Hey bloggie!
I came back just in time to blog my november =D
Yes yes yes! I've finished all my assignments and exams ever since my last update. I'm not sure about how I fared, but I think I'm not going get my dream grades. Oh well, I still hope they'll be good. I haven't been doing much these weeks other than lock myself up in Chisholm to study and do assignments. Oh, there were a few birthdays during the month. Had a few good meals as well.
The moment exam ended, Sutyee came from Sydney to visit Melb so I spent a few days bringing her around the city. Found a few good stuff to buy. I shopped for quite a lot of clothes in preparation for Taiwan. I've got a nice jacket that I'm gonna wear when I'm in Taiwan =D
The time has come when I have to move out from my room =(( I hate packing!! I hate packing and moving. I can't pack too early cos I still needa use certain items. I really wanna finish packing everything and get it done with and enjoy the rest of my days lazing around and shopping in the city.
I guess my life, as a student, wouldn't be anymore interesting during the exam period. I shall see what goes on in the next week before I fly back to singapore =DD Look out for me!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Oct~
Hey bloggie,
I just finished one of my assignments and I'm left with one more!!
I've been pretty lazy lately. I just procrastinated so much and I didn't do much work either. I didn't even cook nice meals for myself!! Anyway, I finally gathered some energy to cook for the next few days. It was a pretty simple meal but guess wad? I'm addicted to it. Probably cos I've been gorging on unhealthy disgusting food the past few days.
I didn't take a picture... but that dish pretty much evolved quite a bit within 10mins of cooking. It was supposed to be just a simple stir-fry involving minced meat, onions and egg. Then it became sambal stir-fry in the end. lol! I got addicted to the nyonya sambal chilli from Glory. It's awesome! My tolerance for chilli went up so much i didn't think that the sambal chilli was spicy at all. Goodness! I need more potent chilli to satisfy my never-ending craving for spicy food. <3 chilli! To think I got diarrhoea a few times last year when I was still in Glenn just because I ate the chilli tuna/curry tuna from Ayam brand. I can't believe it!
My glory sambal chilli!! yeshhhh...
Sorry hy!! =P
Oh yea... darling mx! Don't think u'll see this but thanks for listening to my unnecessary troubles. lol! at least I got over it somehow and started my craze and cravings for the chilli =D
I just finished one of my assignments and I'm left with one more!!
I've been pretty lazy lately. I just procrastinated so much and I didn't do much work either. I didn't even cook nice meals for myself!! Anyway, I finally gathered some energy to cook for the next few days. It was a pretty simple meal but guess wad? I'm addicted to it. Probably cos I've been gorging on unhealthy disgusting food the past few days.
I didn't take a picture... but that dish pretty much evolved quite a bit within 10mins of cooking. It was supposed to be just a simple stir-fry involving minced meat, onions and egg. Then it became sambal stir-fry in the end. lol! I got addicted to the nyonya sambal chilli from Glory. It's awesome! My tolerance for chilli went up so much i didn't think that the sambal chilli was spicy at all. Goodness! I need more potent chilli to satisfy my never-ending craving for spicy food. <3 chilli! To think I got diarrhoea a few times last year when I was still in Glenn just because I ate the chilli tuna/curry tuna from Ayam brand. I can't believe it!
Sorry hy!! =P
Oh yea... darling mx! Don't think u'll see this but thanks for listening to my unnecessary troubles. lol! at least I got over it somehow and started my craze and cravings for the chilli =D
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My Sept ~
Dear bloggie,
I haven't updated you for ages have I?
Haha, I've been busy!! Not super busy but pretty busy. After I came back from Korea, I had a concert with Chao Feng CO. OHhh... I love concerts =D Concerts are the time when you bond with other members in the CO and we have a lot of fun being crazy. And i do like being serious and performing my best for the audience. The auditorium was full! It was kind of unexpected being in Melb and getting a full auditorium.
Then I had my mental health placements at Austin Hospital. For confidentiality's sake, all I can say was I really enjoyed my placement and I had a wonderful preceptor who guided me really well. He was a nice guy and we even had a mini gossip session on my last day of placement =P The patients are well... patients. Got to witness how schizophrenia is truly like during this placement. The main downside to this placement was the nursing students in fact. Had one very irritating fellow nursing student on the same placement as I. I don't feel that she has the qualities and knowledge to become a nurse and I didn't feel justice when she passed (not due to her abilities). Oh well...
After my placements, I went straight to Gold Coast!! LOL!! Dream tourist place for most people. Went with Xin, Sue, Fang, Angela, xiaoyan and peisan. We stayed in an apartment and it was awesome >.< It is really near to Surfer's Paradise which is a really pretty surfing beach. To summarise the whole trip, we went to the three major theme parks, Movieworld, Dreamworld and Wet & Wild. The most insane rides are at Movie World and Dreamworld but I didn't take everything cos some of them are too scary. Wet & Wild's fairly alright. It's just the water rides and slides which are really fun =)) I didn't manage to catch any pictures as you don't really wanna carry your camera around during water rides. We also took Jetboating as well. It seems much more fun than the one I saw at NewZealand. He just kept spunning us around all the time and I got really wet. I loved it! Too bad I didn't get to do some sea sports like para-sailing. I guess I can do that in Thailand =P
The tower of terror @ dreamworld. It involves a carrier that will move -> at high speed and then upwards till it goes vertical to the highest point. It is extremely fast!! then it'll drop down backwards back to the original starting point. lol
This is surfer's paradise! We went there in the wee hours in the morning to watch the sunrise and take pictures. Beautiful place =D
This is the Superman ride/Metropolitan Rapid Transit/MRT at movieworld. It's insanely fast. It shoots up fast and goes down fast and it just goes up and down really fast. It took like...10 - 20 seconds to finish the whole course the moment it started speeding. When i got out from the roller coast, I was really tearing because I was sooo scared!! That arc is really really high up.
Yes we took pictures with Mr Spongebob @ Dreamworld!! and yea we aren't looking at my camera. We looked at another one.
A farm dog used to gather the sheeps. It's soooo friendly and I loved it so much i hugged it while taking the pictures. When i got close, I realised that it stinks a bit. LOL
Yesh yesh... we saw a cute koala at Dreamworld as well. I got to stroke it!! sooo nice.. like a soft toy.
This is the wild wild west log ride at Movie World. It's pretty high up. The amazing part was, the log actually went backwards for the first fall. For the 2nd fall (as seen in the picture), it's head first yea. This is the first time I've experienced falls that go backwards!! Tower of terror came later cos we went Movie World first.

And yea, this is jetboating. We just got spun 360deg all the time and we just kept getting wet. You don't get the adrenalin rush like roller coaster rides but all the spinning and water splashing just makes u get excited. We just kept waving to other people on the boat as well. haha.
The following are pictures that are taken during the rides. My friends went to buy the pictures so I just got the scanned ones from them.
The motor ride. It's just a roller-coaster that involves riding in a motorbike. awesome!
That's scooby-doo roller coaster. It freaked the hell outta us the first time we took it. First, the roller coast actually had to take a lift upwards. And the lift can shake and that scared us. After u get lifted up on the lift, you reach the highest point where u slide back and the roller coaster goes backwards down a slope. We were screaming like hell then!

That's the tower of terror ride. It starts off really fast. 4G-force? Don't know what that means but it's freaking fast.

And lastly, our jet-boating photo!! lol! nice =D
I haven't updated you for ages have I?
Haha, I've been busy!! Not super busy but pretty busy. After I came back from Korea, I had a concert with Chao Feng CO. OHhh... I love concerts =D Concerts are the time when you bond with other members in the CO and we have a lot of fun being crazy. And i do like being serious and performing my best for the audience. The auditorium was full! It was kind of unexpected being in Melb and getting a full auditorium.
Then I had my mental health placements at Austin Hospital. For confidentiality's sake, all I can say was I really enjoyed my placement and I had a wonderful preceptor who guided me really well. He was a nice guy and we even had a mini gossip session on my last day of placement =P The patients are well... patients. Got to witness how schizophrenia is truly like during this placement. The main downside to this placement was the nursing students in fact. Had one very irritating fellow nursing student on the same placement as I. I don't feel that she has the qualities and knowledge to become a nurse and I didn't feel justice when she passed (not due to her abilities). Oh well...
After my placements, I went straight to Gold Coast!! LOL!! Dream tourist place for most people. Went with Xin, Sue, Fang, Angela, xiaoyan and peisan. We stayed in an apartment and it was awesome >.< It is really near to Surfer's Paradise which is a really pretty surfing beach. To summarise the whole trip, we went to the three major theme parks, Movieworld, Dreamworld and Wet & Wild. The most insane rides are at Movie World and Dreamworld but I didn't take everything cos some of them are too scary. Wet & Wild's fairly alright. It's just the water rides and slides which are really fun =)) I didn't manage to catch any pictures as you don't really wanna carry your camera around during water rides. We also took Jetboating as well. It seems much more fun than the one I saw at NewZealand. He just kept spunning us around all the time and I got really wet. I loved it! Too bad I didn't get to do some sea sports like para-sailing. I guess I can do that in Thailand =P
And yea, this is jetboating. We just got spun 360deg all the time and we just kept getting wet. You don't get the adrenalin rush like roller coaster rides but all the spinning and water splashing just makes u get excited. We just kept waving to other people on the boat as well. haha.
The following are pictures that are taken during the rides. My friends went to buy the pictures so I just got the scanned ones from them.

That's the tower of terror ride. It starts off really fast. 4G-force? Don't know what that means but it's freaking fast.

And lastly, our jet-boating photo!! lol! nice =D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Korea trip!
Trying to squeeze some time out to reply some messages, emails, and update the blog. To summarise my 5 weeks of school, it has been really hectic and i was really stressed out trying to catch up with my work and arranging measures to ensure I keep up with tutorials and lectures i'd miss during that 1.5weeks to Korea. Oh yea, not to mention, dealing with assignments which were due after the Korea trip as well. Anyway, I didn't regret going at all =D
Well, this programme is named Global Leadership Programme. It's held at Daegu in South Korea (Duhhh....) which is the 3rd largest city in South Korea. It is organized by Daegu health college which obviously specializes in health sciences. They paid for all our expenses - accommodation, transport and food that are related to the itinerary of the programme. I think pictures speak a thousand words, so i shall let the pictures tell their story.
Anyway, i shall start from Day 1...
Day 1 - Set off from Melbourne for Sg and Korea. I stayed in sg for about 1hour plus and in Korea-Seoul for about 12 hours. Too many pictures to post. too troublesome >.< align="center">
Day 3 - Met some other foreigners (not internationals =P) and also met our Korean counterparts. We went to Donghwasa Temple @ Mt Palgong. I had a really Korean/Japanese feel when i went there.
The buddha statues there
I got a bit lazy recalling what I did on different days. So i guess i shall give a summary and bombard the post with pictures. The programme didn't really involve leadership elements unlike leadership programmes in Singapore. It is more like a cultural exchange programme. Anyway, we got to do some sightseeing at temples, gardens, museums and at downtown. The college wasn't exactly situated at the city area in Daegu. It was at the sides.
Other than the sightseeing, we had various academic programmes. Lecturers - entertaining ones - were invited to give us talks on cultural differences. It was fairly enlightening as we learnt about the differences between korean cultures and other cultures. Then we had discussions on the importance of global leadership, globalisation and cultural issues. We were supposed to give presentations after discussion. It wasn't a big problem cos they don't require comprehensive presentations, just a small speech to present our points.
We had... a Korean fan dance lesson and a cooking competition as well. I like these kind of activities!
However, i felt that we wasted a fair amount of time on random stuff rather than the activities itself. We had plenty of time constraints but I also felt that we have insufficient time on more fun activities. We should have less time allocated to lectures (cos we have plenty of rest times) and more time for other activities.
Anyway, at night, we don't have an organized activities in the itinerary. One of the Korean guys would organise night activities for us. We went out for extra meals, karaoke, pubbing and did plenty of random stuff like playing with fireworks within the school compound. haha! We played plenty of cards in different people's rooms as well. So, night-time was the main socialising time i guess.
Overall, i made lots of friends and I really missed all of them. They are really nice people, including the foreigners and koreans of course. Kept in contact with them mainly through facebook. As for those who don't use facebook, we either influenced them to use or kept in contact via emails.
Due to the instability of blogger, i shall post all these first =D
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Playing in the kitchen!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Yunho oppa~

I've a confession to make. It's obvious isn't it? My latest eye-candy - Yunho looks so handsome!!
IQ 148, can sing, can dance, looks good... sheesh! No wonder I can remain loyal for more than 2 months ever since I first started listening to DBSK songs. lol! Took me sooo long. XD
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Shining inheritance
Yes it's Shining inheritance! Ranked no.1 drama in mysoju.com. It's such an exciting show, i took any free time i had to chiong the episodes. After i reached the latest episode, i just felt an emptiness and i didn't want to watch any other dramas other than Shining inheritance.
This is the first time I felt so pekchek watching a show. Seeing how Eunsungie (Hanhyojoo) gets tortured by her evil stepmother, I really pity her and I really feel like going into the show to help Eunsung-ie retaliate. She has such a poor fate. First tortured by the evil scheming stepmum, then her evil stepsis joined in the scheme. Luckily, the handsome guys in the show supported Eunsung. Hwan-oppa!! and Jun-se oppa! I really liked Junse oppa, but as the show progresses (like any other korean show), i grew to support Hwan oppa. Now the drama is at its climax. I hope Junse-oppa wun support his evil dad (who seems in love with Eunsung's evil widowed stepmum). And the drama has no preview. WHY!!!
Anyway, i love Lee Seung Gi's (Hwan oppa) smile and voice. Hehhh... He's LeeSunHee's darling disciple when it comes to singing. I love it when he sings ballads. I first noticed him when he sang "Dear J" with LeeSunHee. I found the video in youtube. His voice was beautiful... And i love his chubby face and smile. ahhh... i like it when Hwan oppa blushes.
i love it when he sings...
Most of the videos I watched are from Viikii. The cool thing about Viikii is, there are commentaries from users who watched the drama. When we reach a climax and there's a surge of similar comments against the evil stepmum and stepsis. It's so interesting to see the hypotheses that people have towards the drama. It's even more interesting to see all the people scolding the evil stepmum and step-sis. Oh well, it's just a drama u noe? If we can all go in and get rid of the stepmum and stepsis, then there'll be no drama, no excitement.
Watch it when u have time!!
Shall I watch Boys over flowers? or Atashinchi no danshi? Mukai Osamu or Goo Jun Pyo?
Mid-term break
Dear bloggie,
I'm blogging quite a bit aren't i?
After I came back from NZ, I went around Melb having food tours. Also, Jiali's bf came to visit her so Sueling and I toured around with the 2 of them.
Went out with Sueling for dinner in the city. Two of us have nothing to do >.<
The Shepherd's pie i had. It looks small but it's actually quite filling. The salad dressing was light but alright. The filling (meat and pasta sauce) was a bit watery but still alright.
The creme brulee that i've been craving for ever since I had Cadbury's Dessert Chocolate Creme Brulee. Wow I love creme brulee! It's like an egg custard in a cup with the top caramelized with a flame. The layout looks simple and it tastes wonderful =P
The tiramisu which Cafe Giraffe is famous for. The scotch fingers go really well with the cup of coffee that is provided. The tiramisu (cake layer) didn't have a flavour that was too strong and it wasn't too watery either. I love it! I'll order this the next time i go Cafe Giraffe.
Went out with Faezah, py, toto n xy to Toorak, then Camberwell Sofia's for lunch, then Kew, then Ikea before heading off for Korean bbq at night with Joanna and Sueling. Toorak doe
The chocolate cake we ordered was sufficient for 5 people. Seriously! The mint was thick and yea, we had quite a few mint lovers at the table (eg. xy, faezah n toto)
Yea we ordered Pasta Misto/Mista. Can't remember how it was spelt. We get 3 choices of pasta. So we ordered our all-time favourites - Avocado Fettucine and Chicken and mushroom risotto. I love Sofia's Risotto! We also got Veg Lasagne. The Avocado Fettucine wasn't as nice as the one in Bell St. I don't know, their standards fluctuate between days, servings, and branches. Chicken and Mushroom Risotto was really good though. I love it =D
Yea at night Sueling, Joanna and I met up to go to Oriental Spoon, a Korean restaurant in the city. It was supposedly good. We ordered BBQ pork belly and baby octopus. It wasn't as nice as we thought it to be. In fact, "White tomato" (another korean bbq restaurant) serves better BBQ stuff. We felt like we were over-paying for that kind of food we got. In addition, if we re-fill our side dishes for the third time, there are additional charges. There's no such thing in "white tomato"!

Beef Bulgogi which we ordered in addition to BBQ (cos seriously the portions are too small). The beef bulgogi was in fact oishii! Geee~ Maybe oriental spoon was known mroe for the hot plates rather than the BBQ options. Then again, i prefer the idea of grilling on top of charcoal. The charred taste of the meat just makes it more delicious.
St Kilda beach
Had this cup of Mocha chocolate at KokoBlack along Lygon Street. So cold and a bit bitter. Stupid me forgot to add sugar to make it sweeter. For the first time, I didn't like mocha. I should've ordered hot chocolate. At least, after this kokoblack experience, i shall have hot chocolate for my next choco experience.
We decided that we were hungry and we went to another pasta restaurant along Lygon Street near Koko Black. Yea, this restaurant had many posters of Ferrari's, F1 Formula stuff and Michael Schumacher.
We ordered cream Gnocchi. It's the first time I think that Gnocchi is nice! I think i prefer creamy pasta to tomato/Bolognaise recently. change of taste yea.
The chicken wings still had feathers on it! So we didn't eat the wings in the end. And there was a hamburger with a sunny-side up on it! AHHhhh... MY dream meal! but of cos, we had to share. There were bacon and steaks too. SEriously HUGE portions. I finally had bacon after i left Glenn. I loved the Bacon i had in Glenn but obviously, it was fattening.
Ms Chicken Parma! They had generous amounts of cheese over the chicken schnitzel. Yummy! It tastes like the one I had at Mosskito. Maybe we should go Mosskito and have a meal and compare.
The seafood platter that will always appear at a huge meal. The mussels weren't that fresh, maybe that's why they were deep fried for the seafood platter. There were calamari too. Ok la, quite a normal plate of seafood platter.
There were fries hidden beneath every single plate of food that we ordered. There were so much fries leftover that we could fill the huge plate with just fries. We couldn't even takeaway! Mean~ We ended up playing Zhong Ji Mi Ma to finish the fries. LOL!
There's always space for desserts! According to toto (or someone else), we humans actually have 2 stomachs. One for dessert, and one for entree. He has 3 apparently, one for ice-cream (which is not classified as dessert). So we ordered pancakes! That's apple and cinnamon pancake. I liked this better than the other one. We were so full but we managed to finish both pancakes. I feel that it's nicer than the one at pancake parlour. Maybe i'm just biased. I probably just love the icecream on the pancake and the maple syrup.
Banana and Walnut pancake. Yum!
After we left the restaurant, we waited for the tram for sometime only to realise that tram service has stopped (it was only 9pm plus then!) we got a shock and didn't know what to do. We walked a bit and attempted to go back to the restaurant to ask for directions when some passers-by directed us to take the last bus in the area back to footscray station. whew...
13/7/09 (Mon)
As usual, I went for CO practice only to discover tons more people at the practice! yay! I prefer bigbig orchestras.
Went to Brighton beach with Sueling and Jiali couple. haha, i've been visiting a lot of beaches recently. I didn't have much photos cos my camera ran out of batt =( Brighton beach area has quite a lot of pretty houses. If only i was half as rich enough to stay in that kind of house. Anyway, along the coast of the beach, there's this row of houses. It's supposed to be for private renting or something but apparently, nothing has happened. The seawater at Brighton beach is also much clearer than the one at St Kilda. Love Brighton beach =D
The pretty beach with Melbourne city in the background
The colourful houses which we took quite a lot of photos with.
I'm blogging quite a bit aren't i?
After I came back from NZ, I went around Melb having food tours. Also, Jiali's bf came to visit her so Sueling and I toured around with the 2 of them.
Went out with Sueling for dinner in the city. Two of us have nothing to do >.<
Went out with Faezah, py, toto n xy to Toorak, then Camberwell Sofia's for lunch, then Kew, then Ikea before heading off for Korean bbq at night with Joanna and Sueling. Toorak doe
Yea at night Sueling, Joanna and I met up to go to Oriental Spoon, a Korean restaurant in the city. It was supposedly good. We ordered BBQ pork belly and baby octopus. It wasn't as nice as we thought it to be. In fact, "White tomato" (another korean bbq restaurant) serves better BBQ stuff. We felt like we were over-paying for that kind of food we got. In addition, if we re-fill our side dishes for the third time, there are additional charges. There's no such thing in "white tomato"!
I went out with Sueling (again =.=) and Jiali couple. We went to St Kilda in the morning to the Sunday market. I was quite disappointed. I thought the beach is much nicer than I thought =.= or maybe, we were at the wrong place.
I went out with Sueling (again =.=) and Jiali couple. We went to St Kilda in the morning to the Sunday market. I was quite disappointed. I thought the beach is much nicer than I thought =.= or maybe, we were at the wrong place.
We went to Melb museum after this and met Joanna there. Well, it's my second time there so i knew most of the stuff. However, i still found the Mind and body section interesting. I can't take photos so i can't show >.<>
After we left the restaurant, we waited for the tram for sometime only to realise that tram service has stopped (it was only 9pm plus then!) we got a shock and didn't know what to do. We walked a bit and attempted to go back to the restaurant to ask for directions when some passers-by directed us to take the last bus in the area back to footscray station. whew...
13/7/09 (Mon)
As usual, I went for CO practice only to discover tons more people at the practice! yay! I prefer bigbig orchestras.
Went to Brighton beach with Sueling and Jiali couple. haha, i've been visiting a lot of beaches recently. I didn't have much photos cos my camera ran out of batt =( Brighton beach area has quite a lot of pretty houses. If only i was half as rich enough to stay in that kind of house. Anyway, along the coast of the beach, there's this row of houses. It's supposed to be for private renting or something but apparently, nothing has happened. The seawater at Brighton beach is also much clearer than the one at St Kilda. Love Brighton beach =D
16/7/09 (Thurs)
Spent my afternoon making desserts with Faezah. We made oreo non-bake cheesecake. We also attempted avocado juice + milk + gula melaka. Taste good! I made my sago dessert too. We had a movie night watching a Swedish movie. I can't remember the title, but it's about this guy called Arun who's the Knight of the Templar. It's related to the history of Sweden. Then we watched a Bollywood movie starring ShahRukhKhan. LOL! I fell asleep on toto's bed after about 45minutes. Songs were nice but seriously, the story went too slow. We didn't have my sago dessert in the end cos I completely forgot about it after the Hindi movie.
17/7/09 (Friday)
Taught Hafizah how to play mahjong in the day. haha! I also went over to Susan's place to bunk at night. Her apartment is quite posh but well, it's expensive too. By the time I went, the rest (mel, joanna, susan and susan's fren) were preparing to sleep already. haha! I ended up playing mahjong with Mel before we went to bed. I guess I started to feel tired relatively early ever since the NZ trip. zzz... Jo, Mel and I shared 2 single beds pushed together. As we slept, the single beds kept separating. Got a shoulderache from sleeping on my side for too long >.< It was also quite cold.
18/7/09 (Saturday)
Finished till the latest episode of Shining inheritance!
19/7/09 (Sunday)
Went over to Thomas' place to practise for our erhu qizou. His place is seriously far from mine. He stays in Boxhill >.< Took a long walk to his home from Boxhill central. RAarrrrrr~~ Travelling to the city was bad enough =( Though only 5 of us were present, it was still quite fun. I really like group practices. Just enjoy playing together and the company. Was invited to a bball game after practice but i had a date with jaey n eshan to the pompeii exhibition. Ahhhh, i wanted to go bball =P anyway, i finally got to talk to the others slightly more than before. Normally, i don't really talk much with them during orchestral practice since i sit at a corner.
Pompeii exhibition was good! Learnt more about how pompeii disappeared and how Mt Vesivius is so deadly. I would love to witness a volcanic eruption. Then again, thinking about the implications of a volcanic eruption, I'd rather not have any occurring. It was worth my 14bucks! I'd prefer it cheaper yea. The most saddening part was the body casts exhibits. Imagining how those people suffered during the volcanic eruptions, trying to run away, trying to protect themselves from the ashes and pumice, and getting trapped in these volcanic material... ahhhh... Just felt sad for them. Hope that they didn't suffer too much. enough of my ramblings for the day! thanks for listening =D
Spent my afternoon making desserts with Faezah. We made oreo non-bake cheesecake. We also attempted avocado juice + milk + gula melaka. Taste good! I made my sago dessert too. We had a movie night watching a Swedish movie. I can't remember the title, but it's about this guy called Arun who's the Knight of the Templar. It's related to the history of Sweden. Then we watched a Bollywood movie starring ShahRukhKhan. LOL! I fell asleep on toto's bed after about 45minutes. Songs were nice but seriously, the story went too slow. We didn't have my sago dessert in the end cos I completely forgot about it after the Hindi movie.
17/7/09 (Friday)
Taught Hafizah how to play mahjong in the day. haha! I also went over to Susan's place to bunk at night. Her apartment is quite posh but well, it's expensive too. By the time I went, the rest (mel, joanna, susan and susan's fren) were preparing to sleep already. haha! I ended up playing mahjong with Mel before we went to bed. I guess I started to feel tired relatively early ever since the NZ trip. zzz... Jo, Mel and I shared 2 single beds pushed together. As we slept, the single beds kept separating. Got a shoulderache from sleeping on my side for too long >.< It was also quite cold.
18/7/09 (Saturday)
Finished till the latest episode of Shining inheritance!
19/7/09 (Sunday)
Went over to Thomas' place to practise for our erhu qizou. His place is seriously far from mine. He stays in Boxhill >.< Took a long walk to his home from Boxhill central. RAarrrrrr~~ Travelling to the city was bad enough =( Though only 5 of us were present, it was still quite fun. I really like group practices. Just enjoy playing together and the company. Was invited to a bball game after practice but i had a date with jaey n eshan to the pompeii exhibition. Ahhhh, i wanted to go bball =P anyway, i finally got to talk to the others slightly more than before. Normally, i don't really talk much with them during orchestral practice since i sit at a corner.
Pompeii exhibition was good! Learnt more about how pompeii disappeared and how Mt Vesivius is so deadly. I would love to witness a volcanic eruption. Then again, thinking about the implications of a volcanic eruption, I'd rather not have any occurring. It was worth my 14bucks! I'd prefer it cheaper yea. The most saddening part was the body casts exhibits. Imagining how those people suffered during the volcanic eruptions, trying to run away, trying to protect themselves from the ashes and pumice, and getting trapped in these volcanic material... ahhhh... Just felt sad for them. Hope that they didn't suffer too much. enough of my ramblings for the day! thanks for listening =D
NZ trip food =D
Dear bloggie,
Just a quick post of the stuff we ate there. haha! Just something extra.
Bibimbap i had in the Korean Restaurant at Auckland. Very delicious! Just that I got a bit Jelat after too much gochujang and rice.
BBQ pork from the same shop in Auckland. Love it manz! I had it again on the last night in Auckland. I love the seasoning of the pork. It wasn't too spicy. Just that, it was slightly too oily. Didn't like too many carrots either. Overall, OISHII!
Fish and chips we had at Body Fuel in Taupo. Amazing cafe that sells amazing food. Curly fries reminds u of A&W. I love curly fries. The toast was crispy and i love crispy toasts. The salad was well seasoned. I love the combi of the seasoning with pickles. Makes it taste so much nicer.
I had this at Body Fuel too. I was craving for this for some time. It's a potato Fritata. Tasted good! Went well with the Sweet chilli sauce.
Hot chocolate I had along with the sandwich below for lunch after the Hobbiton tour. It was nicely done and marshmallows were provided too! I'm starting to like hot chocolate more than cold chocolate drinks.
Satay chicken sandwich. Nice when hot. Obviously the satay sauce wasn't as nice as the ones in SG. It was alright though. I'd prefer it spicy.
Are you hungry already bloggie? haha! awwww~
The other days we just cooked stuff for ourselves eg. pasta.
Just a quick post of the stuff we ate there. haha! Just something extra.
Are you hungry already bloggie? haha! awwww~
The other days we just cooked stuff for ourselves eg. pasta.
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