Monday, December 18, 2006
We went Genting first. It was as crowded as before, like the few times i went there in past years, even though we went on a weekday. If we go in january, it would not be that crowded? I'm not sure. The first day, the 21-ers "crashed" the casino, only to be stopped by the security guards to check their passports. This time, they can have the "u want my passport? i show you!" attitude. I still didn't dare try. Yimin looks older than me and she's stopped. Do i have any chance? lol... i guess not. We got two free tickets per room to watch a show called "mysteria" during our stay. Well, that show is a combination of magic, dance, and stunts. Dance...not very appealing to me though. Magic, i know the trick behind most of them already. Stunts are breathtaking as usual. There's this crossbow user! She's simply fabulous! She's extremely accurate!! I thought crossbowmans exist only in Maplestory. I got to witness a real skilled one!! Oh! and a cute white tiger appeared in one of the magic tricks! it's so kawaii....
On the second day, five out of 8 of us "kids" went to the theme park. It was originally one adult n seven dwarfs. Now it's left with 5 dwarfs. to be precise....4 ginnas and a babysitter =) We played only gokart, swing, toboggan, flying dragon and the pirate train in 5hours. spent A LOT of time queueing...sian... Pirate is as lame as usual. In fact, i went in and came out, seeing nothing. And i lagged behind in gokart as usual. It's quite stupid lar...
So we decided to go to the theme park at night, when there's less people. before that, we visited the arcade to watch sinyong dance para para. He's quite pro sia...topped the list lehz...
At night, while waiting for yimin, the four of us went to play the aeroplane and elephant merry go rounds. It was quite lame, snatching the planes and elephants with kids...=.= Since the cyclone queue was still quite long, we went to play the toboggan again, then gokart. They gave out showercaps for us to wear!! was a room filled with grandmas ( we had to wait for our turn in a room)... AS USUAL...I LAGGED BEHIND AGAIN!!! ARRRRGHHZ... doesn't mean i can't drive. It simply means i cannot compete in driving competitions only =)
Then stupid me went up on the spaceshot again with sinyong. the previous time, i simply regretted going on again after my first try. This time...i simply didn't learn my lesson =) I kept screaming throughout...but at least i didn't regret =D Then we went on the pirateship! we went on twice! we set at around the centre for our first try. It was not as exciting. The second time, we sat right at the edges. THAT! was FUN! although we didn't get to try out cyclone...but well...nvm...
Then we went fraser's hill. The parents spent most of the time talking, dancing and singing. We spent most of our time playing cards, mahjong, singing and watching the parents dance. We hogged one of the karaoke sets while the parents set up another in another room. Usually, the bungalow is fully booked by us. This time, we didn't manage to find enough people to book the entire bungalow. So we shared the bungalow with another singaporean family. We couldn't afford to blast the speakers anymore. Although i didn't sing much, but people like yimin, shuiyong and sinyong hog the microphones most of the time. And for the first time, i hear my bro sing! lol...
Mahjong was normal la...with jokes from time to time...and complains of lack of passports to end the game... =.= since there were 8 of us, we would split up into 2 groups sometimes. the other group will play cards. Asshole daidee was one of the games. The asshole evolved to form a pile of shit. i remained as a "piece of shit" most of time...unable to overthrow the king and queen. Sometimes, i can grow from a "small piece of shit" to form the big one. Lol...the game was lame lar... Then we played poker, a new game i learnt. We had fake money, of course, to place our stakes. The 100dollar tiles were called peanuts because of the NKF saga. everyone competed to see who had the most peanuts. And those who lost their peanuts downgraded to form the middleclass, lowerclass and no peanuts class.
During our stay, sinyuan had a bet with his mother. The bet was about getting the hp number of a pretty girl in the other singaporean family. if he won, he'd get 50bucks. during our stay, we acted as matchmakers, creating lots of opportunities for him, pushing him and acting as informants. It was quite funny but he really did spend a lot of time with her, playing with dogs or table tennis.
Another interesting event was the dietcoke n mentos experiment. since we didn't have diet coke, we substituted it with coke. During our first attempt, we added the entire bar of mentos into the coke, hoping to create a rocket or fountain. we failed completely... So during our 2nd attempt, we analysed the problems and devised methods to solve the problems. it was like doing a project where everyone put together their brains to create a rocket. we poked holes in the bottle and mentos. String the mentos together and so on...conclusion was? it failed too... lol =)
We had steamboat during one of the nights. Since the ginnas sat together at a table, we totally had no idea about when food is cooked. our method? boil the water each time we put food in. sintong acted as the timekeeper. Each time he says, "ok", we noe we can start fishing for our food. It ended with a sabotage. Libing, yimin and i were sabotaged. We found more prawns than what we took on our plates because of diligent prawn catchers. they threatened yimin to finish her prawns by repeating the price of prawns. (RM3 for a prawn)
A bad experience i had during my trip was at genting. While people get out of the lift, some people simply cannot afford the few secs for everyone to get out. They had to block your way and try to get into the lift despite failing to do so because i was armed with my luggage to push them away. i was quite irritated. THen, at the buffet, people who queue are SOOO rare. once some people see slots, they HAVE to cut in. Despite seeing a whole row of people behind, an obvious sign of a queue, they STILL have to cut the queue. I feel like screaming at them. The only thing i could do was to give my mum stares. The only advice she gave was "stay close to those in front". They don't even know how to say "excuse me". If i see kids around who don't know how to queue, i know the reason. You can't really blame schools for not teaching basic courtesy because some parents are showing their children the wrong examples.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
I know this feeling. I try to prevent people from having the same feeling. I'm not sure whether i succeed each time. However, i keep having that feeling. Unfortunately, hardly anyone has stopped that feeling from emerging.
Friday, November 17, 2006
but kjk's good...his high pitches are good... no off tunes... but for a guy... maybe it isn't that suitable even though it's good? oh well, i'm just stereotyping here...
While watching rain dance on mobile tv, i tot he sort of resembled kjk... hmmz... but maybe rain isn't that shy about dancing as compared to kjk on xman? lol...
I love haha!! although i've heard only one song of his (that's JUMP), i guess it's his character that appeals to most people. His hilarious imitations of kjk never fails to make me laugh. He's terribly thick-skinned but he's good at dancing too. Not so good looking but he dances and raps extremely well!!
There are like tons of korean singers and stars, but it seems that we only know a few in singapore. i don't expect to find turbo's CD in singapore though...or kjk's latest CD... Although it sort of top the sales charts (did it?), i don't see the same album being promoted. The only few Korean stars we actually know are those on TV (auntie killers and so on....), and singers like rain, shinhwa, BoA and HOT... i think there are times more out there...
Oh well...some stars are meant for us to dig them out =D That increases their value doesn't it?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Recently, i got hooked to his band's songs. He belonged to a really ancient korean boy band called Turbo which is disbanded. I love their songs (not all though) On top of that, i love some of the dances! I like the dance from Black Cat and Love Is. While his band has been disbanded, Kimjongkook is venturing out on his own. I quite like "You're so loveable" from one of his recent albums. The music video isn't very appealing, but nonetheless, it sets the mood of the song. His voice is good (i think). At least, he doesn't go off-tune when he sings in Xman. Although his voice is rather high-pitched, but as some fans of his say, it's a unique trait of his. His voice is quite prominent. You can recognise immediately. Yooeunhye also has a characteristic voice. It resembles her voice on tv (like duh tho...) Anyway, since there's five members in baby vox, it's rather easy to find her voice in those songs.
I'm hooked on to the wrong songs. I'm listening to jap, korean and classical songs but not cpop or english songs! Oh great... to think that chinese and english are the only two languages i utilise. Maybe that's a reason why i'm not good at them? Because my mind's always filled with songs of other languages...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Trust is the basis of many relationships between humans, i believe.
Strong friendships exist due to trust for the other party. At times of trouble, we believe that our friends will lend a helping hand to us and not leave us in the lurch or "watch the fire from the opposite bay". Bonds are usually strengthened when friends work together to tide over a crisis. Only during times of difficulty or distress, one would be able to discern between who the true friends are. True friends are those who are always ready to lend their support when you are in need ( you see this fact in many chain mails ), who lend a shoulder for you to cry on when you are depressed, who encourages you when you are demotivated and always available to lend a listening ear to all your troubles whom you are able to trust your secrets with. I personally feel that it is not quite possible to keep all your secrets within your heart without telling anyone else. Firstly, it's because somehow you'll blurt it out. Secondly, sharing it with someone else may alleviate all the tensions the secret is causing within you. I trust my friends with certain things which i believe they'll keep it for me, be it promises or secrets. Of course, i must be able to reciprocate. Reciprocation should occur in a friendship. It should come naturally and not because you demand something else from your friend.
Consider this situation. A man is made to pay thousands of dollars because his friend just broke his bond and left the country. you accuse the man of being stupid for signing a bond because the rest of his friends have done so? Or do you accuse the bond-breaker of exploiting the trust his friend has in him? When do you know you can trust a person and believe that the person would not do anything to hurt you?
Strong marriages arise due to trust. It's important that husbands and wives trust each other in order to sustain a marriage. This is especially so when the husbands are out most of the time and the wives are unaware of the husbands' actions outside. Well, if the wife doesn't trust the husband, conflicts will inevitably arise regardless of the issue (don't always associate such situations with mistresses). Due to the husband's long working hours, the wife may either suspect that he has a mistress outside, or feel that his family is of smaller importance as compared to his job. Firstly, 9-5 working hours are not as common anymore. 9-7 seems more common. in the second situation, he's working hard to support his family and hopes that his family can live in luxury and not because his family is of 2nd priority.
Imagine another situation. This husband has a demure innocent wife who trusts him totally. He exploits her trust and goes out with other women.
Trust is so easily exploited by the unscrupulous. I'm not saying that i can't trust my friends around me currently. Rather, i'm just exploring certain possibilities when i step out into society in the future. When do you trust someone wholeheartedly? Who can you trust wholeheartedly?
Trust exists between organizations and between the organization and its members. Today, i see the extent of which certain members are standing out to lend their support to the very organization that inspired them.
Should we trust the newspapers or the organization? During the planning and fund raising for the trip to India, i've seen for myself how the accounts are handled. A receipt is even issued for a 10 dollar fund raised. How can i doubt the managing of funds? Perhaps we should just believe in what we feel should be and must be the truth. Only through this belief can our bond with any organization that we belong to. Unless the truth is out, we should not doubt.
(the above are all my opinions, not facts.)
To digress for a while, this has been put up as requested:
Bun says:
1.18 am, i go supper
After the meeting, i wanted to ask whether it's possible to subsidise part of the cost of our trips because most of us are interested in helping the disadvantaged overseas but do not have the financial ability to do so. I didn't ask in the end but i sort of reflected about it. The trips should not be subsidised because the money came from the donations of people. all these donations are meant to be directed to the less fortunate which those people, who donated, intended to help and not meant to send us overseas such that we can help people. By subsidising our trips, it would create a situation similar to those fund raising shows on tv. A phonecall costs one 5.50. out of which, 0.5 goes to the phone operator. maybe 3-4 goes to the salaries of the involved as well as the equipment utilised. Only 1 -2 are actually directed to helping the less fortunate. This should not occur. Those 5 bucks should go to the disadvantaged directly. Hence, i would rather send my donations directly to the charity rather than having part of that 5 bucks going into the pockets of other people. This should be the course all charities should take. All donations must go to the less fortunate. Although the cost of the trip has deterred certain people like me from going on such trips again, i hope that, when i'm able to support myself financially, i'll be able to travel to such places to help people again.
Maybe the haze was the main reason to my sore throat? After eating 2 slices of mooncakes 2 days ago, my sore throat showed no signs of deterioration. maybe it was the mango that triggered that sore throat of mine. whatever the reason, i'm getting plenty of phlegm in my throat. Irritating~
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Monday, October 9, 2006
Haze, singing, all the smoke from sparklers (mx wth u din bring...), chempedak, mooncake
I think i'm just torturing myself when i can avoid all these. Well, didn't want to regret not going MAF because i don't even know whether i'll return to HC next year for MAF. Frankly speaking, i think i will, unless i'm going overseas (which i most probably wouldn't). The decorations this year weren't as nice...the star was much nicer but i didn't have a camera handphone then to take photos. Sad...
Yimin went back to HC... her class is pro lar...5 generations gathered together at the central plaza singing the same songs together. Hahaz....she's the only 02 senior around while the rest are from the rest of the years... but isn't it cool to have 5 generations together? We had only 3 generations, out of which only 1 is from the 06 batch and the 03 batch wasn't with us... hmmmmz.... bleahhhz...oh... but i saw a 02s75 senior...i guess they found it awkward to join us? i don't know...
When everyone went home, i stayed at the class bench alone, watching people play their sparklers. When i looked up into the sky, no stars could be seen other than the orange round moon. My only source of solace i guess...Maybe one day, i shall go to the beach alone and wait for shooting stars there...
Yimin drove me home!! lol... my mum called me when i was just about to get on her pa's car. My mum's first reaction to "ma, yimin's driving me home" was "hUH?? who?? yimin?????" I guess she was equally shocked that yimin drove there alone! Lol...
Maybe next year it'll be my turn? hmmz... if i sacrifice 3 weeks and chiong the entire driving course and get my licence (if i'm that pro), then i might be able to drive to HC nex year!! but i think my father wouldn't allow me to though... i'm not that trustworthy? lol...whatever... the roads are much nicer to drive at that time rather than early in the morning. My pa met countless road bullies while driving me to school every morning. I'm quite worried about him though...having to put up with those road bullies.
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
I had a short little conversation with bun just now. When i revealed to him the course i aspire to take, he was rather "shocked" or in his words, "stunned". Then he asked me why i did not choose to apply to NYP 2 years ago and wasted 2 years of my life. The subjects I take in JC may or may not prove useful in helping me understand what i will be learning. Well, the grades i get may prove my academic level among the rest, but will the knowledge i gained help me through my learning process?
This conversation triggered a train of thoughts. Wouldn't secondary school be redundant too? The things we learnt in secondary school are considered basic when compared to what we are learning in JC. Did the knowledge i gained then help me understand advanced concepts? Not really or to a small extent. At times, teachers tell us, "what you've learnt in secondary school is too simple and would not be applicable for advanced questions" We have to start learning a whole lot of concepts again. Wouldn't it be better if we went directly into the difficult concepts since secondary school? Then we would not have to struggle trying to understand content which we've never touched before in a short span on 2 years.
On the other hand, imagine the amount of stress that we have to handle at that tender age just trying to understand certain theories or logics in order to score well. Our brains may not have developed fully for us to comprehend those concepts.
I'm contradicting myself. Was going a jc a right choice? Perhaps jc serves as a stepping stone on my way to university. It gives me extra time to consider what paths i may be taking. This period of time allows me discover and analyse the paths most suitable for me. I guess, the reason why i went to JC is because i haven't decided on what roads to take when i was in sec 4. Perhaps, the other reason is because it's the "common way" to walk. although the thought of going poly after sec4 such that i could step into society early has crossed my mind, i didn't think further.
I enjoyed my jc life though. I met lots of nice people. My classmates, my teachers, my cca mates and other friends. I don't regret entering jc.
sometimes i feel that they are just not concerned enough. Sometimes i feel that they are overly concerned. Sometimes i feel irritated at them for interrupting my chain of thoughts. Sometimes i feel lonely because they are not concerned about what i'm thinking. i'm a person full of contradictions.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Each day, my dad has to decide what my family will be having for breakfast the next day. He has to consider various factors. Firstly, the price of bread. In addition, our personal preferences, the nutritional value of that flavour of bread and quantity affect the decisions he makes. It's only a simple act of buying bread, but it incorporates decision-making.
Other not-so-significant decisions we make daily includes whether to turn left or right when we are at a road junction, which road to take such that i'd require the least time to reach my destination and so on.
Significant decisions we make include which universities to apply to, which courses we might be taking and the list goes on. They are significant because they affect the next few years of our lives, or on a greater scale, our future. They require serious thinking and more analysis as compared to those not-so-significant decisions due to the greater impact they have. A wrong decision made can either affect our lives drastically or we could run away from the consequences depending on luck.
Thinking about this... I believe that every decision i make every second leads me to a different path of life. I believe that an act i decided to perform at a point of time affects the path i'll be taking in the next few seconds or even my entire life! Seems illogical...
Well, knowing how difficult it is to make a decision, i've tried to reduce my pa's responsibility to decide on my meals he's in charge of buying home. Each time he asks for my choice of dinner, i'll readily give him my reply, such that he could make one less decision.
The act of saying "anything" may simply imply that one's not choosy or picky, but it intensifies the burden the other party is carrying.
Hopefully, this act of mine can help reduce my pa's burden =D
~Maybe i was just hesitating. I should be true to myself but i can't bring myself to. Perhaps i'm one living in self-denial...~
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Then during break, we had chocolate cake!! nice... but i got a sore throat later =( i drank lots of water but apparently, that didn't help.
And yes...darling!! hope you loved your surprise... hahaz... that was mx's idea though... don't judge her by her size, she can do big things!! i had a hard time lying to you though... mx, fel, jaey and i bought a miniature cake, strawberry-flavoured and heart-shaped for darling. we surprised her after the class celebrated for the aug babies! hahaz...and was she surprised? according to her blog...yes =D i'm glad you had a nice day...
Lastly, the surprise for mx on her bdae! After jaey's well-planned surprise, we had to plan a new one for mx. Running out of ideas, i decided to employ the method we used to encourage our seniors. Formulating a full message for her, we divided the message into 3 parts and each of us (fel, jaey and i) sent one each. according to mx, it was because jaey's sms that lagged that she got a surprise. My sms which went first, appeared broken and incomplete and she was about to reply me when she got jaey's which happened to be the next part of the message. After jaey's, she received fel's! perfect timing ehhh... =D
Surprises are nice because they bring happiness to people (i hope?) now...i have to think of ideas for fel's bdae!! arghhhhz....
Got hooked on to songs by True Kiss Destination because of Naomi Sensei!! Their songs are quite unique (???) one of their songs starts with cannon in D, then somehow, they managed to compose a song based on cannon in D. (do i make sense?) oh whatever...i like their songs...
Hmmmz.... i still want norika's hairstyle...
Friday, August 11, 2006

Tonight is the first night i am online this early....8.42pm... i think i'm simply too tired. After reaching home from school, i started watching "NAOMI" starring the above babe. Somehow, my parents also started watching with me despite that show being a school-life type of show. You know, it's the female version of GTO simply. Just that, norika don't smoke in the show but she's still cool. That show of hers isn't well-known but i still like it a lot. Funny yet serious at times.
Somehow, i managed to find certain parallels in today's society in this show. Perhaps children are just increasingly difficult to understand nowadays. Maybe, only teachers like Naomi, who isn't afraid of anything may be able to understand students better by exploring(or rather, enter by force) their internal world. Something plausible stated in the show, or depicted, is that when Naomi was given the records of her form class' students, she simply dumped them away. "I'd prefer to judge them from how i see them. Those records are how people judged them, i don't need them." I admire her. However, such daring attitudes of her are simply not applicable in today's society i guess. In a nutshell, it's only a show meant for entertainment.
The Chinooks and Apaches on National Day were very cool!! If only my eyesight hasn't deteriorated that much, i MIGHT have a small little chance to at least fly a small aeroplane. What's done cannot be undone though, unless i go for a Lasik operation, which i'm most reluctant to. LEAST, i still have the chance to drive a boat since eyesight isn't an important criteria here. You know...those motor boats... All i need is time to try them out. One fine day, i asked my pa, "can i obtain a licence for riding motorcycles?" He said, "You can, but don't try to ride one on singapore roads. It's extremely dangerous and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages." This i agree. Considering the number of road bullies, i can't help but sigh.
Until now, i'm still mesmerized by the sight of F-16s and Chinooks. If only i went on the F16 during the Airbase openhouse...Regret ah regret...
Other than the flying machines, nothing else really attracted me in the whole National Day Parade. The mood was not there because i watched it at home. next year, i shall fight for the tickets!!
bun: if you see this, i wanna tell sucks!!! LOL!!!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Took 156 home alone =( everyone stayed back in school to mug and this is scary!!! mugger mode hur... Met one of the Wahs at the bus stop and i didn't know who he was, so i simply didn't bother to greet? what a mean senior eh... but i seriously had no idea which one he was. It was until he got off the bus then i knew that he was wahtoon. =.=
twins are so difficult to differentiate. Qing Shan too... For the first year, i had a terrible time differentiating the two of them. Getting their names right had a probability of 0.5. I still remember the first time we met, when two half-crazy stnicks girls ran over to me while i was waiting outside a classroom at MOELC, only to know that we'll be classmates and we'll be in the same CCA. Never did we know at the moment of time, that our relationship can progress so much. After one year, i managed to differentiate the two of them, by character, by face and by voice. I'll know who's speaking over the phone whenever either one called. Orhhh... i miss them...
Another pair i know was in the same pri 6 class as me. I sat with one. They look different the first moment i see them and i could easily differentiate the two of them. They fight in class perpetually. I'm not sure about now, but i guess they still fight. At least, i won't see them fighting in school cos they are finally in different JCs. One's in s7C and the other's in RJC.
I met quite a few ex-pri classmates at the bus stop and on the bus. I met Fongyi at the bus stop but apparently, he don't recognise me already. Then i met dwayne on the bus but obviously, he doesn't recognise me either. did i really change so much or did we just fail to acknowledge each other despite knowing the existence of each other? It's quite sad, having lost contact with most of my pri sch classmates. As for secondary school, since i was never close to the rest other than a few for my entire 4 years, it's not surprising that i no longer keep in contact with them. Perhaps occasional chats and so on.
I find it quite pathetic, that i'm no longer that spontaneous (i'm not a radioactive substance). Seeing people i know, i fail to acknowledge or even "recognise" them, so to say. Despite seeing that "friend" everyday in school, it's like... the feel is like... or rather, the thought in my mind was... "i know you. i wanna sae hello to you. but should i say? do you still remember me? if you don't, i'll feel extremely disappointed. if you do, i'll be very happy. So, do you still remember me?" Perhaps i'm just pathetic... i must learn to initiate more i think. At least, i can salvage a few disappearing friendships? hopefully.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hmmz...I finally have the chance to blog. On friday, i arrived home at around 12. I had the sudden urge to blog about something, but my brother, as usual, was hogging the computer. I had no choice but to not fight with him for the computer. I was feeling rather lethargic too after one week of activities and a day filled with fun. And on saturday, after my grandma's birthday, we arrived home at around 11.30pm. I REACHED the com first, but he opened his mouth first. "hey, i wanna use the com." Ahhhh, my turn to use the com is gone. If i don't do anything for an hour while waiting for the com, i'll probably fall asleep, so i might as well, "study art" and sleep.
So, what a nice morning, and i'm here blogging at peace. No fighting, no urge to sleep, perfect condition to blog.
school time is boring, i have nothing to blog about it. After school, i stayed at the class bench to do some work. No one was there to accompany me, except a few juniors whom i didn't really talk to them. So I just listened to music... Felicia came to find me later and we ended up chatting at my class bench. No juniors or seniors were present at the class bench. So i called Libo to join us at my class bench after he was left alone by his friend. After which, Ahpek joined us while he was looking for royston. We waved like madmen trying to catch Ahpek's attention. Ahpek is simply so dao!! can't stand him... all of us just sat around and chat. Royston came, followed by zhixuan and ningfei. CO-peeps-filled bench hur~~~
We tooked 1hr plus to reach SAFRA (tampines). I've passed by it like countless times but have never walked into it before. Not bad lar... I prefer the Mount Faber's one.
PARTY Time! I met all my juniors and whoa...i miss them! despite seeing them in school almost everyday, but there wasn't a chance when we could gather together and lame together. The activities were rather =.= We used those games to sabotage
I miss my darling Sut Yee! the junior i miss most (not being biased, but she's from stnicks) Hung around with her for most of the day and took quite a few pics. I took quite a lot of pics lar... with my brothers and sisters... hmmz... i have a lot...
How to sae lehz, there's plenty of ups and downs in my CO life. I faced depression and happiness in that 1.5years and i saw a batch leaving, and another batch coming in. I like the senior batch, but i like the junior batch too. I had my share of fun with both batches but i guess, i had more "lame times" with the senior batch. Perhaps it's cos we have more activities together. Last year we had more concerts as compared to this year. What name-exchanging games and MRT and sleepover... i really miss them... As for this year, i probably had fun torturing my juniors ( as usual... i'm a big-junior bully) I also met a few nice batchmates. Although i didn't manage to interact deep enough with some of them, but at least, we've made our existence known to each other and progressed to hi-bye friends. As for the rest, i'm really glad i've made a few more mutual friends. Of course, we gossip about CO's bgr =D I've regretted before regarding joining Hcco. but i still persisted, and it ended happily. Quote from zhengyou, "why is everyone so happy during farewell?" Erm, i would rather see smiles rather than sad faces and tears. Smiles indicate that everyone's happy, not that CO-life has ended, but cos all of us enjoyed our day and enjoyed our time in CO. As we reflect upon those days, we feel happy rather than sad. Happiness dominates over sadness. Sadness indicates regrets. Of course, we don't feel happy parting with our dear juniors.
Went to the seminar. The speaker from UK is soooo lame!! "tilt your head to the side, smile, and tilt back! you'll look as if you are exhilarated!" oh manz!!! =D=D Although the speaker didn't really provide us with any details regarding UK uni application stuff, but i guess, his talk really kept me awake. The food at the reception was extremely good =D there's tempura, yakitori, xiaolongbao, coffee cakes, and tuna sandwiches! My lunch was really good...
After the break, we went back for the talk by jeffrey goh. OH. HE'S A SUPERB SPEAKER I TELL YOU. although i didn't really catch most of his tips for choosing a scholarship, his stories are EXTREMELY GOOD! inspiring? i guess so...
The cow and pig are two animals living in a farm. However, humans favour the cow more than the pig. One day, the pig ask the cow, "Mr Cow, why do humans like you more?"
The cow answered, " cos i provide cheese and milk?"
the pig replied, " but i provide ham and bacon and luncheon meat too! So why do humans like you more?"
The cow thought for a while....and he finally arrived at an answer!! "I know!! it's cos i provide while i'm still alive and you provide while you are dead!!"
Moral of the story: Give while you are still alive.
That's the story from Mr jeffrey. He gave more stories, personal or fables. The way he speaks, is simply entertaining. He filled the hall with laughters, non-stop i guess. I was never bored for the whole 1.75 hours. In fact, i was sort of looking forward to more humours from him. He's a good speaker definitely, but i don't really know how much i was inspired that day with regards to scholarship stuffs. But daily stuffs, i'm certainly inspired! I'm glad i stayed for the talk.
After which, i went shopping with jaey and mx. quote: "OMG!! minnie is actually willing to shop with us!!" >.< And anyway, whenever i go shopping with jaey, i'll always end up buying some feminine stuff. Siann... nex time cannot go out with her... It'll spoil my image.
Then i rushed over to my grandma's bdae dinner at east coast. Jumbo was crowded and apparently, the manager gave our tables away to other people because they didn't want to wait for us (cos we were late, with 2 cars stuck in a traffic jam) My father, despite taking a much longer route to fetch me after fetching my grandma, arrived much earlier. The manager allocated 3 separated tables for us. It's a family dinner!! and you expect us to sit at 3 tables away from each other. How nice... Initially, my mum relented and gave in to the allocation, but i simply wasn't too happy about this. so i whispered to her and she shouted my wish out like, "YOU WANT THE TABLES TO BE TOGETHER HAR?" and the manager reallocated our tables. OH freak. no wonder i dun tell my mum secrets, cos she blurts everything out. i was extremely embarrassed and pissed, so i went to find my father who was waiting for the rest at the carpark. It's like, something private, and she had to tell the whole world about it. didn't she know why i kept my voice low and whispered to her ear? Oh freak... And it's not the first time. I really can't stand it. I think my gossip nature came from her, but at least i know when to keep things secret and when not to most of the time without embarrassing anyone. Siann!
The dinner ended very smoothly after that. And for the first time in my life, i don't feel "off" sitting with my cousins because of the clothes we wear... but my aunts were still quite amazed when they saw me wearing a skirt....>.<
This feeling, hidden within me, appeared once again after it hid itself. You've given me hope, yet denied me of hope. I've decided to forget, but i couldn't because i wasn't given the chance to do so. I hope to do so after today, but can I? Can you simply deny me of all hopes such that i can give up at ease? I hope so...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Oh yes!! i was surfing the web when i came across "dear boys". ARghhhz...i'm so disappointed. the anime is horrible in terms of art, or rather, i'm too used to the manga style hence i wasn't too used to the anime art style. Aikawa looked totally different. He lost the seriousness and kawaii-ness that exist only in the manga. the anime is extremely expensive too. It is totally not appealing. I prefer the manga... content is comprehensive, the guys are much more good-looking, and the art is more refined and sophisticated. In terms of body proportions, although there exist some problems with regards to the female body, but it's considered acceptable since it's a manga. I watched dear boys grow from act 1 to act 2 and the guys grow from kids to mature guys. AHhhhhz =D
It's sad that the internet lacks dearboys pics and wallpapers. Perhaps the content isn't as appealing when compared to slam dunk, or simply slam dunk came as a bang. the storyline is quite nice though. It's not purely about skills or techniques, just a simple story of an ambitious guy, which incorporates romance. lol... Dearboys... plenty of competitions and each competition is sooo detailed, i'll probably take until age 21 to finish collecting the entire series. but anyway, the ending to each competition (yet to be published) is predictable =.= causing the story to lose some kick in it. i'm waiting for the finals of the whole basketball competition!!! i wanna noe which team wins... aikawa against masato!!! two of my favourite characters...w00tS!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
We spent quite some time lagging there before taking a photo. The photo is chao nice!! 5 girls and a guy (do u consider ty a guy?) Lol... fortunately we could take a nice photo and print it out on the spot. lalala~
After that, went back to sch for maths ppr =(
What a siann day... Thanks to the bio test, everyone's lyke reading or studying the bio notes these few days. Wah stressed seems as if i'm lagging by a lot and yet it seems that my pace is still moderate and not too slow. Considering thursday's long dae... omg... i'm thinkin whether i have the energy to sustain throughout the entire dae, including the hours of revision after chem S ppr...
Lol sheeesh...i think i'm at expert at editing blog templates.... have been doing quite a few template and i alter practically the same things each time. It's quite easily once i'm used to it but i know only the few basic commands or html stuffs. If i have the time, i shall find a nicer blog template. the current template is from sister princess...(if u noe wad anime that is....)
And for maths S lecture todae... chao funnie!!! The lecturer told us that someone complained that she went too slow. Hence she decided to go much faster this time. WHOA!! and she really went at rocket speed!! in like, less than 20mins or so, she finished going through the tutorial questions... After which, we had our usual exercise question. She said, " i shall give you some time to do..." i started reading the question and tryin to comprehend it. When i started plotting out the points (it was a vectors question), she flashed the answer alreadi... lol... of course, i didn't do the question and copied the solution instead. the "some time" is lyke...5mins not enough for me!! i need lyke 10mins or so to understand and think through a question and 20mins or so to work it out. As for the subsequent parts, the answers all came out before i could finish reading... =.= She's uber fast this time!! too fast... and we were dismissed at 6.30pm. LOL!! cool~~~ She's veri funnie too... =D
wad am i thinking about? what do you call this type of feeling... it's explainable, but i dun wish to understand it. The feeling of yearning for something, yet knowing i'll be unable to obtain it. The feeling of it being owned by someone, yet discarded by the person. Sadded? i'm not sure. I just don't wish to sink into this feeling any further...