. It's just a roller-coaster that involves riding in a motorbike. awesome!

That's scooby-doo roller coaster. It freaked the hell outta us the first time we took it. First, the roller coast actually had to take a lift upwards. And the lift can shake and that scared us. After u get lifted up on the lift, you reach the highest point where u slide back and the roller coaster goes backwards down a slope. We were screaming like hell then!

That's the tower of terror ride. It starts off really fast. 4G-force? Don't know what that means but it's freaking fast.

And lastly, our jet-boating photo!! lol! nice =D