Last sat, I went RDA again. Met Francis at the bus stop, so i walked in to rda with him. He's in NS currently and he's a fireman instructor! cool... Apparently, he got hurt during those lessons. and he looks times much darker from before! I told him about me going overseas. Then i just happened to ask him a few questions about the culture of each city. He likes melbourne a lot and he recommends me to go melbourne. As for sydney, he didn't really recommend it for a long stay. Anyway, he told me not to expect much when it comes to night life in melbourne. Cos there's not so much of that. Well, that may be good news for me.
During rda session, i din get to sidewalk david. Francis told me to learn leading instead. So i went to learn tacking. Robin was the poor victim for the day. It has to tolerate 4 pairs of eyes staring at it, and leading it. but robin is so cute! though i think, i still like mistoff...
These few days during work, i had my piece of laughter and everything. A new girl came on monday. She's called Geraldine and guess what? She looks younger than me even tho she's my bro's age. hmmmz.... most ppl were shocked when they found out her age. As for today, Menghua and I went to Housemen canteen to get our lunch back. It was really crowded. After which, we went for the fruits sale at sgh. Menghua went for the bananas n oranges while i went to look for this lunch bag which caught my sight some time ago. I didn't had the time to go sgh and get it. so while i walked to the stall, i walked past a lady selling pink ribbons. It took me a while to register that she's trying to 'sell' the pink ribbons. I think it looked funny when i suddenly braked and turned around to get the pink ribbon from her. Apparently, i may win something if i wear the ribbon and a certain person spots me. Oh well, i din get that ribbon to win something. I jus wanna do my part to prevent breast cancer. I'm a female.
Then i went to the lunchbag stall. all the lunchbags are handmade! and they are very gorgeous! you can even flip it inside-out and use it. I bought a black n purple bag, but i prefer the black exterior. During lunch in the office, chuihan came to my table and ate with me. I think it's because my table is more spacious than her. She even brought homemade chilli with her. Then we had a mini chat session at the training side with geraldine. We were literally sharing about poop again and again. lol! deja vu fel? Halfway through work, they started preparing pics for their time capsule. They took out whatever food they have in their shelves and on their tables and we placed it on some tables. Whoa! and that was a huge amount of food (titbits). We won't go hungry =) then we oso took pictures of all our water bottles and other significant things in the office. hahaz.. interesting office...
On thurs, the boss gave all of us a treat at swensen's! wee... Well, other ppl have been busy and helping the boss out, but i'm like...helped with photocopying only? felt guilty eating but oh well... Initially, i ordered this baked rice. but since it doesn't come in a set meal, i've no choice but to change it into a main course. So i ordered fish and chips. It's veri nice! i like the coleslaw and yea, the fish. slurrrpppz! It was non-stop laughter at the table. It's all because of aishah, chuihan, menghua and ashley's jokes lah... geraldine and i laughed till our stomachs really ached...At the end of the meal was the highlight! It was something like a strudel with icecream in between. I dunno how to explain, but the breadish part was really crisp and the icecream was MANGO! hahaz... even nicer. the others kept threatening me, "how r u gonna lose ur spare tyre like that? didn't u wanna lose weight?" frankly speaking, i've tried. but less than a dae, i'll give up =p
and oh yea... i'm so gonna get that set of creative speakers...waiting for my nex pay day... i've been spending a lot recently...
Aishah n chuihan gave me a few really cute things...
The one on the left is a coaster given to me by Aishah since she knows that i'm gonna become a nurse one day. I think it's very true of nurses! i really love it!
The one on the right is a tikam machine, and chuihan got it from a REAL tikam machine. The smaller version actually dispenses tikam too! hahaz...
The pic is really big... and i dun feel lyke =p