heyhey...the week ended!!
This week! We decorated menghua's table wif plenty of SHIT! literally shit =) however, ppl commented that the shits drawn were too cute to disgust her. Heyyyyy.... now, those cartoon shits are displayed at her table =)
During one of the lunchtimes, i went vivo wif CH n aishah (aka mama). We ate niang toufu at banquet. Guess wad? I GOT diarrhoea that very night. i woke up in the middle of the night because of a sudden intense pain. Well, i think my body was so preoccupied with "shit" i really began erhemz. I recovered the next dae. CH went to eat nasilemak even though she had diarrhoea too. she din go to work the next dae because of bad diarrhoea.
*disclaimer: spoilers ahead!
Anyway, i went to watch HERO with jaey tonite. The movie on the whole was nice because of the various jokes incorporated into the show. Even though the content was quite..."HERO", i like the jokes =) the ending was soooooooo SWEET!!! We also went swensen's for dinner. i had crayfish pasta while jaey had baked macoroni. jaey wanted banana crumble (izzit?) but i guess, we were full enough after those 2 plates. Nice swensen's...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Last Sunday:
I went cycling with fel n jaey. Fel n i met earlier cos jaey has her vet. So we rented a bike rather early. we started cycling at about 1 i think? we cycled to the end of east coast park where safra is. We actually stopped quite a few times on the way to rest. I think fel was having a bit of trouble with her bike after one of our stops. The bike appeared much more difficult to cycle. We realised that we actually tangled up the brake wires after her bicycle fell once. This increased the force of the brake pads on her wheels. LOL! luckily we figured out early, else we r gonna suffer. But her seat wasn't nice. so we changed that bicycle for her. Jaey joined us later and we cycled our 2nd round to the end of east coast again! that's really taxing. i haven't tried that before. fel n i cycled a total of 6hours in the end =.= My legs were suffering from an accumulation of lactic acid. I could feel myself having trouble walking.
When i'm at east coast, i could feel a sense of nostalgia. Well, both night cycling experiences were memorable to me. The first one was with the class... i could still rmb how much my butt aches after the few hours of cycling. I learnt a good lesson. We must choose good bikes with good seats.
The second was more of exploration. we went through quite a few obstacles. Going through HDB estates, crossing bridges...carrying our bicycles up and down bridges...crossing roads... cycling thru tunnels, reaching east coast park, stayed there n chatted with my fellow '88s then cycling back... it was a great night. The morning was however, disappointing. I felt a sense of loneliness. Perhaps i was abandoned? I guess i was thinking too much. I was being emotional. I just cycled the entire pasir ris alone... with my mp3... and there's no one around in the morning, so it was quite peaceful. Considering that i've already cycled long hours at night, cycling again was physically demanding. esp when i din have breakfast and dinner the night before. Oh well...it's nice to sit alone at the stone areas and look at the sea... quite soothing... that dae is still quite vivid in my mind. I was saved from depression for a moment. maybe it was just a illusion.
For the rest of the week, it's actually quite quiet at the office since some of them were not around. Farhan's last dae was on friday. So sad...fellow '88 gone... then i'm the only '88 around. well, there's limited genY info to share about. =(
I went crazy over nausicaa's music recently. Well, i've been searching for some time and i found the orchestral videos on youtube with joe hisaishi! i din noe joe hisaishi is that old looking. The music is quite soothing, and full of emotions. I could feel myself on the verge of tearing when i hear the music. The music is extremely touching, especially when u link it with the content of the movie.
Friday, i went botak jones with bun. Not bad lah the food... the portion was huge and the chicken was huge!! i had so much trouble cutting because it was so thick. The melted cheese was great but i din like the spicy sauce on it. I think it was because it was a bit too spicy for me...
Today! (sat)
I met up with jaey, fel n huiyi at thomson for dinner. Fel and i met early again because i had rda and she was out already. We had icecream at macs. i ate a sundae and she ate a mcflurry. There's 2 new flavours: berries n mudpie. i wonder how they taste like. Huiyi joined us later. Jaey's late cos of vet. We didn't really decide on which shop/centre to eat at. We only decided on the place. we went casuarina curry in the end, where the famous prata is. We didn't noe how to get there...so we juz took a bus that goes to upper thomson rd. we found ourselves half-lost. well, we found our way later, but only after a long walk did we reach casuarina.
There was a commotion at the door of casuarina curry. Apparently, according to jaey, a dog (bull terrier?) killed a cat and brought it to the door of casuarina curry before being chased away by people. The cat's carcass was left there. it was a horrid sight... i could see blood on the dog's mouth. its owner was holding on to it and was on the phone. ok...i dun really noe wad happened.... but after seeing the cat's injuries on the face n neck, i deduce that the cat was bitten to death by the dog =.= i shall save the details of the aftermath.
I ordered murtabak! the huge huge murtabak! it's "small", but the size of the murtabak was still huge. The rest ordered all sorts of pratas...cheese..egg...mushroom... then all sorts of drinks: tehtarik, icemilo, soursop, milo dino. I wonder how the person remembered. I think we were practically stuffing food down our throats at the end of the meal. the pratas were big... After eating was a session of photowhoring... lol... We took all sorts of lame photos together. nice dinner? Where's the nex place? before steamboat at least =)
I went cycling with fel n jaey. Fel n i met earlier cos jaey has her vet. So we rented a bike rather early. we started cycling at about 1 i think? we cycled to the end of east coast park where safra is. We actually stopped quite a few times on the way to rest. I think fel was having a bit of trouble with her bike after one of our stops. The bike appeared much more difficult to cycle. We realised that we actually tangled up the brake wires after her bicycle fell once. This increased the force of the brake pads on her wheels. LOL! luckily we figured out early, else we r gonna suffer. But her seat wasn't nice. so we changed that bicycle for her. Jaey joined us later and we cycled our 2nd round to the end of east coast again! that's really taxing. i haven't tried that before. fel n i cycled a total of 6hours in the end =.= My legs were suffering from an accumulation of lactic acid. I could feel myself having trouble walking.
When i'm at east coast, i could feel a sense of nostalgia. Well, both night cycling experiences were memorable to me. The first one was with the class... i could still rmb how much my butt aches after the few hours of cycling. I learnt a good lesson. We must choose good bikes with good seats.
The second was more of exploration. we went through quite a few obstacles. Going through HDB estates, crossing bridges...carrying our bicycles up and down bridges...crossing roads... cycling thru tunnels, reaching east coast park, stayed there n chatted with my fellow '88s then cycling back... it was a great night. The morning was however, disappointing. I felt a sense of loneliness. Perhaps i was abandoned? I guess i was thinking too much. I was being emotional. I just cycled the entire pasir ris alone... with my mp3... and there's no one around in the morning, so it was quite peaceful. Considering that i've already cycled long hours at night, cycling again was physically demanding. esp when i din have breakfast and dinner the night before. Oh well...it's nice to sit alone at the stone areas and look at the sea... quite soothing... that dae is still quite vivid in my mind. I was saved from depression for a moment. maybe it was just a illusion.
For the rest of the week, it's actually quite quiet at the office since some of them were not around. Farhan's last dae was on friday. So sad...fellow '88 gone... then i'm the only '88 around. well, there's limited genY info to share about. =(
I went crazy over nausicaa's music recently. Well, i've been searching for some time and i found the orchestral videos on youtube with joe hisaishi! i din noe joe hisaishi is that old looking. The music is quite soothing, and full of emotions. I could feel myself on the verge of tearing when i hear the music. The music is extremely touching, especially when u link it with the content of the movie.
Friday, i went botak jones with bun. Not bad lah the food... the portion was huge and the chicken was huge!! i had so much trouble cutting because it was so thick. The melted cheese was great but i din like the spicy sauce on it. I think it was because it was a bit too spicy for me...
Today! (sat)
I met up with jaey, fel n huiyi at thomson for dinner. Fel and i met early again because i had rda and she was out already. We had icecream at macs. i ate a sundae and she ate a mcflurry. There's 2 new flavours: berries n mudpie. i wonder how they taste like. Huiyi joined us later. Jaey's late cos of vet. We didn't really decide on which shop/centre to eat at. We only decided on the place. we went casuarina curry in the end, where the famous prata is. We didn't noe how to get there...so we juz took a bus that goes to upper thomson rd. we found ourselves half-lost. well, we found our way later, but only after a long walk did we reach casuarina.
There was a commotion at the door of casuarina curry. Apparently, according to jaey, a dog (bull terrier?) killed a cat and brought it to the door of casuarina curry before being chased away by people. The cat's carcass was left there. it was a horrid sight... i could see blood on the dog's mouth. its owner was holding on to it and was on the phone. ok...i dun really noe wad happened.... but after seeing the cat's injuries on the face n neck, i deduce that the cat was bitten to death by the dog =.= i shall save the details of the aftermath.
I ordered murtabak! the huge huge murtabak! it's "small", but the size of the murtabak was still huge. The rest ordered all sorts of pratas...cheese..egg...mushroom... then all sorts of drinks: tehtarik, icemilo, soursop, milo dino. I wonder how the person remembered. I think we were practically stuffing food down our throats at the end of the meal. the pratas were big... After eating was a session of photowhoring... lol... We took all sorts of lame photos together. nice dinner? Where's the nex place? before steamboat at least =)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
This week ah... "hectic" week =) Ok, never mind the office work. It's the same, so there's no point updating about it.
This week! on Monday, i went to work with a sore throat. I was coughing and sneezing persistently. I didn't really feel comfortable in the morning as i didn't manage to sleep well. I can't remember exactly what i dreamt about, but the discomfort in the throat was causing me to toss and turn constantly even though i was sleeping the night before in an nicely air-conditioned room. Aishah and menghua told me to take leave and go home. However, i thought i could tolerate it till the end of the dae and i guess, sleep early so that i can recover and go to work the next dae. However, after dinner that day, i was feeling unwell. I was feeling cold even though the weather was supposedly not that cold. I didn't have a fever, but i guess i caught a cold.
So i took leave on Tues!! I slept the entire day... and it was raining... that makes my naps even more comfortable. lol.... I was feeling much better in the evening. So i went out with my parents to vivo city. I went PAgeOne in search of post-it pads. Aishah influenced me... I found the board which i was obsessed with for a moment, until i saw the price tag. =.= There were nice 2008 organisers which i felt that i need, but i guess i wun get it yet.
Then my parents and i went Daiso...People who are there for the first time can't believe that every item is sold at 2 bucks. well, i couldn't too... but when i accepted that fact, i was shopping like crazy. After the shopping, i was feeling unwell again. I felt extremely lethargic despite sleeping for the entire dae. No nausea, but just unwell. When i got home, i slept =)
on wed nite, i went to my cousin's house for tuition. After tuition, i didn't get my usual lift home =.= i guess i was expecting too much... but the prob was, for the first time, i didn't bring my wallet out. This means that i don't have my ezlink, neither do i have any shillings. Luckily, my aunt gave me my pay already for the pay. however, u dun expect me to drop a 10dollar note into the bus' coin slot don't u? i was thinking...walk home la... but my dad threatened me and told me not to. He told me to take a taxi instead. I'm like....what a waste of money! So as i walked, i had this thought of keeping it from my dad and walking home. Not far la... that's when i saw the LRT station!!! hahaz...i went to take LRT home... but the stupid ezlinkcard buying machine doesn't accept 10dollar notes. i was sian-ed... luckily, there was a convenience shop at the station. so i pretend to buy sth from the uncle and got 2 dollar notes from him. then i got my standard lrt ticket to go home...
On friday! the boss is not around as she's on leave. She's going aussie! anyway, since she's not around, the others decided to play spongebob monopoly during lunch time. We got pizza delivery. Despite chuihan telling the pizza boy that our office is not at the heart centre building, the poor boy did not heed her advice and went there nonetheless... he had to make a detour of course. So...spongebob monopoly... the properties were so different... i didn't manage to remember any of the property names. It was a short game la.... we only managed to snatch up properties and kept getting rents. I landed up in jail 3 times. however, i managed to build pineapple houses before the game "ended". Menghua was the poor victim who had to pay the highest rents in the game (obviously....for stayin in the pineapple houses)
This week! on Monday, i went to work with a sore throat. I was coughing and sneezing persistently. I didn't really feel comfortable in the morning as i didn't manage to sleep well. I can't remember exactly what i dreamt about, but the discomfort in the throat was causing me to toss and turn constantly even though i was sleeping the night before in an nicely air-conditioned room. Aishah and menghua told me to take leave and go home. However, i thought i could tolerate it till the end of the dae and i guess, sleep early so that i can recover and go to work the next dae. However, after dinner that day, i was feeling unwell. I was feeling cold even though the weather was supposedly not that cold. I didn't have a fever, but i guess i caught a cold.
So i took leave on Tues!! I slept the entire day... and it was raining... that makes my naps even more comfortable. lol.... I was feeling much better in the evening. So i went out with my parents to vivo city. I went PAgeOne in search of post-it pads. Aishah influenced me... I found the board which i was obsessed with for a moment, until i saw the price tag. =.= There were nice 2008 organisers which i felt that i need, but i guess i wun get it yet.
Then my parents and i went Daiso...People who are there for the first time can't believe that every item is sold at 2 bucks. well, i couldn't too... but when i accepted that fact, i was shopping like crazy. After the shopping, i was feeling unwell again. I felt extremely lethargic despite sleeping for the entire dae. No nausea, but just unwell. When i got home, i slept =)
on wed nite, i went to my cousin's house for tuition. After tuition, i didn't get my usual lift home =.= i guess i was expecting too much... but the prob was, for the first time, i didn't bring my wallet out. This means that i don't have my ezlink, neither do i have any shillings. Luckily, my aunt gave me my pay already for the pay. however, u dun expect me to drop a 10dollar note into the bus' coin slot don't u? i was thinking...walk home la... but my dad threatened me and told me not to. He told me to take a taxi instead. I'm like....what a waste of money! So as i walked, i had this thought of keeping it from my dad and walking home. Not far la... that's when i saw the LRT station!!! hahaz...i went to take LRT home... but the stupid ezlinkcard buying machine doesn't accept 10dollar notes. i was sian-ed... luckily, there was a convenience shop at the station. so i pretend to buy sth from the uncle and got 2 dollar notes from him. then i got my standard lrt ticket to go home...
On friday! the boss is not around as she's on leave. She's going aussie! anyway, since she's not around, the others decided to play spongebob monopoly during lunch time. We got pizza delivery. Despite chuihan telling the pizza boy that our office is not at the heart centre building, the poor boy did not heed her advice and went there nonetheless... he had to make a detour of course. So...spongebob monopoly... the properties were so different... i didn't manage to remember any of the property names. It was a short game la.... we only managed to snatch up properties and kept getting rents. I landed up in jail 3 times. however, i managed to build pineapple houses before the game "ended". Menghua was the poor victim who had to pay the highest rents in the game (obviously....for stayin in the pineapple houses)
Friday, October 26, 2007
It's really difficult to maintain something when it's one-sided. I'm tired of it, and I've decided to persist no longer.
Last sat, I went RDA again. Met Francis at the bus stop, so i walked in to rda with him. He's in NS currently and he's a fireman instructor! cool... Apparently, he got hurt during those lessons. and he looks times much darker from before! I told him about me going overseas. Then i just happened to ask him a few questions about the culture of each city. He likes melbourne a lot and he recommends me to go melbourne. As for sydney, he didn't really recommend it for a long stay. Anyway, he told me not to expect much when it comes to night life in melbourne. Cos there's not so much of that. Well, that may be good news for me.
During rda session, i din get to sidewalk david. Francis told me to learn leading instead. So i went to learn tacking. Robin was the poor victim for the day. It has to tolerate 4 pairs of eyes staring at it, and leading it. but robin is so cute! though i think, i still like mistoff...
These few days during work, i had my piece of laughter and everything. A new girl came on monday. She's called Geraldine and guess what? She looks younger than me even tho she's my bro's age. hmmmz.... most ppl were shocked when they found out her age. As for today, Menghua and I went to Housemen canteen to get our lunch back. It was really crowded. After which, we went for the fruits sale at sgh. Menghua went for the bananas n oranges while i went to look for this lunch bag which caught my sight some time ago. I didn't had the time to go sgh and get it. so while i walked to the stall, i walked past a lady selling pink ribbons. It took me a while to register that she's trying to 'sell' the pink ribbons. I think it looked funny when i suddenly braked and turned around to get the pink ribbon from her. Apparently, i may win something if i wear the ribbon and a certain person spots me. Oh well, i din get that ribbon to win something. I jus wanna do my part to prevent breast cancer. I'm a female.
Then i went to the lunchbag stall. all the lunchbags are handmade! and they are very gorgeous! you can even flip it inside-out and use it. I bought a black n purple bag, but i prefer the black exterior. During lunch in the office, chuihan came to my table and ate with me. I think it's because my table is more spacious than her. She even brought homemade chilli with her. Then we had a mini chat session at the training side with geraldine. We were literally sharing about poop again and again. lol! deja vu fel? Halfway through work, they started preparing pics for their time capsule. They took out whatever food they have in their shelves and on their tables and we placed it on some tables. Whoa! and that was a huge amount of food (titbits). We won't go hungry =) then we oso took pictures of all our water bottles and other significant things in the office. hahaz.. interesting office...
On thurs, the boss gave all of us a treat at swensen's! wee... Well, other ppl have been busy and helping the boss out, but i'm like...helped with photocopying only? felt guilty eating but oh well... Initially, i ordered this baked rice. but since it doesn't come in a set meal, i've no choice but to change it into a main course. So i ordered fish and chips. It's veri nice! i like the coleslaw and yea, the fish. slurrrpppz! It was non-stop laughter at the table. It's all because of aishah, chuihan, menghua and ashley's jokes lah... geraldine and i laughed till our stomachs really ached...At the end of the meal was the highlight! It was something like a strudel with icecream in between. I dunno how to explain, but the breadish part was really crisp and the icecream was MANGO! hahaz... even nicer. the others kept threatening me, "how r u gonna lose ur spare tyre like that? didn't u wanna lose weight?" frankly speaking, i've tried. but less than a dae, i'll give up =p
and oh yea... i'm so gonna get that set of creative speakers...waiting for my nex pay day... i've been spending a lot recently...
Aishah n chuihan gave me a few really cute things...

The one on the left is a coaster given to me by Aishah since she knows that i'm gonna become a nurse one day. I think it's very true of nurses! i really love it!
The one on the right is a tikam machine, and chuihan got it from a REAL tikam machine. The smaller version actually dispenses tikam too! hahaz...
The pic is really big... and i dun feel lyke resizing...so =p
Last sat, I went RDA again. Met Francis at the bus stop, so i walked in to rda with him. He's in NS currently and he's a fireman instructor! cool... Apparently, he got hurt during those lessons. and he looks times much darker from before! I told him about me going overseas. Then i just happened to ask him a few questions about the culture of each city. He likes melbourne a lot and he recommends me to go melbourne. As for sydney, he didn't really recommend it for a long stay. Anyway, he told me not to expect much when it comes to night life in melbourne. Cos there's not so much of that. Well, that may be good news for me.
During rda session, i din get to sidewalk david. Francis told me to learn leading instead. So i went to learn tacking. Robin was the poor victim for the day. It has to tolerate 4 pairs of eyes staring at it, and leading it. but robin is so cute! though i think, i still like mistoff...
These few days during work, i had my piece of laughter and everything. A new girl came on monday. She's called Geraldine and guess what? She looks younger than me even tho she's my bro's age. hmmmz.... most ppl were shocked when they found out her age. As for today, Menghua and I went to Housemen canteen to get our lunch back. It was really crowded. After which, we went for the fruits sale at sgh. Menghua went for the bananas n oranges while i went to look for this lunch bag which caught my sight some time ago. I didn't had the time to go sgh and get it. so while i walked to the stall, i walked past a lady selling pink ribbons. It took me a while to register that she's trying to 'sell' the pink ribbons. I think it looked funny when i suddenly braked and turned around to get the pink ribbon from her. Apparently, i may win something if i wear the ribbon and a certain person spots me. Oh well, i din get that ribbon to win something. I jus wanna do my part to prevent breast cancer. I'm a female.
Then i went to the lunchbag stall. all the lunchbags are handmade! and they are very gorgeous! you can even flip it inside-out and use it. I bought a black n purple bag, but i prefer the black exterior. During lunch in the office, chuihan came to my table and ate with me. I think it's because my table is more spacious than her. She even brought homemade chilli with her. Then we had a mini chat session at the training side with geraldine. We were literally sharing about poop again and again. lol! deja vu fel? Halfway through work, they started preparing pics for their time capsule. They took out whatever food they have in their shelves and on their tables and we placed it on some tables. Whoa! and that was a huge amount of food (titbits). We won't go hungry =) then we oso took pictures of all our water bottles and other significant things in the office. hahaz.. interesting office...
On thurs, the boss gave all of us a treat at swensen's! wee... Well, other ppl have been busy and helping the boss out, but i'm like...helped with photocopying only? felt guilty eating but oh well... Initially, i ordered this baked rice. but since it doesn't come in a set meal, i've no choice but to change it into a main course. So i ordered fish and chips. It's veri nice! i like the coleslaw and yea, the fish. slurrrpppz! It was non-stop laughter at the table. It's all because of aishah, chuihan, menghua and ashley's jokes lah... geraldine and i laughed till our stomachs really ached...At the end of the meal was the highlight! It was something like a strudel with icecream in between. I dunno how to explain, but the breadish part was really crisp and the icecream was MANGO! hahaz... even nicer. the others kept threatening me, "how r u gonna lose ur spare tyre like that? didn't u wanna lose weight?" frankly speaking, i've tried. but less than a dae, i'll give up =p
and oh yea... i'm so gonna get that set of creative speakers...waiting for my nex pay day... i've been spending a lot recently...
Aishah n chuihan gave me a few really cute things...
The one on the left is a coaster given to me by Aishah since she knows that i'm gonna become a nurse one day. I think it's very true of nurses! i really love it!
The one on the right is a tikam machine, and chuihan got it from a REAL tikam machine. The smaller version actually dispenses tikam too! hahaz...
The pic is really big... and i dun feel lyke resizing...so =p
Friday, October 19, 2007
I discovered a huge trend in the office...
I happened to ask Ashley one day why there are cockroach cartoons stuck at her table and menghua's table. So she told me that it was part of a huge sabotage scheme. Apparently, they did something to their ex-colleague's desk while she was away on long leave. They stuck mouse cartoons (i tot they were cockroaches!) all over her desk, placed a barrier around her desk area, and aishah used a rafia string to design the outline of a dead body (those u see at crime scenes) on the floor near her desk. The mice are supposedly the murderers. LOL! Aishah showed me the photos of the "crime scene". Later that day, the rest were sharing with me what they did, or suffered from. Chuihan actually had her entire desk covered with newspapers. The director of the plot was the boss. The boss also suffered from their antics. They blocked access to her office with cardboard, and even spent the effort to create a window in the blockage. LOL!
So.... anyone who took long leave must beware! her desk might be mutated...
This week, my supervisor, June, took a week's leave to Japan n HK. So i guess, the rest are ganging up against her. We were looking for inspirations and i was roped in to help =.= June's smile was famous in the department. So the first source of inspiration was monalisa. As for the second part, i happened to note a cross-stitch at her desk with the words "Fruit sale". So the next thing in my mind was, let's create a fruit stall out of her desk.
We started with photoshopping June's photo on to monalisa's face. It was super funny! We created posters and banners out of those photoshopped pics. I designed the main poster with "welcome to my fruit sale" and plenty of sunflowers (since june likes them). We stuck yellow bananas on the poster (cos june likes yellow). Then Chuihan stuck those pics on her waterbottle, monitor and everywhere else. Next was the fruits. Chuihan brought some fake fruits, and we made fruits with whatever raw material we had. Aishah wrapped a ball with green paper to make watermelon. Menghua wrapped another ball to make a durian. I was making strawberries. It was more or less a group effort. The boss contributed to the fruits basket. Lol! most ppl in the office saw what we did to June's desk. I can't wait to see her expression on Monday when she comes back from her trip!
I happened to ask Ashley one day why there are cockroach cartoons stuck at her table and menghua's table. So she told me that it was part of a huge sabotage scheme. Apparently, they did something to their ex-colleague's desk while she was away on long leave. They stuck mouse cartoons (i tot they were cockroaches!) all over her desk, placed a barrier around her desk area, and aishah used a rafia string to design the outline of a dead body (those u see at crime scenes) on the floor near her desk. The mice are supposedly the murderers. LOL! Aishah showed me the photos of the "crime scene". Later that day, the rest were sharing with me what they did, or suffered from. Chuihan actually had her entire desk covered with newspapers. The director of the plot was the boss. The boss also suffered from their antics. They blocked access to her office with cardboard, and even spent the effort to create a window in the blockage. LOL!
So.... anyone who took long leave must beware! her desk might be mutated...
This week, my supervisor, June, took a week's leave to Japan n HK. So i guess, the rest are ganging up against her. We were looking for inspirations and i was roped in to help =.= June's smile was famous in the department. So the first source of inspiration was monalisa. As for the second part, i happened to note a cross-stitch at her desk with the words "Fruit sale". So the next thing in my mind was, let's create a fruit stall out of her desk.
We started with photoshopping June's photo on to monalisa's face. It was super funny! We created posters and banners out of those photoshopped pics. I designed the main poster with "welcome to my fruit sale" and plenty of sunflowers (since june likes them). We stuck yellow bananas on the poster (cos june likes yellow). Then Chuihan stuck those pics on her waterbottle, monitor and everywhere else. Next was the fruits. Chuihan brought some fake fruits, and we made fruits with whatever raw material we had. Aishah wrapped a ball with green paper to make watermelon. Menghua wrapped another ball to make a durian. I was making strawberries. It was more or less a group effort. The boss contributed to the fruits basket. Lol! most ppl in the office saw what we did to June's desk. I can't wait to see her expression on Monday when she comes back from her trip!
Monday, October 15, 2007
showcasing the graffiti works i like da best!
not in order of merit....

Emo one...

errr...literature one? actually there's no hidden meaning... i juz felt like drawing a road and i just happened to feel like adding grass and flowers

I drew this when i was really really bored. No inspiration at that time, so i settled with simple colours.

This is me and fel (if you can differentiate us by the hair colours and lengths). Oh well, i just felt like hugging her. but i'm too lazy to draw a complete human, thus i settled with 2 stickmen.

This is another friendship pic of me and jaey. I was on a graffiti spree. Fel n jaey are the lucky 2 to be picked as the victims. I got the inspiration from a drawing i used to put in my file depicting 2 girls taking a neoprint.

I adapted this from the famous painting "The Scream". I drew it for my junior who was in the midst of his prelims. Get the meaning? lalala~ maybe not for him...

Ok..i adapated this from "The Scream" again. Juz that, it's a cute little boy. You can sense the similarity with the prev graffiti. oh well... i made it cuter for my display pic...
not in order of merit....
Emo one...
errr...literature one? actually there's no hidden meaning... i juz felt like drawing a road and i just happened to feel like adding grass and flowers
I drew this when i was really really bored. No inspiration at that time, so i settled with simple colours.
This is me and fel (if you can differentiate us by the hair colours and lengths). Oh well, i just felt like hugging her. but i'm too lazy to draw a complete human, thus i settled with 2 stickmen.
This is another friendship pic of me and jaey. I was on a graffiti spree. Fel n jaey are the lucky 2 to be picked as the victims. I got the inspiration from a drawing i used to put in my file depicting 2 girls taking a neoprint.
I adapted this from the famous painting "The Scream". I drew it for my junior who was in the midst of his prelims. Get the meaning? lalala~ maybe not for him...
Ok..i adapated this from "The Scream" again. Juz that, it's a cute little boy. You can sense the similarity with the prev graffiti. oh well... i made it cuter for my display pic...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I shall spend some serious time updating my blog... but this means it'll be stagnant for a while again.
Anyway, i started working! at NHC as an admin assistant. The human resource department is located away from the main building. It's a distance away from the main building. The only way to get from my workplace to the main building is to cross a few roads and walk through the building of forensic science (in simple terms, the mortuary). There's a chance of seeing ppl loading "erhems" on to those mini-vans. My colleague, Serene, who was in charge of bringing me around for orientation didn't really dare to see. That place is slightly creepy lahz. There's 3 levels in the building. The 2nd level is the place where they move the bodies around from the other parts of the hospital.
Anyway, i get to learn the different departments in NHC while working in the human resource department. It's like a shrunk version of a hospital. It's quite complicated actually. However, i get to learn what type of professionals they need while running a hospital. Definitely, SGH is much more complicated.
Anyway, as an admin assistant, my main job scope was to tidy P-files. However, as the rest were not ready yet, thus i was doing other jobs allocated to me by other people. I did the standard things like photocopying things, data-entry, typing out documents, filing and file labels. I also prepared documents for dispatch. My real job started only on friday.
Actually, admin job is boring as rumoured. I used my brain to do one thing, drag the time required for an assignment. I kept making mistakes so that i can re-do. Well, no choice since they don't have things for me to do all the time. Plus, i can't sit and stone there. I don't feel comfortable, neither do the rest.
My colleagues are nice. I sit with the training executives, aishah n menghua. They are quite nice. When i had enquiries, they would explain to me with patience. When aishah found out that i was rather confused with the departments, she gave me a short crash course. I understood the place even better after that. There are others like June, Joyce, Ashley, Chuihan.... They are like big sisters to me. Sometimes i go out for lunch with them. After i started work for some time, i was able to communicate with them on a more casual basis. Chuihan is a knowledgeable person and also very funny. She actually shared quite a bit of information regarding nurses with me. like stories and other stuffs she has seen while she was working in the healthcare area. And of course, she keeps making me laugh. Especially her jokes about my farewell gift. She proposed giving me a rice-cooker and started assigning others to buy other electronics for me to use whie i'm overseas. Hahahaz... I can't bring them over lahz.... June's my supervisor, but she's more like a big sister to me. I can tell her jokes easily and stuffs. So i don't really have the feel of being a subordinate while working with her. There's another temp staff called doreen. She's actually quite old and considered half-retired. I always go out for lunch with her cos the rest are usually busy. I get to talk to her quite often and share certain knowledge, but i feel that maybe i can't click completely with her. Generation gap? hahaz....
Anyway, i'm treated like a little girl there. Cos i'm considered gen Y while the rest are gen X. They found it interesting when i do something which they don't. Well, i'm the youngest there. There's another young one in the department nex door called Fahan. I love his location. He's like in a hidden place in the level where no one can see what he's doing. Complete privacy. I wish i was in that seat... so i wun have too much reservations about switching on music slightly louder (no mp3s allowed). Sometimes when i visit the restroom, i'll take the chance to find him to talk... hahaz... apparently, both of us are bored =.= The rest are trying to sabotage the 2 of us into representing the departments in the upcoming fitness week. omg... i dun wanna run up n down the stairs. But i feel like entering the rope skipping competition. HAhahaz....
Work is tiring....cos it requires a lot of mental energy...
Work + tuition = hectic. ok lahz...there are many others who survived. but still tiring. Anyway, my tuition sessions are all during the weekends. So...weekends i can't really do much. I really forgot a lot of things i learnt sia.... must re-mug everything.
Ok....i went out a while ago with the rest of the CO ppl for dinner. We went marina square's spageddies (however u spell it). The food there is horribly ex for a stingy person like me. no choice but to choose the cheapest, meatball spaghetti. The meatballs are astonishingly big, and a bit disgusting when placed on the spaghetti (cos there were only 2 of them). The rest were like laughing at it. Luckily yingying was also the victim of embarrassment. We spent a lot of our time talking during dinner. I was like...super slow cos i kept talking. At my table were liqin, yingying and delin. jiankai joined later. I was like, the last person to finish. sian... we were sharing about each others' sch lives and my worklife, while the guys were sharing their nslife. Then we went to esplanade's rooftop to continue chatting. Actually, there were many moments of silence. Just that, luckily a few of us took the effort to continue talking despite the silence, however in small groups. Defeats the purpose of the gathering but well, no choice. I was practically running to the toilet again n again because i drank too much water during dinner. The waiters were filling up my cup of plain water again n again. So i juz kept dranking to keep myself occupied.
After that was going home.
Actually, i hate it when ppl ask, "how are u going home?" ok, when ppl ask that, i noe it's primarily to find company to go home. And i knew that i'll definitely be going off alone (after outings). Well, not once, but most of the time. This is my fate lah....for living in sengkang and choosing hwachong. I didn't regret going hwachong, but i feel a sense of loneliness. Well, i'm not the only one experiencing that lahz...oh well... The sad thing was, other girls had guys to accompany them home for most of the way home. I had to go alone. you know....bei1 ai1... but i can't help it. This is why i always have my mp3 player or a manga to entertain me. Though delin suggested that i could take bus home with the rest gg to amk n potongpasir, i thought it was meaningless to spend extra time n money to go off with ppl. Even though i go home on NEL everyday alone, this time, it felt different (like every post-outing). Not that i'm yearning for someone to send me home (impossible de lahz)... but it's a feeling which is inevitable.
While i was halfway on my way home, delin n jiankai asked (sms) whether i reached home already, as if worried or concerned about my safety because it was relatively late. Oh well, I've reached home safely =) Thanks! and ya...i replied them. So nice n sweet of them...First time in my life...
~experiencing a state of confusion again! oh no... i hope i get over it soon and move on...~
Anyway, i started working! at NHC as an admin assistant. The human resource department is located away from the main building. It's a distance away from the main building. The only way to get from my workplace to the main building is to cross a few roads and walk through the building of forensic science (in simple terms, the mortuary). There's a chance of seeing ppl loading "erhems" on to those mini-vans. My colleague, Serene, who was in charge of bringing me around for orientation didn't really dare to see. That place is slightly creepy lahz. There's 3 levels in the building. The 2nd level is the place where they move the bodies around from the other parts of the hospital.
Anyway, i get to learn the different departments in NHC while working in the human resource department. It's like a shrunk version of a hospital. It's quite complicated actually. However, i get to learn what type of professionals they need while running a hospital. Definitely, SGH is much more complicated.
Anyway, as an admin assistant, my main job scope was to tidy P-files. However, as the rest were not ready yet, thus i was doing other jobs allocated to me by other people. I did the standard things like photocopying things, data-entry, typing out documents, filing and file labels. I also prepared documents for dispatch. My real job started only on friday.
Actually, admin job is boring as rumoured. I used my brain to do one thing, drag the time required for an assignment. I kept making mistakes so that i can re-do. Well, no choice since they don't have things for me to do all the time. Plus, i can't sit and stone there. I don't feel comfortable, neither do the rest.
My colleagues are nice. I sit with the training executives, aishah n menghua. They are quite nice. When i had enquiries, they would explain to me with patience. When aishah found out that i was rather confused with the departments, she gave me a short crash course. I understood the place even better after that. There are others like June, Joyce, Ashley, Chuihan.... They are like big sisters to me. Sometimes i go out for lunch with them. After i started work for some time, i was able to communicate with them on a more casual basis. Chuihan is a knowledgeable person and also very funny. She actually shared quite a bit of information regarding nurses with me. like stories and other stuffs she has seen while she was working in the healthcare area. And of course, she keeps making me laugh. Especially her jokes about my farewell gift. She proposed giving me a rice-cooker and started assigning others to buy other electronics for me to use whie i'm overseas. Hahahaz... I can't bring them over lahz.... June's my supervisor, but she's more like a big sister to me. I can tell her jokes easily and stuffs. So i don't really have the feel of being a subordinate while working with her. There's another temp staff called doreen. She's actually quite old and considered half-retired. I always go out for lunch with her cos the rest are usually busy. I get to talk to her quite often and share certain knowledge, but i feel that maybe i can't click completely with her. Generation gap? hahaz....
Anyway, i'm treated like a little girl there. Cos i'm considered gen Y while the rest are gen X. They found it interesting when i do something which they don't. Well, i'm the youngest there. There's another young one in the department nex door called Fahan. I love his location. He's like in a hidden place in the level where no one can see what he's doing. Complete privacy. I wish i was in that seat... so i wun have too much reservations about switching on music slightly louder (no mp3s allowed). Sometimes when i visit the restroom, i'll take the chance to find him to talk... hahaz... apparently, both of us are bored =.= The rest are trying to sabotage the 2 of us into representing the departments in the upcoming fitness week. omg... i dun wanna run up n down the stairs. But i feel like entering the rope skipping competition. HAhahaz....
Work is tiring....cos it requires a lot of mental energy...
Work + tuition = hectic. ok lahz...there are many others who survived. but still tiring. Anyway, my tuition sessions are all during the weekends. So...weekends i can't really do much. I really forgot a lot of things i learnt sia.... must re-mug everything.
Ok....i went out a while ago with the rest of the CO ppl for dinner. We went marina square's spageddies (however u spell it). The food there is horribly ex for a stingy person like me. no choice but to choose the cheapest, meatball spaghetti. The meatballs are astonishingly big, and a bit disgusting when placed on the spaghetti (cos there were only 2 of them). The rest were like laughing at it. Luckily yingying was also the victim of embarrassment. We spent a lot of our time talking during dinner. I was like...super slow cos i kept talking. At my table were liqin, yingying and delin. jiankai joined later. I was like, the last person to finish. sian... we were sharing about each others' sch lives and my worklife, while the guys were sharing their nslife. Then we went to esplanade's rooftop to continue chatting. Actually, there were many moments of silence. Just that, luckily a few of us took the effort to continue talking despite the silence, however in small groups. Defeats the purpose of the gathering but well, no choice. I was practically running to the toilet again n again because i drank too much water during dinner. The waiters were filling up my cup of plain water again n again. So i juz kept dranking to keep myself occupied.
After that was going home.
Actually, i hate it when ppl ask, "how are u going home?" ok, when ppl ask that, i noe it's primarily to find company to go home. And i knew that i'll definitely be going off alone (after outings). Well, not once, but most of the time. This is my fate lah....for living in sengkang and choosing hwachong. I didn't regret going hwachong, but i feel a sense of loneliness. Well, i'm not the only one experiencing that lahz...oh well... The sad thing was, other girls had guys to accompany them home for most of the way home. I had to go alone. you know....bei1 ai1... but i can't help it. This is why i always have my mp3 player or a manga to entertain me. Though delin suggested that i could take bus home with the rest gg to amk n potongpasir, i thought it was meaningless to spend extra time n money to go off with ppl. Even though i go home on NEL everyday alone, this time, it felt different (like every post-outing). Not that i'm yearning for someone to send me home (impossible de lahz)... but it's a feeling which is inevitable.
While i was halfway on my way home, delin n jiankai asked (sms) whether i reached home already, as if worried or concerned about my safety because it was relatively late. Oh well, I've reached home safely =) Thanks! and ya...i replied them. So nice n sweet of them...First time in my life...
~experiencing a state of confusion again! oh no... i hope i get over it soon and move on...~
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I was watching Channel U's "let's shoot" yesterday night. I was rather disgusted by some of speakers' actions and attitude. Well, the famous xiaxue and steven lim were both invited to the same show. You can expect something interesting from their conversation, or rather, imminent argument. Anyway, xiaxue was supposed to be a special guest and thus she came in only later. Apparently, she wanted to reject the request to go on to the show when she found out that steven lim was there. Even though she seemed reluctant, she went nonetheless. When u see the 2 of them arguing on national tv, i was thinking, "what's wrong with them? so unprofessional..." I mean ya... nobody likes talking to someone you dislike, and of course saying something nice about someone you dislike. However, there's no need to proclaim any denial to the assumptions made by the emcees. It's like...hurting one another? Blogs allow us to have the freedom to express what we want to, and that includes, dislike for things or certain people. sometimes, we just have to take into account, what consequences those seemingly harmless words can bring about. And it was like... xia xue was making faces when steven lim claims tt he visits her blog and so on. And the reasons each give for perpetuating their online war were more-or-less, childish. I dunno what to say...
Anyway, after a job interview today, i went kino! After contemplating for days whether to get a manga by hidaka banri, i finally decided to use the Giftcard "bestowed upon" me by fel,jaey, hy n mx. Paiseh, but i used that card to buy manga... It costs 13.90, which is expensive for a manga (usually they cost from 5 - 6+). However, that book is much thicker and larger of course =p I like Hidaka's works. Since i couldn't get my hands on her prev prev work 恋人物语, i decided to get the sequel to that, 秋吉家的情事. I've got my dream fulfilled! the moment i reached home, i buried myself in bed to finish up that entire book. Energy draining, but nice =) HAhahaz... THANKS FOR THE CARD! i think, if i dun have the card, i probably wouldn't get that book...
Anyway, after a job interview today, i went kino! After contemplating for days whether to get a manga by hidaka banri, i finally decided to use the Giftcard "bestowed upon" me by fel,jaey, hy n mx. Paiseh, but i used that card to buy manga... It costs 13.90, which is expensive for a manga (usually they cost from 5 - 6+). However, that book is much thicker and larger of course =p I like Hidaka's works. Since i couldn't get my hands on her prev prev work 恋人物语, i decided to get the sequel to that, 秋吉家的情事. I've got my dream fulfilled! the moment i reached home, i buried myself in bed to finish up that entire book. Energy draining, but nice =) HAhahaz... THANKS FOR THE CARD! i think, if i dun have the card, i probably wouldn't get that book...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I found this nice joke on hardwarezoneforum!
Helpdesk: What kind of computer do you have?
Customer: A white one…
Customer: Hi, this is Celine. I can’t get my diskette out.
Helpdesk: Have you tried pushing the button?
Customer: Yes, but it’s really stuck.
Helpdesk: That doesn’t sound good; I’ll make a note …Customer: No … wait a minute… I hadn’t inserted it yet… it’s still on my desk… sorry ……
Helpdesk: Click on the ‘my computer’ icon on to the left of ! the screen.
Customer: Your left or my left?
Helpdesk: Good day. How may I help you?
Male customer : Hello… I can’t print.
Helpdesk: Would you click on start for me and …
Customer: Listen pal; don’t start getting technical on me! I’m not Bill Gates damn it!
Hi good afternoon, this is Martha, I can’t print. Every time I try it says ‘Can’t find printer’. I’ve even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can’t find it…
Customer: I have problems printing in red…
Helpdesk: Do you have a color printer?
Customer: No.
Helpdesk: What’s on your monitor now ma’am?
Customer: A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me in the supermarket.
Helpdesk: And now hit F8.Customer: It’s not working.Helpdesk: What did you do, exactly?Customer: I hit the F-key 8-times as you told me, but nothing’s happening…
Customer: My keyboard is not working anymore.
Helpdesk: Are you sure it’s plugged into the computer?
Customer: No. I can’t get behind the computer.
Helpdesk: Pick up your keyboard and walk 10 paces back.
Customer: OK
Helpdesk: Did the keyboard come with you?
Customer: Yes
Helpdesk: That means the keyboard is not plugged in. Is there another keyboard?
Customer: Yes, there’s another one here. Ah…that one does work!
Helpdesk: Your password is the small letter a as in apple, a capital letter V as in! Victor, the number 7.
Customer: Is that 7 in capital letters?
A customer couldn’t get on the internet.
Helpdesk: Are you sure you used the right password?
Customer: Yes I’m sure. I saw my colleague do it.
Helpdesk: Can you tell me what the password was?
Customer: Five stars.
Helpdesk: What antivirus program do you use?
Customer: Netscape.
Helpdesk: That’s not an antivirus program.
Customer: Oh, sorry…Internet Explorer.
Customer: I have a huge problem. A friend has placed a screensaver on my computer, but every time I move the mouse, it disappears!
Helpdesk: Microsoft Tech. Support, may I help you?
Customer: Good afternoon! I have waited over ! 4 hours for you. Can you please tell me how long it will take before you can help me?
Helpdesk: Uhh..? Pardon, I don’t understand your problem?
Customer: I was working in Word and clicked the help button more than 4 hours ago. Can you tell me when you will finally be helping me?
Helpdesk: What kind of computer do you have?
Customer: A white one…
Customer: Hi, this is Celine. I can’t get my diskette out.
Helpdesk: Have you tried pushing the button?
Customer: Yes, but it’s really stuck.
Helpdesk: That doesn’t sound good; I’ll make a note …Customer: No … wait a minute… I hadn’t inserted it yet… it’s still on my desk… sorry ……
Helpdesk: Click on the ‘my computer’ icon on to the left of ! the screen.
Customer: Your left or my left?
Helpdesk: Good day. How may I help you?
Male customer : Hello… I can’t print.
Helpdesk: Would you click on start for me and …
Customer: Listen pal; don’t start getting technical on me! I’m not Bill Gates damn it!
Hi good afternoon, this is Martha, I can’t print. Every time I try it says ‘Can’t find printer’. I’ve even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can’t find it…
Customer: I have problems printing in red…
Helpdesk: Do you have a color printer?
Customer: No.
Helpdesk: What’s on your monitor now ma’am?
Customer: A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me in the supermarket.
Helpdesk: And now hit F8.Customer: It’s not working.Helpdesk: What did you do, exactly?Customer: I hit the F-key 8-times as you told me, but nothing’s happening…
Customer: My keyboard is not working anymore.
Helpdesk: Are you sure it’s plugged into the computer?
Customer: No. I can’t get behind the computer.
Helpdesk: Pick up your keyboard and walk 10 paces back.
Customer: OK
Helpdesk: Did the keyboard come with you?
Customer: Yes
Helpdesk: That means the keyboard is not plugged in. Is there another keyboard?
Customer: Yes, there’s another one here. Ah…that one does work!
Helpdesk: Your password is the small letter a as in apple, a capital letter V as in! Victor, the number 7.
Customer: Is that 7 in capital letters?
A customer couldn’t get on the internet.
Helpdesk: Are you sure you used the right password?
Customer: Yes I’m sure. I saw my colleague do it.
Helpdesk: Can you tell me what the password was?
Customer: Five stars.
Helpdesk: What antivirus program do you use?
Customer: Netscape.
Helpdesk: That’s not an antivirus program.
Customer: Oh, sorry…Internet Explorer.
Customer: I have a huge problem. A friend has placed a screensaver on my computer, but every time I move the mouse, it disappears!
Helpdesk: Microsoft Tech. Support, may I help you?
Customer: Good afternoon! I have waited over ! 4 hours for you. Can you please tell me how long it will take before you can help me?
Helpdesk: Uhh..? Pardon, I don’t understand your problem?
Customer: I was working in Word and clicked the help button more than 4 hours ago. Can you tell me when you will finally be helping me?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
2 days ago, i failed my driving test. I don't wanna tok about it because i had a real bad experience. Simply, i was criticised sarcastically or reprimanded for my ENTIRE COURSE OF TEST. I was totally not in the mood for a test. I was angry and depressed. I even lost my entire attention on the test and i had no idea what i was doing for my test. All that's going in my mind are the sarcastic remarks the tester made. Thanks. Period.
Anyway, today's MAF! I met up with mx, fel n huiyi at island creamery! It was crowded but i just wanted to have my dose of apple pie ice cream, and i did. Anyway, we just chatted about our lives and stuffs before proceeding to adam's food centre. STINGRAY! n SOTONGs! weee! i just love that combination... it's quite ex, but then i think i loved dinner =D thanks to the chilli and the chinchalok. fel and i thought, "we must go down to amk to try that shop's chilli stingray one of these days =)" Anyway, MAF...same every year. A day where the various batches of students or ex-students unite and reminisce. A tinge of nostalgia lingers in the air, where the screams n shouts of joy and happiness blend in. Missed some ppl since i haven't seen them in months. Of course, i'll miss hwachong...cos i wouldn't be able to make it back for a few years... haiz... oh well... cleared most of my debts todae =)
Anyway, today's MAF! I met up with mx, fel n huiyi at island creamery! It was crowded but i just wanted to have my dose of apple pie ice cream, and i did. Anyway, we just chatted about our lives and stuffs before proceeding to adam's food centre. STINGRAY! n SOTONGs! weee! i just love that combination... it's quite ex, but then i think i loved dinner =D thanks to the chilli and the chinchalok. fel and i thought, "we must go down to amk to try that shop's chilli stingray one of these days =)" Anyway, MAF...same every year. A day where the various batches of students or ex-students unite and reminisce. A tinge of nostalgia lingers in the air, where the screams n shouts of joy and happiness blend in. Missed some ppl since i haven't seen them in months. Of course, i'll miss hwachong...cos i wouldn't be able to make it back for a few years... haiz... oh well... cleared most of my debts todae =)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Just had the award presentation ceremony yesterday... in the morning, i was frantically trying to finish up the props which were due in the afternoon. I was supposed to finish them like, a week ago. I guess i forgot all of them till i saw the props bag. Anyway, they were only a couple of name tags which were rather easy to deal with.
Well, i wore a plain blouse and attended the rehearsal first. I arrived 5 mins late (at 1.05pm). I guess we spent much more time waiting for the rest to arrive before we actually started the rehearsal at 2. It was the first time i met fiona. I had a nice time talking to her and my fellow nurse-mate cherie! since we were not involved in the skit, we had a lot of time just sitting at the side and talking. The ceremony started at about 5pm. It's rather short actually. It consisted of a series of speeches followed by our award ceremony, pledge and skit. The speeches were rather funny. The first speech was made by the head of the selection panel. He highlighted a few scholars, yiting, qing and peiyueng. Lol... Anyway, yiting is like, the only person who chose social work as her choice of course when she applied for the scholarship. There's 1000+ applicants. Only 400+ were shortlisted for the psychometric test before 71 were shortlisted for the interview. Whoa... anyway, qing didn't get the scholarship initially. She fought really hard for it. Apparently, she approached many people at different times for the sake of an interview. Her fighting spirit moved the interviewers. As for peiyueng, she's significant because she didn't noe wad podiatry was about even when she went for the interview. Lol... Anyway, i noe non of the interviewers lah... oh well, i had a different interview panel from the rest. The skit was just about the process of getting the scholarship. We tried to inject humour with those props and words. Fortunately, we got laughter at the end. The song at the end of the skit was the nicest...at least to me... After the award ceremony, it was the reception. The moment i went in to the reception area, i was stopped by a familiar face! She was the interviewer for the NHG scholarship. She seemed to remember me...lol. She's actually the director for nursing in TTSH. I remember a row of nursing directors from different hospitals interviewed me for the NHG scholarship. I guess i was significant because i was the first to be interviewed. Anyway, i felt really bad when i rejected NHG for MOH. However, she came over to congratulate me instead. I felt relieved... She mentioned something like being shocked when i rejected the NHG scholarship. However, when she found out i accepted MOH instead, also to pursue nursing, she was more than happy. Well, as she had said, we are all fellow nurses no matter which hospital or cluster we serve. I learnt something from the talk with her. We must learn to "let go" in whatever situations we are in. I had a nice chat with her. I think she makes a real nice nurse =D after which, cherie was dragged into the conversation too... All nurses! She was telling us how nurses no longer play minor roles but are advancing to greater, important roles through the taking up of masters programmes and PHDs... i guess, all of us should aspire together with the passion of serving the community =)
Just had the award presentation ceremony yesterday... in the morning, i was frantically trying to finish up the props which were due in the afternoon. I was supposed to finish them like, a week ago. I guess i forgot all of them till i saw the props bag. Anyway, they were only a couple of name tags which were rather easy to deal with.
Well, i wore a plain blouse and attended the rehearsal first. I arrived 5 mins late (at 1.05pm). I guess we spent much more time waiting for the rest to arrive before we actually started the rehearsal at 2. It was the first time i met fiona. I had a nice time talking to her and my fellow nurse-mate cherie! since we were not involved in the skit, we had a lot of time just sitting at the side and talking. The ceremony started at about 5pm. It's rather short actually. It consisted of a series of speeches followed by our award ceremony, pledge and skit. The speeches were rather funny. The first speech was made by the head of the selection panel. He highlighted a few scholars, yiting, qing and peiyueng. Lol... Anyway, yiting is like, the only person who chose social work as her choice of course when she applied for the scholarship. There's 1000+ applicants. Only 400+ were shortlisted for the psychometric test before 71 were shortlisted for the interview. Whoa... anyway, qing didn't get the scholarship initially. She fought really hard for it. Apparently, she approached many people at different times for the sake of an interview. Her fighting spirit moved the interviewers. As for peiyueng, she's significant because she didn't noe wad podiatry was about even when she went for the interview. Lol... Anyway, i noe non of the interviewers lah... oh well, i had a different interview panel from the rest. The skit was just about the process of getting the scholarship. We tried to inject humour with those props and words. Fortunately, we got laughter at the end. The song at the end of the skit was the nicest...at least to me... After the award ceremony, it was the reception. The moment i went in to the reception area, i was stopped by a familiar face! She was the interviewer for the NHG scholarship. She seemed to remember me...lol. She's actually the director for nursing in TTSH. I remember a row of nursing directors from different hospitals interviewed me for the NHG scholarship. I guess i was significant because i was the first to be interviewed. Anyway, i felt really bad when i rejected NHG for MOH. However, she came over to congratulate me instead. I felt relieved... She mentioned something like being shocked when i rejected the NHG scholarship. However, when she found out i accepted MOH instead, also to pursue nursing, she was more than happy. Well, as she had said, we are all fellow nurses no matter which hospital or cluster we serve. I learnt something from the talk with her. We must learn to "let go" in whatever situations we are in. I had a nice chat with her. I think she makes a real nice nurse =D after which, cherie was dragged into the conversation too... All nurses! She was telling us how nurses no longer play minor roles but are advancing to greater, important roles through the taking up of masters programmes and PHDs... i guess, all of us should aspire together with the passion of serving the community =)
Monday, September 3, 2007
i had spent 2 consecutive nights being sandwiched in the crowd at suntec city. Thanks to the famous COMEX fair... I think IT fairs attract more people than any other fairs held in singapore? i dun think food fair gets that fair share of crowd. It seems like, IT fairs are held regularly (once every few months) but it still attracts a similar size of crowd or an ever-growing size of crowd. Is it cos the prices of the technologies drop during each fair? Or is it that people are renewing their IT products monthly (that's rich...) ? I guess, it's the spending crowd that alternates between the IT fairs.
Saturday at city hall is like...expected... Shoppers, comex-goers.... We (fel, jaey n I) have to squeeze through plenty of people... we had our dinner at burgerking at suntec before going to comex. By the time we reached comex, it's like...8pm lol... (comex closes at 9) We had the time to browse around a few brands (fujitsu, toshiba, canon, and apple) and we had to leave already.
Today, i went with my pa n ma. City hall is not that crowded probably cos it's in the afternoon (and monday is a work-day). We went to comex straight. The crowd, as expected, is THERE. Escalators are loaded, corridors are congested... We went straight to the Fujitsu area. I had a hard time contemplating between A6030 and S7111. Guess what? they were even placed next to each other... I had decided on S7111 initially but somehow, the sales tactics got hold of me. In the end, i spent like 30mins thinking which one to get (and bargaining for more free gifts). in the end, the decision was between "big" or "small" notebook. that's the most sian decision but also the most crucial. After weighing the needs and the wants... or whatever... I decided not to procrastinate anymore. I made a sacrifice for a cheaper laptop, the A6030. It's heavier, so this means i needa spend more energy lugging it around. It's 0.5kg heavier. When i was set, the salesmen told me there was no more stock. Therefore, i had to head down to simlim square to get my notebook along with those stuffs i bargained for. Apparently, the price is set (no more bargain space). Thus, i could only ask for more freebies. ahhhhh.... I have to spend time going down to simlim =.=
After shopping for my notebook, i went shopping with my parents at marina square. I bought quite a few tops and a bottom at Ezine. My mum bought a few too. We spent a HUGE sum of money. My dad finally bought his first young-looking shirt there... and i got a cheap jacket at samuel n kevin. hmmmz... we spent thousands in total todae...
i still lacked a few accesories. I still need a laptop lock, headphones with mic, maybe an amplifier with speakers? USB external port, dvd-rws, and one more webcam ( i got my free webcam and 1GB memorystick from fujitsu). Lol... that seems a lot... and OH! a ventilator/laptop stand to protect my notebook...that'll amount to about 3k =.= that's a lot...i think i needa cut down on some...
Saturday at city hall is like...expected... Shoppers, comex-goers.... We (fel, jaey n I) have to squeeze through plenty of people... we had our dinner at burgerking at suntec before going to comex. By the time we reached comex, it's like...8pm lol... (comex closes at 9) We had the time to browse around a few brands (fujitsu, toshiba, canon, and apple) and we had to leave already.
Today, i went with my pa n ma. City hall is not that crowded probably cos it's in the afternoon (and monday is a work-day). We went to comex straight. The crowd, as expected, is THERE. Escalators are loaded, corridors are congested... We went straight to the Fujitsu area. I had a hard time contemplating between A6030 and S7111. Guess what? they were even placed next to each other... I had decided on S7111 initially but somehow, the sales tactics got hold of me. In the end, i spent like 30mins thinking which one to get (and bargaining for more free gifts). in the end, the decision was between "big" or "small" notebook. that's the most sian decision but also the most crucial. After weighing the needs and the wants... or whatever... I decided not to procrastinate anymore. I made a sacrifice for a cheaper laptop, the A6030. It's heavier, so this means i needa spend more energy lugging it around. It's 0.5kg heavier. When i was set, the salesmen told me there was no more stock. Therefore, i had to head down to simlim square to get my notebook along with those stuffs i bargained for. Apparently, the price is set (no more bargain space). Thus, i could only ask for more freebies. ahhhhh.... I have to spend time going down to simlim =.=
After shopping for my notebook, i went shopping with my parents at marina square. I bought quite a few tops and a bottom at Ezine. My mum bought a few too. We spent a HUGE sum of money. My dad finally bought his first young-looking shirt there... and i got a cheap jacket at samuel n kevin. hmmmz... we spent thousands in total todae...
i still lacked a few accesories. I still need a laptop lock, headphones with mic, maybe an amplifier with speakers? USB external port, dvd-rws, and one more webcam ( i got my free webcam and 1GB memorystick from fujitsu). Lol... that seems a lot... and OH! a ventilator/laptop stand to protect my notebook...that'll amount to about 3k =.= that's a lot...i think i needa cut down on some...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Ok... I'm back from a "hectic day"...
Firstly, we had a pre-departure briefing conducted by IDP's gary. The attendance in the morning was quite bad, so gary resorted to presenting in a less formal way. He's actually quite humorous. So he started his presentation with plenty of graphics and that really enticed us to go. Gary used to study in monash, so i guess his experience is more or less relevant to me. I was paying extra attention to those pics featuring melbourne, looking out for any attractions to visit. Tasmania is relatively near Melbourne, so i think i'll head there during one of my breaks. What's more? There's SNOWY MOUNTAINS in victoria! this means that i may get a chance to touch snow!! (i've never touched any) Ok... chill... gary continued to introduce various school facilities and stuffs like that. I think what really interests most of us is the driving part. Apparently, we had to obtain an Aussie licence in addition to our international licence. This means we have to take a driving test there! but we do not need a qualified instructor. we just need someone who has an aussie licence to guide us. As for the vehicle, we can get a decent 2nd-hand car at thousands. This is relatively cheap, as compared to singapore's car prices. We can pool our money together and get a car to drive around. what's more? we can have roadtrips to neighbouring cities and pass by areas like, the ocean drive!
Ok...we can't bring BEANIES into aus...my poor dapigu cannot be brought in because of BEANS in its butt... we can't bring many things. it seems like we have to even declare drugs and medication we bring in. what about panadol? Anyway, we'll have plenty of trouble bringing things we want to bring in for our own convenience. Also, it'll be quite cold in melbourne during winter. I guess i need to bring some winter clothes there and maybe shop for some over in aust. I found this phrase funny..."A woman is like melbourne's weather. There are 4 seasons in a day. It can be sunny, windy, rainy then freezing." And yea, we can buy wine and beer at super duper low prices =p
Next, we had a drug talk by CNB. So it's like, we were informed of the prevalence of various drugs in the diff countries. It's like...during parties? we could get our drink spiked when we go for a dance. So the advice was to buy a new drink when we come back to avoid being spiked and not share drinks. Then i thought, what a waste of money! The plan is, to smuggle a water bottle in without being noticed. We could drink something after coming back from a dance without having to buy a new drink and without risking being drugged.
Lunch was good! PiZZA! i loved the chicken wings... After lunch, the lame group of ppl (containing ppl from a certain school =p) gathered and starting playing lame games. you know..that dididididididi-diu! and dididididi-didi games. I think we were more like, entertaining people than entertaining ourselves. However, ppl were not exactly enthusiastic in those games...
Firstly, we had a pre-departure briefing conducted by IDP's gary. The attendance in the morning was quite bad, so gary resorted to presenting in a less formal way. He's actually quite humorous. So he started his presentation with plenty of graphics and that really enticed us to go. Gary used to study in monash, so i guess his experience is more or less relevant to me. I was paying extra attention to those pics featuring melbourne, looking out for any attractions to visit. Tasmania is relatively near Melbourne, so i think i'll head there during one of my breaks. What's more? There's SNOWY MOUNTAINS in victoria! this means that i may get a chance to touch snow!! (i've never touched any) Ok... chill... gary continued to introduce various school facilities and stuffs like that. I think what really interests most of us is the driving part. Apparently, we had to obtain an Aussie licence in addition to our international licence. This means we have to take a driving test there! but we do not need a qualified instructor. we just need someone who has an aussie licence to guide us. As for the vehicle, we can get a decent 2nd-hand car at thousands. This is relatively cheap, as compared to singapore's car prices. We can pool our money together and get a car to drive around. what's more? we can have roadtrips to neighbouring cities and pass by areas like, the ocean drive!
Ok...we can't bring BEANIES into aus...my poor dapigu cannot be brought in because of BEANS in its butt... we can't bring many things. it seems like we have to even declare drugs and medication we bring in. what about panadol? Anyway, we'll have plenty of trouble bringing things we want to bring in for our own convenience. Also, it'll be quite cold in melbourne during winter. I guess i need to bring some winter clothes there and maybe shop for some over in aust. I found this phrase funny..."A woman is like melbourne's weather. There are 4 seasons in a day. It can be sunny, windy, rainy then freezing." And yea, we can buy wine and beer at super duper low prices =p
Next, we had a drug talk by CNB. So it's like, we were informed of the prevalence of various drugs in the diff countries. It's like...during parties? we could get our drink spiked when we go for a dance. So the advice was to buy a new drink when we come back to avoid being spiked and not share drinks. Then i thought, what a waste of money! The plan is, to smuggle a water bottle in without being noticed. We could drink something after coming back from a dance without having to buy a new drink and without risking being drugged.
Lunch was good! PiZZA! i loved the chicken wings... After lunch, the lame group of ppl (containing ppl from a certain school =p) gathered and starting playing lame games. you know..that dididididididi-diu! and dididididi-didi games. I think we were more like, entertaining people than entertaining ourselves. However, ppl were not exactly enthusiastic in those games...
Next was a talk by a psychologist. She simply told us how we could cope overseas. We may face discrimination there even though generally, most aussies dun discriminate. She supposedly had a coke can thrown at her by a group of teens and wasn't served at a restaurant. Well, i think when we are first there, we've to be open-minded and think from different perspectives. That'll make it easier for us to cope with such situations. It'll be good to provide a listening ear to someone who's down.
Lastly, we had a mini briefing with our in-charge from the different clusters before gathering with an aussie grad to discuss her life in aust. She studied in uni of Queensland, brisbane. She had quite an interesting experience. She had more aussie friends than asian frens probably because she's the only asian OTherapist in her course. Her college life seems exciting, yet at the same time, it sounds scary. I wouldn't like neighbours to blast their music in the middle of the night. I also wouldn't like people sneaking up to my room by climbing up poles. There's a drinking culture there in her college. We could make friends through such "drink activities". Well, she said that they would respect us if we don't drink that much alcohol. I think that sounds comforting.
Next up, we had our rehearsals for the ceremony. The actors haven't really met up to discuss and rehearse. So, that was our first rehearsal. The props group had their stuffs ready for the actors. There were much conflicts regarding how the actors should act. Some irritating issues occurred during the rehearsal. There was something called, "all talk but no action" occurring. A few of us were quite pissed off. Perhaps more initiative can be taken. However, self-consciousness must be present before initiative can be taken.
After rehearsal, i pangseh-ed jaey n fel (sorrie!) and i went dinner at outram with peiyueng and qingshan. We were practically bitching throughout dinner as well as sharing all the uni stuffs we know. During dinner, we drank sugarcane juice. when we finished the cup, we realised, we just finished half a litre of liquid. It's madness.
Tiring... but i'm really quite turned off today at the last part...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Yesterday's prop session went well... There was supposed to be 7 people around (including those i roped in) but due to personal reasons, only 4 turned up. Peiyueng and I started at around 1plus. xuetying and vivian came later. Since i got most of the props' materials ready, we could start on some. However, as we made more, we realised we were short of materials. Hence, we got xuetying to get them for us. Some of the props look really nice due to the colour combination. Luckily my house was near a shopping centre. We had the convenience of rushing down to get materials and continuing with our props making. The interesting part was the ppt slides production. We altered website contents (even though that may be illegal). I don't think they'll sue us for that? The cool part was the photoshopping part. Peiyueng seems really experienced at that. We were supposed to meet up on sunday, but since we were almost done, we decided to cancel the meeting.
Today, it's Melvin's birthday. We celebrated his birthday at his house. I could still remember last year, i didn't attend his party because i was busy mugging for prelims. One year passed really quickly and so many things happened. Family gatherings are like that... We get plenty of nice food and I'll always gorge myself on those food. Zhen was busy with those chicken wings and she didn't eat! I was shocked... She's always the first to rush to those food. After a while, the usual Zhen returned... hahaz... She stuffed herself with at least 4 slickes of cake and chocolate accompanied with the cake! Lol... Not forgetting, marshmallows, satay, otah and whatever food you can find on the table.
Laoyi was telling me about the photos she used to take of me. I think, when i'm young, i'm a huge POSER. I love posing with innocent looks. You know... hands cupped round your face...standing with hands on your waist... Those photos were taken when i was 2 years old, according to her. She wanted to pass those photos to me on that day. I think i owe it to her when i was young. She took care of me when i was 1year plus old to 3years plus old. She used to feed me lots of food, especially roti prata, fishball noodles... hahaz... I think that explains why i've always liked eating... Since my dad likes to take photos, there are like, tons of photoalbums with photos of me posing. He even enlarged a pic of me when i was young. That pic used to be hung up on one of the walls at my kindergarten school. I felt paiseh whenever i see it up...
I had a talk with eelin later. She's like the "me" one year ago, just that she's less mug than me. Apparently, she seemed distracted during dinner. I think she's bothered by all the studying and exams as well as what she may do in the future. At this point of time last year, I had an idea that i wanted to do nursing already. I still remembered arguing with my dad over this. I was especially motivated to study really hard to get into nursing in NUS. I think getting into the course was what really spurred me to work hard to pursue something i wanted. Eelin is still thinking currently. She hasn't figured out exactly what she wanted. She had a vague idea of becoming a policewoman. Though not realistic for her and more realistic for Zhen, i would encourage her if she really wanted it.
Perhaps for people like us, deciding what we are doing depends partly on our interests. Well, for our parents' generation, it may seem like a bad thing. It may seem as if we are unrealistic and we didn't really think about our future in monetary terms. However, if we really want to persist in a certain profession, i think interest or passion plays a part. If you like something, perhaps overcoming obstacles would become easier for us since we have a fixed target. Anyway, it's not like we don't think about money either...
Hanakimijapan epi8 has been released! Sano has been more active keeping himself BUSY around Mizuki. Hahaz... this is getting good...
Today, it's Melvin's birthday. We celebrated his birthday at his house. I could still remember last year, i didn't attend his party because i was busy mugging for prelims. One year passed really quickly and so many things happened. Family gatherings are like that... We get plenty of nice food and I'll always gorge myself on those food. Zhen was busy with those chicken wings and she didn't eat! I was shocked... She's always the first to rush to those food. After a while, the usual Zhen returned... hahaz... She stuffed herself with at least 4 slickes of cake and chocolate accompanied with the cake! Lol... Not forgetting, marshmallows, satay, otah and whatever food you can find on the table.
Laoyi was telling me about the photos she used to take of me. I think, when i'm young, i'm a huge POSER. I love posing with innocent looks. You know... hands cupped round your face...standing with hands on your waist... Those photos were taken when i was 2 years old, according to her. She wanted to pass those photos to me on that day. I think i owe it to her when i was young. She took care of me when i was 1year plus old to 3years plus old. She used to feed me lots of food, especially roti prata, fishball noodles... hahaz... I think that explains why i've always liked eating... Since my dad likes to take photos, there are like, tons of photoalbums with photos of me posing. He even enlarged a pic of me when i was young. That pic used to be hung up on one of the walls at my kindergarten school. I felt paiseh whenever i see it up...
I had a talk with eelin later. She's like the "me" one year ago, just that she's less mug than me. Apparently, she seemed distracted during dinner. I think she's bothered by all the studying and exams as well as what she may do in the future. At this point of time last year, I had an idea that i wanted to do nursing already. I still remembered arguing with my dad over this. I was especially motivated to study really hard to get into nursing in NUS. I think getting into the course was what really spurred me to work hard to pursue something i wanted. Eelin is still thinking currently. She hasn't figured out exactly what she wanted. She had a vague idea of becoming a policewoman. Though not realistic for her and more realistic for Zhen, i would encourage her if she really wanted it.
Perhaps for people like us, deciding what we are doing depends partly on our interests. Well, for our parents' generation, it may seem like a bad thing. It may seem as if we are unrealistic and we didn't really think about our future in monetary terms. However, if we really want to persist in a certain profession, i think interest or passion plays a part. If you like something, perhaps overcoming obstacles would become easier for us since we have a fixed target. Anyway, it's not like we don't think about money either...
Hanakimijapan epi8 has been released! Sano has been more active keeping himself BUSY around Mizuki. Hahaz... this is getting good...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I wanted to blog yesterday, but google died on me and blogger. i couldn't access any blogspot blogs either.
Anyway, i'm so slack everyday there's practically nothing worth updating about. I'm just driving driving driving everyday. I've started tutoring my cousin. Apparently, her physical appearance changed a lot. I'm not sure about her character and stuffs. However, when it comes to dealing with seniors like us, she maintains a level of respect. I didn't had much trouble teaching her but, she didn't quite understand most of the chapters taught so I think i may have to re-teach her. She's taking physics this year and it's like, one of the sciences i'm not veri good at. I taught her all about "light" that day and i think i'd be teaching "resistors" soon. i hate chapters related to electricity =.=
Oh ya... talking about driving... I've been having revision lessons most of the time. So every lesson, it's a repeated cycle of circuit + route, circuit + route. Like what most people said, revisions are the lessons we learn and absorb most things from. after stopping for 3 months, i clean forgot when the blind-spot checking times were. During the first few revisions, i was quite amazed that i could still do most parts quite well. For eg. parallel parking, vertical parking, slope, directional change and S-course. So far, other than occasional small mistakes (or kerb mounting), i don't have much problem in the circuit. Practices are still important la... but durin my revision lessons, i changed like 5 instructors already. For my normal lessons, i had 2 main instructors only. However, i managed to gain more experience and advice from different instructors. Each taught me different things and reminded me about different blindspot checking. So when i compile everything together, i practically can't stop checking blindspots. i'm afraid i may sprain my neck... i had a few assesments already. I failed almost all of them, but by a little (if u exclude the immediate failures). most of the demerit points come from the test routes. somehow, when i'm not having an assesment, there wouldn't be much of a problem. When i'm having an assesment, something interesting would happen... There was once i nearly hit down an old lady if i wasn't paying enough attention. There were 2 pedestrains. I spotted only the first because he was wearing a dark shirt and it was raining. I slowed down initially. He managed to cross safely before i was near him so i sped up a little since it was still green light. However, when i approached the junction, i noticed an old lady behind him. I was so shocked i simply braked the hardest i could. Luckily i stopped before hitting her. Traffic light was still green and i just stopped there while the old lady continued to cross slowly. i was still shocked and i think, the old lady was equally shocked... That earned me 8 demerit points.
I've just started watching a new kdrama called "the first shop of coffee prince". It's the latest and hottest in korea. I didn't know about it until recently because it kept appearing on newspprs. it's something similar to hanakimi in the sense that the protagonist behaves like a boy but is a girl in real life. Both of them kept their real identity a secret until later.
i'm watching tons of dramas now. I've just watched gokusen. It's something similar to GTO where they have a real violent, but understanding homeroom teacher. I like the students... cos they are cool-looking... lol... oguri shun and matsumoto jun from hanayoridango are both acting as students in gokusen. I like narimiya tho... he has a cute smile =D
Anyway, i'm so slack everyday there's practically nothing worth updating about. I'm just driving driving driving everyday. I've started tutoring my cousin. Apparently, her physical appearance changed a lot. I'm not sure about her character and stuffs. However, when it comes to dealing with seniors like us, she maintains a level of respect. I didn't had much trouble teaching her but, she didn't quite understand most of the chapters taught so I think i may have to re-teach her. She's taking physics this year and it's like, one of the sciences i'm not veri good at. I taught her all about "light" that day and i think i'd be teaching "resistors" soon. i hate chapters related to electricity =.=
Oh ya... talking about driving... I've been having revision lessons most of the time. So every lesson, it's a repeated cycle of circuit + route, circuit + route. Like what most people said, revisions are the lessons we learn and absorb most things from. after stopping for 3 months, i clean forgot when the blind-spot checking times were. During the first few revisions, i was quite amazed that i could still do most parts quite well. For eg. parallel parking, vertical parking, slope, directional change and S-course. So far, other than occasional small mistakes (or kerb mounting), i don't have much problem in the circuit. Practices are still important la... but durin my revision lessons, i changed like 5 instructors already. For my normal lessons, i had 2 main instructors only. However, i managed to gain more experience and advice from different instructors. Each taught me different things and reminded me about different blindspot checking. So when i compile everything together, i practically can't stop checking blindspots. i'm afraid i may sprain my neck... i had a few assesments already. I failed almost all of them, but by a little (if u exclude the immediate failures). most of the demerit points come from the test routes. somehow, when i'm not having an assesment, there wouldn't be much of a problem. When i'm having an assesment, something interesting would happen... There was once i nearly hit down an old lady if i wasn't paying enough attention. There were 2 pedestrains. I spotted only the first because he was wearing a dark shirt and it was raining. I slowed down initially. He managed to cross safely before i was near him so i sped up a little since it was still green light. However, when i approached the junction, i noticed an old lady behind him. I was so shocked i simply braked the hardest i could. Luckily i stopped before hitting her. Traffic light was still green and i just stopped there while the old lady continued to cross slowly. i was still shocked and i think, the old lady was equally shocked... That earned me 8 demerit points.
I've just started watching a new kdrama called "the first shop of coffee prince". It's the latest and hottest in korea. I didn't know about it until recently because it kept appearing on newspprs. it's something similar to hanakimi in the sense that the protagonist behaves like a boy but is a girl in real life. Both of them kept their real identity a secret until later.
i'm watching tons of dramas now. I've just watched gokusen. It's something similar to GTO where they have a real violent, but understanding homeroom teacher. I like the students... cos they are cool-looking... lol... oguri shun and matsumoto jun from hanayoridango are both acting as students in gokusen. I like narimiya tho... he has a cute smile =D
Sunday, August 12, 2007
i like delaying my posts... but anyway, i just watched hanakimi(japan) epi6! It ended with a hug between mizuki and sano... ahhh... what will happen next? love will blossom? i can't wait for wednesday to come... I think i'm biased, but i just dun like hanakimi(taiwan). perhaps it's because it's too similar to the manga and since i'm an avid fan of the manga, i'd probably choose the latter. but hanakimi(jap) has a similar basis as the manga (having a girl attending a boys' school) but the content is different, which is why i preferred hanakimi (jap) to the taiwan one. and yea... nakatsu (xiuyi) and sano (quan2) are more good looking =p
been slack nowadays. I had my driving pre-test a few days ago. The instructor was one who had a real sense of humour and kept distractin me from driving. I made a hundred mistakes because i was laughing and laughing away. For eg. i didn't signal when i was changing lane. Well, that earned me 2 demerit points. In the end, i supposedly got 18 demerit points. And i admitted to a mistake which i've made repeatedly (for starting off on a wrong gear at the same place). so i got a total of 20 demerit points. Before that instructor left, he told me..."you got 16demerit only la... 14 initially..." i was shocked! after making so many mistakes, i got only 16... i think he's lenient. Anyway, he likes talking. When i'm on the slope ready to move off, or parking vertically, or parallel... he'll be talking. And while i waited for him to finish talking...his colleague will be like "you can move off already...lol.." nice instructor and comical...
been slack nowadays. I had my driving pre-test a few days ago. The instructor was one who had a real sense of humour and kept distractin me from driving. I made a hundred mistakes because i was laughing and laughing away. For eg. i didn't signal when i was changing lane. Well, that earned me 2 demerit points. In the end, i supposedly got 18 demerit points. And i admitted to a mistake which i've made repeatedly (for starting off on a wrong gear at the same place). so i got a total of 20 demerit points. Before that instructor left, he told me..."you got 16demerit only la... 14 initially..." i was shocked! after making so many mistakes, i got only 16... i think he's lenient. Anyway, he likes talking. When i'm on the slope ready to move off, or parking vertically, or parallel... he'll be talking. And while i waited for him to finish talking...his colleague will be like "you can move off already...lol.." nice instructor and comical...
Monday, August 6, 2007
Back from OBS (2 days ago) !
Anyway, OBS is quite fun but tiring. I had a few interesting encounters too.
on the first day, we met at the jetty early in the morning. Fortunately, punggol jetty is extremely near my house, so i woke up rather late. I couldn't really sleep well the night before probably because i'm not used to sleeping early. Our instructors were Selamat and Chinyong. The 2 teams we were split into were dhanabalan and engsoon. I belonged to the engsoon one. There weren't many people at OBS at that time (since it isn't the school holidays). We had a few teambuilding games initially. There were plenty of briefings in the morning, and discussions about aims and objectives. during one of the games, we had to piece pictures together to form a continuous comic strip. However, we did not get to see each other's pictures. We had to shout out the content of our picture and get people with related pictures to be grouped together. It was more of a game that tested our communication skills. It requires us to be more detailed when trying to portray something.
It was only until afternoon, did we have our first taste of adventure. We tried the inverted tower and it was more of a buddy-based adventure. We had a target set as part of a scenario-based campaign. Xuetying and I volunteered to serve as the campaign managers to raise funds for a cause. There are 2 routes to take, the ZZ-log and the chimney climb. All of us took turns to go up and we exceeded our time limit greatly. Xuetying and I paired up (even though we were not supposed to since we were both campaign managers). We did the chimney climb. It was quite tiring for us partly because we had been belaying and assisting all along before our turn. While we did the rockwall, i slipped once and fell but continued nonetheless. I decided to just, "heck care and climb". I just hung on to anything i could. Unlike common rock wall climbs, 2 of us were attached by a tether and we have to maintain a close distance between each other. By the time we reached the tyres, we were already half dead. I was merely clinging on to the tyres and i couldn't proceed to the last part. Well, i'm rather physically unfit plus i'm quite heavy. I guess that's why i can't pull myself up that easily. In the end, xuetying and i ended up clinging on to the tyres for quite some time and we couldn't complete the climb to obtain the maximum points. =( sorry xuetying! We couldn't achieve our target in the end (the entire team). however, we gained quite a lot from this climb, like teamwork and courage.
At night, after dinner, we had our nightwalk in the forest. All we had was a lightstick and we had to follow the people in front really closely. We reached a place where the tunnels were. Apparently, these tunnels are simulations of caves. we had to go through it individually. I was expecting rock walls and animal sounds. While i waited for my turn, qingshan, xuetying and I were sharing ghost stories to make ourselves more frightened. After i got in, the first thing in my mind was, "omg! are the tunnels large enough to fit my size? can i get through?" The tunnels are actually part of a maze and we have to find our way inside with the lightstick. I was crawling through the tunnels on my knees are frankly speaking, it hurts. i reached places where i really lost my way because i couldn't find alternative routes for a moment. I expect only horizontal routes but not vertical ones. When i saw an opening on top in the middle of the maze, the first thing i did was search for stairs. There were none! i tried figuring how to get up. The next thing i did? just climb. I was clinging there for a moment because i couldn't get up. There were some parts in the maze where the hole is really SOOO small i couldn't crawl through. I've to literally lie on my belly to crawl through it. There were no other ways. some holes were so small we didn't expect it to be the entrance to the next part of the maze. when i came out into a large empty space, i was searching for the next part of the maze. i didn't expect it to end that quickly. However, the moment i got in, i realised that the route seems familiar. I reversed out of the route in the end and searched for the exit. lol! i couldn't find the exit!! but i still got out in the end. I was quite relieved that i went through the maze safely. i got a few bruises on my knees though.
We had our sea expedition the next day. We spent the morning getting our stuffs ready for the expedition like ponchos, life vests, change of clothes, and food. We had to prepare the kayaks, floating on our lifevests, wading, and YES....capsizing our kayaks and getting on them again. I paired up with peiyueng. It was extremely difficult to get on to the kayaks again while floating in water. I couldn't get myself up. And when i got up, the boat capsized again when peiyueng is nearly up. When peiyueng got up, the kayak capsized again when i nearly got up. LOL.... we capsized 3 times in a row. However, we finally succeeded. So we swore, NEVER to capsize. We were required to take our lunch out at sea. So we packed our lifevests with food and loaded the kayaks with water and ponchos. Peiyueng and I carried extra oranges in case anyway got seasick. We set off in the afternoon. We had a lot of trouble getting out to sea and round the jetties because most of us are not used to kayaking or had never tried it before. When we were out at sea, Peiyueng got tired. but i guess, she's not used to kayaking yet. After some time out at sea, and replenishing our bodies with food and water, we began to go at a faster and regular rate. We went past kelongs and had kelong dogs barking at us. when we stopped to rest, we were swept towards the kelongs and ended up apologising to them. lol.. but we stabilised ourselves but holding on to each others' kayaks such that we would not capsize that easily. When we finally reached the river from sea, we had our rest and lunch there. I ate only oreos for lunch. The water there was much more stable so it was easier to move through it. However, we lost our way a few times and we had to reverse. Not only so, we had to cross certain mud banks and roads by carrying our kayaks over. It was really teamwork that helped us through. The instructors helped the 1st and last kayak. The rest passed through with the help from the other teammembers. not easy to carry those kayaks! they were extremely heavy. Luckily we passed through land, cos i didn't dare to settle my small business in the water since i had to get out of the kayak. I was afraid that i couldn't climb back again. While we were out at sea and in the river, i had no feeling of us being at Ubin. However, the moment we were crossing roads, i realised that we were in ubin! lol...lost my sense of location. When we reached our destination, we have rowed our kayaks for at least 5.5hours with only few 5-10mins breaks in between. We had our share of jokes too. For example, seeing people crashing into mangroves at the sides, joking about oranges falling into the sea or river, or seeing ourselves swept by the river current and frantically preventing ourselves from crashing into the mangroves/trees at the sides (since we had 5 kayaks holding on to one another, it was not easy directing the kayaks). After reaching the destination, we had to carry the kayaks up and tidy up our travel items before we could really have a break. Most of us were floating on land. We split up to do the cookin and pitching of tents. I was part of the cooking group. we had rice, curry and mushrooms. The rice was slightly burnt in the end at the bottom but relatively well-cooked. Tent-pitchers were done at the same time but we didn't have enough messtins for all to eat from. So we had to share. We also lacked utensils so some had to make do with forks for their meals. i had my spoon and i shared with shan. My fork went to kaiming... lol.. anyway, after eating, it was pot scrubbing time. shan and i spent the entire mealtime scrubbing one rice pot and i spent half the bathtime scrubbing the other rice pot. I used soap, sand and gravel and stones to scrub that stupid pot and still, it wasn't entirely clean. The instructors have to complete the job while we went to bathe. Girls had the guys' toilet at the campsite while guys had the girls' toilet. There were no hooks in the toilet cubicle! so someone had to stand guard to pass us our items. The instructors din inform us to bring our soaps or stuffs like that. we ended up rinsing and changing into dry clothes for bedtime. i was still quite wet at the end, cos i brought only my face towel there! and we brought it on our own accord... At night, i slept at the outermost of the tent. The tent is simply made up of a groundsheet, and a top canvas. No doors, nothing. our feet were exposed to the outside world. initially, i felt comfortable with all the wind blowing at me (we slept near the seaside) cos i was wearing long sleeves, track pants and shoes. since i slept at the side, i was more cautious of snakes or animals. I wake up the moment i hear anything. Initially, i saw a stray dog stealing a pack of biscuits from our lifevest area (we left our food there unintentionally). I couldn't sleep cos i was afraid some dog will come sniffing at me. then i heard footsteps again and guess what i saw? A WILD BOAR! It was a huge wild boar! (people at tekong would have seen it many times, but i'm not in NS). It was running past the other side of my tent where qingshan were. They were sleeping like pigs and didn't see it. I woke peiyueng and nadiah up to see that wild boar. However, the boar didn't have much activities later. until about 12 plus, i heard dogs barking intensely. I realised that the boar is out from the forest again and the dogs are barking at it, apparently to make it go back and to stay away from our sleeping area. There was a guard dog and it seems like it was leading other stray dogs. They surrounded our tents, sort of to prevent the boar from coming near us. At a point of time, the boar was facing the other side of my tent and staring right in my face. It was so near our tent! (qingshan were still sleeping like logs!) peiyueng and I looked at its true face then. omg...huge tusks....Cool eh! the dogs chased the boar too. After all the commotion i went back to sleep again. I woke up at 4plus when i heard dogs barking again. this time, i see the dogs barking at the boar and the boar charging at the dogs. Omg... it was like a fight! and the dogs continued to protect us by standing guard near our tents. I was really excited and i was probably the only one watching the fight. In the morning, the rest were quite astonished that a boar actually ran about our sleeping area. Even though they heard dogs barking, they didn't see a boar. lol... peiyueng,nadiah and i are the only few who saw it. and i think i'm the only lame one around sacrificing precious sleep to stare at the dogs and wild boar. It looks like those maple boars u noe!
In the morning of the 3rd day, we had a phantom buddy revealing time. we picked our phantom buddies the day before and were supposed to observe them. Lol... initially, i'm the one receiving my phantom buddy, only to find out that xuetying was my phantom! hahaz...then when i was at the giving end, i was xuetying's phantom! i gave her a huge surprise just as she gave me one when she revealed herself. I had a hard time keeping the secret while she shared what she observed about me. Actually, we didn't have much to share either, since we were in different kayaks and we dun get to spend a lot of time together. Then, we played another game. We had to blindfold ourselves and set off from the starting point to the ending point as a team. No one could see the routes, including the leaders so we had to figure out a plan to reach our final point. We spent 20mins figuring out and the rest of the time walking. We got lost for a while but we managed to reach our ending point (which is a tree). After which, we have to row our kayaks back to the main campsite. It is only a super small distance away from our expedition campsite. Most of us felt cheated but relieved at the same time. Most of us had arm aches already, and bad ones. We nearly didn't have the strength to go back. We cleared up our stuffs before proceeding to....jetty jump! We had to jump from the jetty after saying out our commitments. I was awaiting that moment. Frankly speaking, i like swimming in the sea. Since some couldn't swim, those who could swim has to jump first and wait by. We had our lifevests anyway. While i waited for peiyueng, i was practically enjoying in the water...lol... Just that, the lifevest was really hindering me...i would rather it not on me (for the jetty jump only). After jetty jump, we washed our expedition stuffs and ourselves and packed up to leave the place.
It was fun and i really learnt a lot from this OBS camp. Well, learning is one, applying is another. Yupz...meaningful stories were shared with us by Selamat and chinyong and yes.... after achieving our target, we should cheer! and after which, we share our experiences with others =)
I learnt about how we could go about achieving certain targets. since most of our adventures are team-based, there's 3 components we have to pay attention to. Product, people and procedure. Depending on what we are doing, the extent of each we have to concentrate on varies. there are many other lessons learnt from each adventure.
Sea expedition - teamwork (waiting for each other, rowing together, coordinating, carrying each others' kayaks together) and i guess, perseverance. We must have flexibility too.
Tunnel - how our future will be like... we have to walk our paths alone most of the time. we may feel lost sometimes but eventually we'll find our way. We have to find solutions ourselves and most of the time, there'll always be a way out, depending on our own perceptions. even if the hole is small, it could be the way, depending on whether we want to attempt it or not. At the end of our journey, we'll feel stronger and relieved.
inverted tower - courage and teamwork. We have to cooperate so that we can get to the top together. determination is impt. We should not give up easily. lastly, we must have the courage to try.
We learnt many other things through other games too... it was a fruitful camp =)
Anyway, OBS is quite fun but tiring. I had a few interesting encounters too.
on the first day, we met at the jetty early in the morning. Fortunately, punggol jetty is extremely near my house, so i woke up rather late. I couldn't really sleep well the night before probably because i'm not used to sleeping early. Our instructors were Selamat and Chinyong. The 2 teams we were split into were dhanabalan and engsoon. I belonged to the engsoon one. There weren't many people at OBS at that time (since it isn't the school holidays). We had a few teambuilding games initially. There were plenty of briefings in the morning, and discussions about aims and objectives. during one of the games, we had to piece pictures together to form a continuous comic strip. However, we did not get to see each other's pictures. We had to shout out the content of our picture and get people with related pictures to be grouped together. It was more of a game that tested our communication skills. It requires us to be more detailed when trying to portray something.
It was only until afternoon, did we have our first taste of adventure. We tried the inverted tower and it was more of a buddy-based adventure. We had a target set as part of a scenario-based campaign. Xuetying and I volunteered to serve as the campaign managers to raise funds for a cause. There are 2 routes to take, the ZZ-log and the chimney climb. All of us took turns to go up and we exceeded our time limit greatly. Xuetying and I paired up (even though we were not supposed to since we were both campaign managers). We did the chimney climb. It was quite tiring for us partly because we had been belaying and assisting all along before our turn. While we did the rockwall, i slipped once and fell but continued nonetheless. I decided to just, "heck care and climb". I just hung on to anything i could. Unlike common rock wall climbs, 2 of us were attached by a tether and we have to maintain a close distance between each other. By the time we reached the tyres, we were already half dead. I was merely clinging on to the tyres and i couldn't proceed to the last part. Well, i'm rather physically unfit plus i'm quite heavy. I guess that's why i can't pull myself up that easily. In the end, xuetying and i ended up clinging on to the tyres for quite some time and we couldn't complete the climb to obtain the maximum points. =( sorry xuetying! We couldn't achieve our target in the end (the entire team). however, we gained quite a lot from this climb, like teamwork and courage.
At night, after dinner, we had our nightwalk in the forest. All we had was a lightstick and we had to follow the people in front really closely. We reached a place where the tunnels were. Apparently, these tunnels are simulations of caves. we had to go through it individually. I was expecting rock walls and animal sounds. While i waited for my turn, qingshan, xuetying and I were sharing ghost stories to make ourselves more frightened. After i got in, the first thing in my mind was, "omg! are the tunnels large enough to fit my size? can i get through?" The tunnels are actually part of a maze and we have to find our way inside with the lightstick. I was crawling through the tunnels on my knees are frankly speaking, it hurts. i reached places where i really lost my way because i couldn't find alternative routes for a moment. I expect only horizontal routes but not vertical ones. When i saw an opening on top in the middle of the maze, the first thing i did was search for stairs. There were none! i tried figuring how to get up. The next thing i did? just climb. I was clinging there for a moment because i couldn't get up. There were some parts in the maze where the hole is really SOOO small i couldn't crawl through. I've to literally lie on my belly to crawl through it. There were no other ways. some holes were so small we didn't expect it to be the entrance to the next part of the maze. when i came out into a large empty space, i was searching for the next part of the maze. i didn't expect it to end that quickly. However, the moment i got in, i realised that the route seems familiar. I reversed out of the route in the end and searched for the exit. lol! i couldn't find the exit!! but i still got out in the end. I was quite relieved that i went through the maze safely. i got a few bruises on my knees though.
We had our sea expedition the next day. We spent the morning getting our stuffs ready for the expedition like ponchos, life vests, change of clothes, and food. We had to prepare the kayaks, floating on our lifevests, wading, and YES....capsizing our kayaks and getting on them again. I paired up with peiyueng. It was extremely difficult to get on to the kayaks again while floating in water. I couldn't get myself up. And when i got up, the boat capsized again when peiyueng is nearly up. When peiyueng got up, the kayak capsized again when i nearly got up. LOL.... we capsized 3 times in a row. However, we finally succeeded. So we swore, NEVER to capsize. We were required to take our lunch out at sea. So we packed our lifevests with food and loaded the kayaks with water and ponchos. Peiyueng and I carried extra oranges in case anyway got seasick. We set off in the afternoon. We had a lot of trouble getting out to sea and round the jetties because most of us are not used to kayaking or had never tried it before. When we were out at sea, Peiyueng got tired. but i guess, she's not used to kayaking yet. After some time out at sea, and replenishing our bodies with food and water, we began to go at a faster and regular rate. We went past kelongs and had kelong dogs barking at us. when we stopped to rest, we were swept towards the kelongs and ended up apologising to them. lol.. but we stabilised ourselves but holding on to each others' kayaks such that we would not capsize that easily. When we finally reached the river from sea, we had our rest and lunch there. I ate only oreos for lunch. The water there was much more stable so it was easier to move through it. However, we lost our way a few times and we had to reverse. Not only so, we had to cross certain mud banks and roads by carrying our kayaks over. It was really teamwork that helped us through. The instructors helped the 1st and last kayak. The rest passed through with the help from the other teammembers. not easy to carry those kayaks! they were extremely heavy. Luckily we passed through land, cos i didn't dare to settle my small business in the water since i had to get out of the kayak. I was afraid that i couldn't climb back again. While we were out at sea and in the river, i had no feeling of us being at Ubin. However, the moment we were crossing roads, i realised that we were in ubin! lol...lost my sense of location. When we reached our destination, we have rowed our kayaks for at least 5.5hours with only few 5-10mins breaks in between. We had our share of jokes too. For example, seeing people crashing into mangroves at the sides, joking about oranges falling into the sea or river, or seeing ourselves swept by the river current and frantically preventing ourselves from crashing into the mangroves/trees at the sides (since we had 5 kayaks holding on to one another, it was not easy directing the kayaks). After reaching the destination, we had to carry the kayaks up and tidy up our travel items before we could really have a break. Most of us were floating on land. We split up to do the cookin and pitching of tents. I was part of the cooking group. we had rice, curry and mushrooms. The rice was slightly burnt in the end at the bottom but relatively well-cooked. Tent-pitchers were done at the same time but we didn't have enough messtins for all to eat from. So we had to share. We also lacked utensils so some had to make do with forks for their meals. i had my spoon and i shared with shan. My fork went to kaiming... lol.. anyway, after eating, it was pot scrubbing time. shan and i spent the entire mealtime scrubbing one rice pot and i spent half the bathtime scrubbing the other rice pot. I used soap, sand and gravel and stones to scrub that stupid pot and still, it wasn't entirely clean. The instructors have to complete the job while we went to bathe. Girls had the guys' toilet at the campsite while guys had the girls' toilet. There were no hooks in the toilet cubicle! so someone had to stand guard to pass us our items. The instructors din inform us to bring our soaps or stuffs like that. we ended up rinsing and changing into dry clothes for bedtime. i was still quite wet at the end, cos i brought only my face towel there! and we brought it on our own accord... At night, i slept at the outermost of the tent. The tent is simply made up of a groundsheet, and a top canvas. No doors, nothing. our feet were exposed to the outside world. initially, i felt comfortable with all the wind blowing at me (we slept near the seaside) cos i was wearing long sleeves, track pants and shoes. since i slept at the side, i was more cautious of snakes or animals. I wake up the moment i hear anything. Initially, i saw a stray dog stealing a pack of biscuits from our lifevest area (we left our food there unintentionally). I couldn't sleep cos i was afraid some dog will come sniffing at me. then i heard footsteps again and guess what i saw? A WILD BOAR! It was a huge wild boar! (people at tekong would have seen it many times, but i'm not in NS). It was running past the other side of my tent where qingshan were. They were sleeping like pigs and didn't see it. I woke peiyueng and nadiah up to see that wild boar. However, the boar didn't have much activities later. until about 12 plus, i heard dogs barking intensely. I realised that the boar is out from the forest again and the dogs are barking at it, apparently to make it go back and to stay away from our sleeping area. There was a guard dog and it seems like it was leading other stray dogs. They surrounded our tents, sort of to prevent the boar from coming near us. At a point of time, the boar was facing the other side of my tent and staring right in my face. It was so near our tent! (qingshan were still sleeping like logs!) peiyueng and I looked at its true face then. omg...huge tusks....Cool eh! the dogs chased the boar too. After all the commotion i went back to sleep again. I woke up at 4plus when i heard dogs barking again. this time, i see the dogs barking at the boar and the boar charging at the dogs. Omg... it was like a fight! and the dogs continued to protect us by standing guard near our tents. I was really excited and i was probably the only one watching the fight. In the morning, the rest were quite astonished that a boar actually ran about our sleeping area. Even though they heard dogs barking, they didn't see a boar. lol... peiyueng,nadiah and i are the only few who saw it. and i think i'm the only lame one around sacrificing precious sleep to stare at the dogs and wild boar. It looks like those maple boars u noe!
In the morning of the 3rd day, we had a phantom buddy revealing time. we picked our phantom buddies the day before and were supposed to observe them. Lol... initially, i'm the one receiving my phantom buddy, only to find out that xuetying was my phantom! hahaz...then when i was at the giving end, i was xuetying's phantom! i gave her a huge surprise just as she gave me one when she revealed herself. I had a hard time keeping the secret while she shared what she observed about me. Actually, we didn't have much to share either, since we were in different kayaks and we dun get to spend a lot of time together. Then, we played another game. We had to blindfold ourselves and set off from the starting point to the ending point as a team. No one could see the routes, including the leaders so we had to figure out a plan to reach our final point. We spent 20mins figuring out and the rest of the time walking. We got lost for a while but we managed to reach our ending point (which is a tree). After which, we have to row our kayaks back to the main campsite. It is only a super small distance away from our expedition campsite. Most of us felt cheated but relieved at the same time. Most of us had arm aches already, and bad ones. We nearly didn't have the strength to go back. We cleared up our stuffs before proceeding to....jetty jump! We had to jump from the jetty after saying out our commitments. I was awaiting that moment. Frankly speaking, i like swimming in the sea. Since some couldn't swim, those who could swim has to jump first and wait by. We had our lifevests anyway. While i waited for peiyueng, i was practically enjoying in the water...lol... Just that, the lifevest was really hindering me...i would rather it not on me (for the jetty jump only). After jetty jump, we washed our expedition stuffs and ourselves and packed up to leave the place.
It was fun and i really learnt a lot from this OBS camp. Well, learning is one, applying is another. Yupz...meaningful stories were shared with us by Selamat and chinyong and yes.... after achieving our target, we should cheer! and after which, we share our experiences with others =)
I learnt about how we could go about achieving certain targets. since most of our adventures are team-based, there's 3 components we have to pay attention to. Product, people and procedure. Depending on what we are doing, the extent of each we have to concentrate on varies. there are many other lessons learnt from each adventure.
Sea expedition - teamwork (waiting for each other, rowing together, coordinating, carrying each others' kayaks together) and i guess, perseverance. We must have flexibility too.
Tunnel - how our future will be like... we have to walk our paths alone most of the time. we may feel lost sometimes but eventually we'll find our way. We have to find solutions ourselves and most of the time, there'll always be a way out, depending on our own perceptions. even if the hole is small, it could be the way, depending on whether we want to attempt it or not. At the end of our journey, we'll feel stronger and relieved.
inverted tower - courage and teamwork. We have to cooperate so that we can get to the top together. determination is impt. We should not give up easily. lastly, we must have the courage to try.
We learnt many other things through other games too... it was a fruitful camp =)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I changed blogskin again! This time, i used the previous blogskin as a guide to create my own. I just got crazy over a new anime called saiunkoku monogatari and have decided to create a wallpaper initially. However, photoshop totally demoralised me. Hence i've decided to create something easier. I was inspired to create my own blog image. I played around with photoshop for the entire 2 hours or so....attempting the various functions to achieve my desired image. Well, if u noticed, there are parts which are badly done and are obviously photoshopped. Oh well... I tried many things, moving the pictures, creating the words, selecting additional pictures, creating effects and so on. After which, i uploaded on to blogger and did a few editing to the original template. If you realised, it's actually rather similar to the previous one. It's just that, the guys are substituted by a couple. hahaz... So, presenting my final work... WELCOME! and yea... i learnt the basics of photoshopping =)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Just went Funan with em on wed. Actually I learnt quite a lot from the trip to Funan. Before going, I got a crash course from bun so that I wouldn't feel confused when those salespeople start explaining, or when looking at the specs provided by the shops. Firstly, I asked about the most important components in a laptop.
I learnt about the processor, ram and the other parts. With those knowledge in mind, I had less trouble understanding the terms those salesmen use. Well, since i had only a crash course, there are still things i don't really understand. Like, what's the difference between a core duo and a core2 duo. Initially, i guessed that it was something like...different generations. Yepz...I got it. Anyway, most laptops have a core duo processor. Hence i didn't really take note of the type of processor. Core duos are better and faster anyway. The only thing i took note of was the speed of the processor. The next thing was ram. The cheaper laptops have a ram speed of 512mbhz. The slightly more expensive ones have a ram speed of 1Ghz. You could choose to upgrade to 1.5Ghz tho...at a rate of 69 - 99. The shops quoted different prices...but anyway, as one salesman pointed out, even if you have a good ram speed, but a not so fast processor, you still can't maximize the effect of the processor. Next is harddisk space. Generally, most laptops offer 80-120GB HDD. the smaller it is, the cheaper it is of course.
Then I started asking about the brands. Actually, i was biased towards a few brands initially. Acer, fujitsu and toshiba were the three brands. After much sourcing, researching and asking, most salesmen dun recommend acer. Good specs, good price, but not so good quality according to them. Toshiba and Fujitsu are better, just that fujitsu's much more expensive for the same specs. It's made in japan. So em and i researched on the different models in different shops. There were shops with intimidating salesmen, some with friendly ones, and some who had no idea what we were asking and thus they gave a bad explanation. After researching and analysing the each model's outlook and specs, we actually settled on a few models from Toshiba and Fujitsu. then we started shooting plenty of questions. Fortunately i had a crash course, or else i'd have some trouble asking those questions, and the salesmen would probably find us irritating. As a salesperson, i'd prefer my customers have some sort of basic knowledge in the product they are buying.
Thinking about the price, the functions..
Initially, em and I were most or less settled on the toshiba laptop due to its specs and stuffs and price. However, after some thought, i'm sort of inclined towards the Fujitsu's one. However, the only one thing i dun like about the fujitsu's one is that, it only has microsoft XP. It does not offer Vista. However, i saw a somewhat similar model at a nicer shop. That model has a biometric function, and yes...Vista. I didn't really ask more about that laptop. Come to think about it, I sort of regret not asking about it. I would have to go down to Funan once more. Actually, i like looking around for laptops, and the accesories i may require. I find it fun to know something new.
Now i'm thinking...should I get my laptop at simlim? or funan? Funan's shops seem more trustworthy. Hahaz...who shall i drag with me? new laptop noobies? or comp expert? lol...
I learnt about the processor, ram and the other parts. With those knowledge in mind, I had less trouble understanding the terms those salesmen use. Well, since i had only a crash course, there are still things i don't really understand. Like, what's the difference between a core duo and a core2 duo. Initially, i guessed that it was something like...different generations. Yepz...I got it. Anyway, most laptops have a core duo processor. Hence i didn't really take note of the type of processor. Core duos are better and faster anyway. The only thing i took note of was the speed of the processor. The next thing was ram. The cheaper laptops have a ram speed of 512mbhz. The slightly more expensive ones have a ram speed of 1Ghz. You could choose to upgrade to 1.5Ghz tho...at a rate of 69 - 99. The shops quoted different prices...but anyway, as one salesman pointed out, even if you have a good ram speed, but a not so fast processor, you still can't maximize the effect of the processor. Next is harddisk space. Generally, most laptops offer 80-120GB HDD. the smaller it is, the cheaper it is of course.
Then I started asking about the brands. Actually, i was biased towards a few brands initially. Acer, fujitsu and toshiba were the three brands. After much sourcing, researching and asking, most salesmen dun recommend acer. Good specs, good price, but not so good quality according to them. Toshiba and Fujitsu are better, just that fujitsu's much more expensive for the same specs. It's made in japan. So em and i researched on the different models in different shops. There were shops with intimidating salesmen, some with friendly ones, and some who had no idea what we were asking and thus they gave a bad explanation. After researching and analysing the each model's outlook and specs, we actually settled on a few models from Toshiba and Fujitsu. then we started shooting plenty of questions. Fortunately i had a crash course, or else i'd have some trouble asking those questions, and the salesmen would probably find us irritating. As a salesperson, i'd prefer my customers have some sort of basic knowledge in the product they are buying.
Thinking about the price, the functions..
Initially, em and I were most or less settled on the toshiba laptop due to its specs and stuffs and price. However, after some thought, i'm sort of inclined towards the Fujitsu's one. However, the only one thing i dun like about the fujitsu's one is that, it only has microsoft XP. It does not offer Vista. However, i saw a somewhat similar model at a nicer shop. That model has a biometric function, and yes...Vista. I didn't really ask more about that laptop. Come to think about it, I sort of regret not asking about it. I would have to go down to Funan once more. Actually, i like looking around for laptops, and the accesories i may require. I find it fun to know something new.
Now i'm thinking...should I get my laptop at simlim? or funan? Funan's shops seem more trustworthy. Hahaz...who shall i drag with me? new laptop noobies? or comp expert? lol...
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A series of fortunate events occurred today.
-> our book sales hit a record high, way beyond what we've targeted.
-> our overall sales hit a record high
-> we had extremely good sales record consecutively for 2 days
-> the theif at toapayoh was caught and the issue solved peacefully
-> i felt i've slimmed down a little after skipping dinner
-> i felt a sense of strong unity among my colleagues for a moment
-> the tuition centre in-charge next door treated me to a piece of cake
-> he said "i like you"
Anyway, a few unfortunate events occurred today too
-> i forgot to bring home my wallet
-> i had no money to go home
-> i couldn't get a taxi
-> i nearly quarrelled with someone who was also waiting for the cab
-> xiaoqiang's left=(
-> tml's the last day i'll ever work with danny
-> the boss and the lady boss are so "wth!"
Hahaz... the few of us were so busy promoting comics, we barely had time to rest. There was a pattern observed in the shop. Whenever the game counter area's crowded, our area will be quiet and vice versa. Our customers alternates. We were aiming a record high of only 2k. Somehow, customers just came swarming into the shop and bought like they've never done so. the nets machine probably feels tired today, having to process so many transactions. and for the first time, we exceeded our target by a lot, creating a record high.the boss and lady boss are stationed at tpy. Business there obviously wasn't as good as ours. Our sales was twice theirs. They probably felt somewhat inferior? haha... they called periodically to scold us. And yes, the boss was stopping us from transferring consoles to our branch (to prevent us from earning more?) until someone lied about customers resorting to buy from our competitor. the boss relented of course. i think xiaoqiang was rather happy about returning to amk since he had to deliver a console. Imagine having to face your irritating boss on your last day? i really hope that he wouldn't be around either next week.That teacher next door held a party at the steamboat shop. while walking back from the restroom, i happened to pass by him and his big group of friends. "ah Jie!" he called out really loudly. Then we begun speech-fighting again. halfway, he said jokingly "i like you". lol... i blushed la... but it was rather dark there and i was busy speech-fighting to continue blushing. I was a teeny-weeny little bit interested in him what =)Anyway, the not-so-bad guy treated me to a large piece of cake, ranting "rmb to bring back the plate hor?" x3 heh...i brought the cake back and shared with my colleagues. not bad la...my fav fruit cake. hahaz...
back at the shop, i begun fighting with people again la (as usual...) somehow, all of them ganged up against me. Especially some lovesick baichi whose sweetheart didn't join the party next door.
countdown 7 days more to go!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
it's my offday today! and it's included in the countdown by the way...so...12 more days to go!
Anyway, it's MY offday, and it's shiling darling's offday, and it's ang ku kueh's offday! lol... well, angkukueh's offday and my offday are always fixed on monday, so it's natural for us to have the time to jio each other out. Initially, i wanted to jio him to simlim square so that he can enlighten me on those laptop stuffs. Shiling's offday came as a surprise. Cristy changed her offday at the last minute to monday yesterdae. So she called me immediately to jio me out. Haha...her phone attempts to amk failed terribly. I picked those calls, but i directed those calls to baichi even though i noe she was looking for me. I was laughing away while acting as the matchmaker for baichi and her.
I guess she gave up calling amk and decided to call my phone instead. hahaz.. so we decided to go sentosa within minutes! we got the time arranged and stuffs. we jio-ed angkukueh too. Poor angkukueh, i deserted him for my darling. Shiling hasn't been to Sentosa, so i brought her to the beach there. The water there, apparently, isn't very clean today. I guess it's due to the rain. We went sentosa just for the sake of playing water. There were only 2 of us initially. We actually shared much gossips when angkukueh wasn't around and we played around in the water for an hour before proceeding back to the beach station to fetch that angkukueh. We arranged to meet him at 1plus and we were dripping wet at the station! so embarrassing... he didn't turned up even after an hour. we simply gave up waiting (we couldn't contact him because our hps were in the locker). We went back to the locker and got our hps and called him. I was terribly "pissed" when he told me he was still at harbourfront and would only arrive at 2.30... lol...
2 fat ladies at the beach, waiting for that old man... we were sort of embarrassed when we saw him coming (with a friend). We've never seen each other in other clothes other than workwear. It was actually an "eye-opening" experience... lol... the 4 of us played around in the water for another 2 hours. it wasn't very hot that day nor cold.. but i think i was still burnt... Shiling and I spent 1 hour waiting for our turn to bathe. Those girls are really taking the hell of the time. I just don't understand y they can still take 1/2 an hour to bathe despite knowing tt tons of ppl are waiting for their turn. A short hair girl went in 5 mins before me. She came out 5mins after i came out from the shower. Wow... and imagine this, she's quite fast already among her friends.
Bleahz... when we came out, angkukueh was complaining that we took a real long time to bathe. In actual fact, we took only a mere 15mins, and shiling went in after me. =) and according to them, some guy was caught trying to take photos of girls in the toilet from above the toilet. Actually, i realised something. Passers-by can actually see wad's going on in the girls' toilet if they bothered to take a look. This is because the trees surrounding the toilet do not have enough leaves to shield their views of the toilet.
Usually, all of us would be in black. For the first time, we saw each other in clothes of another colour. lol... As i was wearing a t-shirt, i still didn't realise how bad my sunburnt was (because no one could tell me). We went vivo to visit our colleague, bluedragon! There were 2 new colleagues working there. One's quite good-looking... lol...
We went food republic to eat. The price of the food there is =.="'. I couldn't bear to eat at all. Then we Daiso to shop for some necessities. hahaz....4 of us spent an hour there searching for only a few items. I got a container-like thing which is used to make an onigiri and another perfume to make my room smell like lavender. not to forget, i got titbits =)
It's actually quite fun today. I've never been out with my colleagues except during the kbox trip and a few suppers. It's the 1st time i spent an entire day playing with my colleagues (and his fren). Dajie was admiring us (like totally) when i called her over the phone. But i guess it's really difficult for her to have this chance. When she has her offday, the rest of us would probably be working or vice versa. It's really a coincidence for the 3 of us (who are relatively close to each other) to have our offdays together. let's look forward to more of such trips! and yes, when i looked into the mirror, i realised, i'm terribly terribly burnt =)
Friday, June 15, 2007
got an impulse to blog now... actually, today's work is really tiring... all the moving of stuffs and arranging of stuffs. The fickle-minded boss increased our workload...it was a lot oh physical work... at the end of the day, i juz ran up the counter instead of doing those physical work. It's really an achievement seeing those things we've done.
It's shinyee's bdae todae... so the few of us gathered to go kbox... It's the first time my parents really allowed me to stay out late beyond midnite. There were only 6 of us... xinyi, me, peiching, shinyee, danny and baichi. hmmz... ok lah...we juz pia-ed all sorts of songs... I think i behaved rather conservatively at the shop hence they were really surprised when i went crazy... Stupid baichi dared me to drink a whole mug of beer, which i did. My face turned red immediately and i really felt very warm. However, i noe that i've 100% consciousness. The coldness of the beer affected my throat though. I didn't feel drunk at all (or else how do i blog after drinking that mug of beer?) anyway, i feel funny at the fact that i drunk a mug of beer with a straw... Beer's nothing la... Vodka is the limit... red wine is quite bad... but beer is rather mild. i don't like those black beer. I'd rather those normal carlsberg or tiger beer. lol... it was fun la... but maybe it'll be more fun if more ppl went... and if it was free...lol...
So what if i had carrot legs? at least it's better than your baichi head... to think you actually lost ur love overnight simply because i accessed her friendster...lol...i guess there's no point trying all means to get her phone number for u! =)
I think mother hen will be happy that baichi's going over to tpy to work for the entire dae tml. I guess she'll be fighting with him for the entire day again. Although jealous, i feel that it's best for her because he can cheer up the extremely depressed girl. Well, no matter how much you deny, i noe u like baichi la... =)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
it's rather peaceful these few days at work. Guess y? because the boss is not around!! although we don't slack a lot, but at least, we feel more at ease pushing sales. there's no pressure or stuffs like that. taiwan books sales hit a high for the 2nd time on saturday... i guess it'll be bad these few days.
on sunday, marcus came by to buy books! but too bad, i was too preoccupied with work to really serve him. It'll seem really obvious that i approached him on purpose especially when i was given other work to do. and especially when he's at the game area =.= orhhhh....0.o"'
Anyway, i'm counting down! 20 days more to the end of my life at that shop. So many things occurred at the shop these few days. A huge theft occurred at the tpy branch. Some theif stole games consecutively without being discovered. what's more? he came back to the same branch to sell the games he stole. i'm like "wth" ? he's very daring... but on that day when he came back to sell, the muddle-headed game-in-charge wasn't around. He was substituted by a smarter chicken king, who sensed something fishy. Although the theif wasn't caught on that day, but the entire issue was discovered. that game salesperson is really muddleheaded. He actually did not discover that his games were disappearing at a rather rapid rate. And he actually allowed customers who haven't paid for their NDS to leave with those NDS. The customers wanted to have a meal and play with their NDS before coming back to pay and he allowed them to do so, on the claim that he "trusts" them. Wow...u can trust customers within a 10mins interaction?
Anyway, a huge argument occurred at the tpy branch over veri small issues. simply because shiling and ricky went to get more stock at the main branch and they arrived late by 15mins, anqi argued with them. Sometimes, you really can't trust people entirely unless u've really interacted with them. yingxuan was actually pouring oil on fire. someone whom i tot was juz an innocent creature is actually this scheming. even shiling couldn't believe that someone whom she has been close to is actually doing something like this. To us, it's just a small issue. a small reprimand will do. it's really lame when i first heard it. If they argue that intensely over such an issue, i'll probably fight with dajie over it. that's because i'm late almost everydae! and on days which i've half offdays, i'm always 1/2 or 1hour late! does that mean i've to quarrel with her over it? oh gosh...i dun see dajie quarreling with me over that either. poor shiling is terribly affected by her bad encounters over at that branch and she's probably heading towards my house now to cry... well, actually, i hoped that she'll be back in amk (even tho i may be overwhelmed by jealousy due to some factors).
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Went shopping with my parents today...
I was feeling extremely nauseous when i got out of the car when we reached tampines mall. I've no idea why i have sudden surges of nausea periodically. It seems that my stomach is beginning to reject large amounts of food? I used to be able to eat like a pig. However, recently, i began to feel full even though i ate only a little. I feel hungry easily too... oh gosh...
Sometimes, i feel unfortunate and disadvantaged... because the clothes sold at some shops are designed for only thin people. And for people like me? unless we get the XL ones, we never get to wear nice clothes. Not all asians are thin and slim la... i'm one fat person trying to look good. but the lack of choices (and also the lack of courage from myself), prevented me from looking slightly better? haiz...
Why can't people produce clothes for the benefit of everyone and not just 3/4 of the population? I believe that fat people can look good too...or is there a conspiracy between clothes producers and beauty centres? lol... tho i doubt so... but the lack of choices of nice clothes for fat people like me is pushing more to participate in slimming programmes. While being fat has no real benefit (since it increases the chances of certain diseases), people like me (who can't afford to slim down immediately) stilll hope that people can think of how to help(in the sense of fashion) us more while we remain plump?
Lol...this is just a minor complaint from me...
I was feeling extremely nauseous when i got out of the car when we reached tampines mall. I've no idea why i have sudden surges of nausea periodically. It seems that my stomach is beginning to reject large amounts of food? I used to be able to eat like a pig. However, recently, i began to feel full even though i ate only a little. I feel hungry easily too... oh gosh...
Sometimes, i feel unfortunate and disadvantaged... because the clothes sold at some shops are designed for only thin people. And for people like me? unless we get the XL ones, we never get to wear nice clothes. Not all asians are thin and slim la... i'm one fat person trying to look good. but the lack of choices (and also the lack of courage from myself), prevented me from looking slightly better? haiz...
Why can't people produce clothes for the benefit of everyone and not just 3/4 of the population? I believe that fat people can look good too...or is there a conspiracy between clothes producers and beauty centres? lol... tho i doubt so... but the lack of choices of nice clothes for fat people like me is pushing more to participate in slimming programmes. While being fat has no real benefit (since it increases the chances of certain diseases), people like me (who can't afford to slim down immediately) stilll hope that people can think of how to help(in the sense of fashion) us more while we remain plump?
Lol...this is just a minor complaint from me...
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Now i've sore cheeks... stupid chicken king really spent a real deal of strength pinching my cheeks... They turned real red and i could feel a numb sensation in my cheeks after he pinched them... that idiot, i'm so gonna throw more than just logitech boxes at him, along with a few mario mushrooms. Peiching did a great job taking revenge on that baichi...i shall save the details...
When i saw the extra large marios standing around in the shop, they really reminded me of joe lim...haha...
Wah... somehow i really can't stand lazy people. I don't find it reasonable for one to be unable to sell games, or do anything else, and just stand by the counter watching others sell and earning 4 bucks an hour. Maybe he isn't lazy, just stupid enough to not realise that he's actually contributing nothing. I hope he disappears soon. He really spoils the day for me.
So a newcomer came today...she was totally enthu about the interview. However, she came for a mere 1 hour or 2 (and we didn't get her to do anything other than arrange books), and she left. Her answer was, "i found that this job is not suited for me and thus i've decided not to waste any more time." Anyway, i've also discovered that she's an irresponsible person. She wanted to leave immediately after informing me. I told her to inform peiching first (since she's the shop manager) or the lady boss and that newcomer couldn't be bothered at all. It was after i called peiching over did she stay for a while. I'm not saying that work in that shop is all that nice, but she could at least try and experience before determining the results of her decision. She left before experiencing anything (arranging books isn't any part of the experience). Anyway, my instinct told me that she wouldn't stay long either.
Hmmz...i didn't see that guy over at the tuition centre today... i saw Shiling's eye candy though... lol...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The girls finally learnt the art of running away.
The game area really caused a real deal of problems for us. They wanted to shift their counter AGAIN and this had serious implications on the book area. oh well, the boss is the most powerful. To improve game sales, he had no problem sacrificing the book area. No wonder our sales are dropping...
Well, i went to work at 5 when i was arranged to reach at 4.30. i broke my necklace just yesterday and i'm still quite sad. I managed to repair the broken chain the day before but it just gave way again yesterday. Well, it cannot be salvaged. So i took time off to visit the silver chain shop to get another chain. I'm into this chain-wearing addiction.
When i first walked into the shop, i saw a more than familiar figure. That old chicken king is still around! He was supposed to be posted back to Yishun todae and Shiling and I were about to celebrate his departure. AND that bloody old chicken is back...posted back to amk within an hour of his departure. Now i've to suffer his stupid jokes again... No peace again... and i'll end up fighting again...
So the book area was completely messed up and what now? the game area is neat and nice and spacious and the book area was messy. And who does the cleaning and tidying? Thanks ah... Peiching and I completely neglected sales (we totally cannot be bothered) and spent time compressing books on the shelves, shifting them and rearranging them. There was a real huge makeover at the book area. The rental VCDs were shifted there and for a moment, i thought it was a bad idea for rental items to be among sales items.
so right after work, the 3 of us cooperated to settle accounts within minutes and to leave immediately. Since the game department was doing their share to revamp their area, and WE cannot be bothered or obliged to help, we just left =)
anyway, during my trip to the toilet todae, i met the two guys from the tuition centre. One was the rumoured guy who din shut his door (it's a shared toilet). He came out from his cubicle and i thought, "din shut ur door again?" before i went in (to the designated guy's cubicle), he stopped me and said "needa flush the toilet." He's considerate enough to flush the toilet before i could use (since the designated girl's toilet is occupied). I held a small bucket of water while waiting for him and he joked "wah...wanna flush toilet for me izzit?" ha...wait long long... i'm just waiting for my turn. The other guy came out from the girl's cubicle. They started their jokes again... "eh...dun need to flush... conserve water... flush after she has used..." lol...no way manz... Then the first one volunteered to carry the large bucket of water to flush for me... hmmz...
Ok lah...nothing interesting regarding this encounter. But i thought it's really nice for people in neighbouring shops/centres to build up friendships. I've begun to chat with the shopkeepers at the sembawang bookstore and they've helped me move cartons of books when they realised that i had no help (since the guys in my shop do not take the initiative to help). oh! the guys at the tuition centre are quite good-looking too... lol...on a closer look...the one w/o specs look even more gorgeous...
When i told dajie that the guy was handsome, she rebutted by saying "maybe he's a paikia in the background... looks decent on the surface..." maybe dajie has sth against decent guys? no wonder she dotes on chicken king that much. Chicken king makes shiling and I feel pekchek many times but dajie still dote on him more than she dote on us. It was rather obvious to Shiling and I. Bleahz... 2 of us will gang up! =)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I had a real busy day today. Let me state that i'm not an octopus. Don't expect me to multi-task with only 2 hands.
Fabian was there to repair the computers. The computers have been giving me a whole lot of trouble and irritation. Thanks to the router that directed viruses from the customers' comps over to the counter comps. Fabian did a real lot to isolate the counter comps. I've got plenty of pandas and trojan horses popping out occasionally, supposedly to give me a surprise (and a hard time). The day went rather smoothly. Other than occasional network breaks (because i kicked the modem), there weren't much problem.
First thing in the morning, the game IC was sick and took MC. Ok thanks...so only 2 were left to tend the entire shop. What's more? There's supposedly an interview held today. I was picking calls non-stop and i couldn't really leave the counter. Plus, i had an urge to answer nature's call. NO ONE was around to substitute me. Oh wow.... 200+ boxes worth of goods were taken care of by temporary part-timers so i didn't really have to worry. I just stood at the counter area while peiching did the commanding and stuffs. Both of us were extremely lethargic at the end of the day.
Something tells me that i don't really like picking phonecalls for interviews here.
Firstly, people ask a lot.
Secondly, some don't think about what they wanna ask before calling. I ended up waiting for them to think of a question to ask while they prolonged the silence.
Thirdly, they speak really slowly and i'm really one who can't stand that type of speech speed (i wonder i got along with mx?)
Fourth, they don't listen to what you say (are you the one interviewed or am i?)
Fifth, they ask some questions which don't make sense
I shall quote an example which remains vivid in my mind....
"hello? can i ask you something? can i wear shorts down for the interview?"
"what do you think?"
"can u help me ask the boss whether i can wear shorts down to the interview? the weather's really hot..."
"can you please wear long pants?"
"can i don't wear? can you help me ask the boss? the weather's really hot!"
"please wear long pants."
"then can i wear t-shirts?"
"please wear at least a polo T-shirt or something decent"
"polo T???? the weather's extremely hot and u want me to wear a polo-T?"
"excuse me sir...on a personal note... do you want to wear something that'll give the boss a bad impression of you?"
"oh whatever..."
I was really amazed by the type of question that person asked. It's not a school interview. It's a job interview.
Anyway....halfway throughout the day, the boss ended up selling games because there was no game IC. hahaha.... danny was grabbed from vivo back to amk. Finally, the 3 of us reunited in amk...but we were kept busy. I was rather pekchek answering those calls...(and they came non-stop), and i had to do product information, collect money for books, scan stuffs....all simultaneously... oh wow...i felt as if i was an octopus.
At the end of the day...i tendered my resignation! the lady boss refused to take... i told her i was just shifting my resignation only slightly earlier but she refused to accept...The lady boss referred me to the boss. It felt as if i was asking my mum for permission to go out and she directed me to my dad for permission. The next moment, i just passed her my resignation letter (i gave her a month's notice). she passed it to her baby... =.="' i don't care la...i'm leaving on 30th june... =)
I went out for supper with peiching and danny...i like listening to them chat. I get to hear plenty of gossips plus their personal love lives... lol...
When i reached home, i found out that i received the reply from PSC after the interview. I was rejected by them anyway... and directed somewhere else. I don't dare to assume much from the short letter, so i've decided to wait longer for further details before thinking further about my future.
Fabian was there to repair the computers. The computers have been giving me a whole lot of trouble and irritation. Thanks to the router that directed viruses from the customers' comps over to the counter comps. Fabian did a real lot to isolate the counter comps. I've got plenty of pandas and trojan horses popping out occasionally, supposedly to give me a surprise (and a hard time). The day went rather smoothly. Other than occasional network breaks (because i kicked the modem), there weren't much problem.
First thing in the morning, the game IC was sick and took MC. Ok thanks...so only 2 were left to tend the entire shop. What's more? There's supposedly an interview held today. I was picking calls non-stop and i couldn't really leave the counter. Plus, i had an urge to answer nature's call. NO ONE was around to substitute me. Oh wow.... 200+ boxes worth of goods were taken care of by temporary part-timers so i didn't really have to worry. I just stood at the counter area while peiching did the commanding and stuffs. Both of us were extremely lethargic at the end of the day.
Something tells me that i don't really like picking phonecalls for interviews here.
Firstly, people ask a lot.
Secondly, some don't think about what they wanna ask before calling. I ended up waiting for them to think of a question to ask while they prolonged the silence.
Thirdly, they speak really slowly and i'm really one who can't stand that type of speech speed (i wonder i got along with mx?)
Fourth, they don't listen to what you say (are you the one interviewed or am i?)
Fifth, they ask some questions which don't make sense
I shall quote an example which remains vivid in my mind....
"hello? can i ask you something? can i wear shorts down for the interview?"
"what do you think?"
"can u help me ask the boss whether i can wear shorts down to the interview? the weather's really hot..."
"can you please wear long pants?"
"can i don't wear? can you help me ask the boss? the weather's really hot!"
"please wear long pants."
"then can i wear t-shirts?"
"please wear at least a polo T-shirt or something decent"
"polo T???? the weather's extremely hot and u want me to wear a polo-T?"
"excuse me sir...on a personal note... do you want to wear something that'll give the boss a bad impression of you?"
"oh whatever..."
I was really amazed by the type of question that person asked. It's not a school interview. It's a job interview.
Anyway....halfway throughout the day, the boss ended up selling games because there was no game IC. hahaha.... danny was grabbed from vivo back to amk. Finally, the 3 of us reunited in amk...but we were kept busy. I was rather pekchek answering those calls...(and they came non-stop), and i had to do product information, collect money for books, scan stuffs....all simultaneously... oh wow...i felt as if i was an octopus.
At the end of the day...i tendered my resignation! the lady boss refused to take... i told her i was just shifting my resignation only slightly earlier but she refused to accept...The lady boss referred me to the boss. It felt as if i was asking my mum for permission to go out and she directed me to my dad for permission. The next moment, i just passed her my resignation letter (i gave her a month's notice). she passed it to her baby... =.="' i don't care la...i'm leaving on 30th june... =)
I went out for supper with peiching and danny...i like listening to them chat. I get to hear plenty of gossips plus their personal love lives... lol...
When i reached home, i found out that i received the reply from PSC after the interview. I was rejected by them anyway... and directed somewhere else. I don't dare to assume much from the short letter, so i've decided to wait longer for further details before thinking further about my future.
Monday, May 28, 2007
ok. obviously, the previous entries were transferred from livejournal back to my old blog here. I guess i was trying to avoid the reality that i'm incapable of altering the appearance of my livejournal. hahaz...whatever the reason...i'm back to using this.
I've been really tired of working nowadays. Facing many troubles and problems in the shop now. In march, i was trying to quit. I didn't quit ultimately because i felt a need to be responsible for a promise i made, which ensured my employment. Also, i felt an obligation to "help" others there. The shop is constantly facing a shortage of manpower anyway. I guess, it was the friendship cultivated there that caused me to persist on for a moment.
However, as time passes, friendships were lost. Danny was posted away. Yoyo was fired. While i kept in contact with them, the shop was no longer the same. Never mind the fact that new colleagues were employed, and others were transferred here. To add on to the accumulating problems, the boss had a changed attitude towards workers. He was no longer caring, and blamed us mindlessly for any mistake committed, or work undone. It's as if we had the time to clear up the mess created by the customers when we are so preoccupied with sales, and the 200+ boxes that arrive without fail every month when we thought we finally had the time to clear up something. I feel that i've been blamed of something every moment while working. I'm not the only victim of course. the main victim's dajie. She's blamed for everything. And she's currently unstable in a certain sense.
So a few days ago, 200+ boxes of goods from china just arrived. there were no extra workers (only one self-proclaimed part-timer). There were only the usual number of people working.
One cashier, one salesgirl, one game-ic, one technician. I was the only extra one out, so i was busy trying to settle those 200+ boxes. the self-proclaimed part-timer was more than useless. He was completely ignorant of my commands. i told him to check every single box so that those containing stationery would not be left out. He went out and came in promptly. "done!" he said.
After that, i dragged liying(who came to my rescue for only a day) out to check those boxes again. We found 5 more. And those boxes were in very conspicuous places. I guess, his definition of stationery is rather narrow, or he probably forgot the meaning of stationery. I was utterly irritated with him. He's not only not helping me, he was giving me more trouble.
After the stationery-containing boxes were carried into the shop, the stationery was laid out and price labelled. Since everyone was armed with a label gadget, and i wasn't, i went out to label the boxes. They weren't easy to move. Some were extremely heavy.
I looked around helplessly hoping help would come, but it never arrived. I don't know how much muscles i've strained to get those boxes up and down. fortunately, liying came out halfway. she helped me with the boxes. thanks a lot!
However, after a while, liying had to leave and i was all alone to deal with the mess created inside n outside. while stationery was taken out to be priced, they were not packed properly and left aside. I was left irritated. I have to deal with a mess created by others. and guess wad? the self-proclaimed part-timer was slacking all the way at the back of the shop, probably sms-ing and doing nothing. AFter which, he found himself a place at the game counter where he wasn't employed to be. He wasn't selling anything, juz standing there, not doing anything, and obviously not helping me. He was supposed to be packing goods, not selling games. A girl to pack 200+ boxes of stuffs without help and paid only a measly 4bucks an hour. I was challenged mentally and physically.
After that, dajie asked me to stop packing those goods and to help with the ordering of taiwan books. So i went into the office to help scan those order lists. The computer gave me a whole load of problems. and the technician is obviously not around to help me settle some problems. I couldn't email the order lists in the end.
Another problem i faced was dinner. I remember asking the dinner buyer(the self-proclaimed part-timer) to buy my food and the boss' maid's (rita) food. he returned promptly (again). he bought only the guys' food. The girls had no food simply because he dunno where the shop was. so shiling went down instead to buy and i had to leave my job post to take over hers. When i was about to have my dinner, i found out that he did not buy the maid's food. I was really angered. I was facing a dilemma at the same time. I ate only breakfast and i was really hungry for dinner. but it's either, rita going hungry or me. Rita is really nice to me and i like consulting her regarding many problems (other than work). She still has to work when she gets home with the boss. So i gave her my dinner. And i went hungry. At the end of the day, i could really feel myself on the verge of breaking down. When i left (avoiding having to OT), the boss' child waved goodbye. i didn't notice because i was really lethargic. Then the boss called me and said (supposedly jokingly but i was not in a mood to joke), "hey, y r u so disrespectful? my boy's saying goodbye!" i would appreciate the fact that i'm senior and your child's junior and it's morally right for him to respect me and say goodbye. thanks
when i was walking out, i could feel tears welling up (even at this moment while i'm typing).
These few days, i was doing plenty of overtime. at this moment, i don't really feel like going into the details.
on friday, while packing newly arrived taiwan books...
i found out that 200+ boxes of goods were arriving, and the boss was looking for part-timers. Ahpek said that the boss was employing them for 50 a day, and told ahpek to look for a few of them. the next moment, i broke out. they are paid 50 dollars a day and i, also a part-timer, is paid only a measly 44 hours a day working myself to death and having to juggle multiple tasks at the same time. I was really angry. however, i'm not one who starts cursing when angry, or throws my tasks aside or go crazy. I went emotional and the next moment i knew it, i was crying. ahpek was trying to console me but i knew, the more he consoled, the more i cried. I was facing a problem called extreme exploitation. I can only say that i'm stupid to persist in this line. I'm really stupid. I don't regret because i've learnt. but i can only say that i'm stupid to learn this way. I cried really badly in the shop for the first time and i guess my colleagues were really scared.
No extra pay for working OT. No extra pay for working at night. No extra pay for working on weekends. No extra pay for working on public holidays. The life of a part-timer in that shop? I sell books. i promote books for rental. i do cashier's jobs. i do cleaner's jobs by tidying the place from time to time, collecting books and placing them on shelves and cleaning up dirt left behind by customers. i do delivery jobs. i do collector's jobs. i do technician's jobs by repairing computers. I do labourer's jobs by carrying plenty of stuffs. I do administrative work, the scanning and stuffs. i receive complaints, deal with complaints and whatever. That's not all. All the jobs the rest don't wanna do are thrown to me. and i'm paid 4bucks an hour. thanks. i can only say. I'm really stupid, dumb, blind and i'm a real idiot. thanks.
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